When Will The Flabby Arms Go Away? [Pic]



  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    They never go away the damn things! Im scared i might fly away with my wings..lol.
  • mquarry
    mquarry Posts: 21
    The thing that I linked to doesn't require you to do the bendy stuff.

    And remember, there is no such thing as targeting when removing fat.
  • wendsong
    wendsong Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks 4 asking this, I have the same issue! Now I have some answers:happy:
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am working on lifting now as part of my program. I have many friends doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women - which I want to try. I am currently doing Les Milles Body Pump at my gym and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! I can already see some change in my arms!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Monitor your fat loss as well as your weight loss. To eliminate that, you will need to lose fat, not just weight.

    Fight the urge to give in to random "spot reduce" techniques. Do arm exercises if you want, but keep in mind that as far as fat goes, doing squats is probably much more efficient than whatever you feel the need to do to "tighten" your arms :p

    And you have the right attitude towards your weight loss I think, slow and steady, but that will also apply to this part of your body. Each day, each decision is a step in the right direction though, so don't give up, stay focused on your goal and you'll do great :)
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    bumping for info..thanks
  • prismperfect
    prismperfect Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all the tips guys!

    I guess really what I'm asking is, as I continue to lose weight, will they shrink naturally, along with the excess skin, (if I end up having any since I'm losing weight slowly).

    Just curious on how much will just be a result of the weight loss itself, or if it will need coaxing with toning exercises to happen, or if there's nothing I can do since I stretched it out too much with the weight it'll never go back to normal, and I'll require some type of surgery to go back to normal. :P (of course I'd never do that)

    I just don't want to go nuts on my arms trying to reduce their size, most say you can't target fat, and end up bulking them up with muscles, I do want to keep them looking ladylike :P
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Fat can be at a lot of places :) This type of fat is subcutaneous, and like any other fat (around organs for example), it will go away, as determined by your genes, as your body fat lowers. I mean, even in the worst case, it will eventually need to get it off from there :p

    Weight lifting is fantastic for the body, but please don't give in to the fantasy that you can control where you will lose the fat... It's really bad because it doesn't work, and efforts leading to nothing is frustrating, nothing positive.

    Good luck :)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Thanks for all the tips guys!

    I guess really what I'm asking is, as I continue to lose weight, will they shrink naturally, along with the excess skin, (if I end up having any since I'm losing weight slowly). Just curious on how much will just be a result of the weight loss itself, or if it will need coaxing with toning exercises to happen.

    I just don't want to go nuts on my arms trying to reduce their size, and end up bulking them up with muscles, want to keep them looking ladylike :P

    You will not bulk up your arms. I promise you. It may be hard to tell in those pics, but my arms are a lot smaller AND stronger than they were when I was heavy. People only see definition when I flex them on purpose.

    Fat makes your arms look bulky. Muscle makes them look lean.

    I do strength training at home. Pushups, ab-work like planks (incorporates the arms), and dumbbells. I can do over 100 pushups with my small arms. I could barely do 1 set of 10 when I had "big" arms. :wink:

    If you're losing weight slowly, skin sagging shouldn't be a problem, though that is also influenced by how much weight you have to lose.
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    I started to do Jillian Micheals Body Revolution which has lots of movements of planks, moutain climbers, some weights, push-ups, etc. About 30 days into the program I noticed a shoulder cap muscle (idk what it is called), 60 days in I had a bicep!!! Just started the last 30 days who knows how it will look at the end.

    I tried searching for 'Body Revolution' on Amazon.com and couldn't find something called that except for a set of 15 DVDs that are "currently unavailable". Does it have a different title or subtitle? Thanks!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I started to do Jillian Micheals Body Revolution which has lots of movements of planks, moutain climbers, some weights, push-ups, etc. About 30 days into the program I noticed a shoulder cap muscle (idk what it is called), 60 days in I had a bicep!!! Just started the last 30 days who knows how it will look at the end.

    I tried searching for 'Body Revolution' on Amazon.com and couldn't find something called that except for a set of 15 DVDs that are "currently unavailable". Does it have a different title or subtitle? Thanks!

    That's the DVD set in fact. It's kinda meant as a Jillian's version of some all-around products like P90X or Insanity I guess.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    I've started doing a small bit of strength training as I have terrible flabby arms :( hopefully they'll shrink but even when im at a healthy weight I've always had flabby arms :(
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Thanks guys, can anybody recommend a specific exercise to target that area? Thinking of getting the exercise bands...but not sure what movements to do with it. I need a trainer, lol.
    I have to be careful as I have chondromalacia of the knee so I can't really do any thing that puts pressure on my knees, pushups, squats or any dips where my knee goes near a 90 degree angle...blinding pain, it sucks!

    You cannot target one area for fat loss, genetically for women thighs/bum and under arms will be the last places fat will hold on to.

    As you have some injury history i won't advise you on a workout routine...see a decent personal trainer.