3 favorite movies from when you were young and why

Medea81 Posts: 69
I don't watch much TV, but love movies, typically from the 80's and early 90's. (my misspent youth, lol)

So here are mine, in order of favoriteness:

1. Labyrinth... I love Jim Henson... and David Bowie. Also love the fantasy of the movie, and I can say I had a childhood crush on Jareth.
2. Dark Crystal... again, I love Jim Henson... this movie is just epic in my eyes.
3. The Last Unicorn... I remember my grandmother taping it for me, I still have and cherish the tape, but also own the DVD. I remember crying while watching it, it pulls at the heart strings.
All 3 of these movies scared the bejebus out of me the first time or two of watching, but now I can quote each one pretty much in their entirety.

Honorable mention goes to most of the Brat Pack movies from the 80's.
Now your turn....
So, 1....2...3... go!


  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Loved Labyrinth as well... Bowie, Henson... awesome... but my real draw was Jennifer Connelly... loved her then... love her now.

    Any Bruce Lee flick... Enter the Dragon still makes my top three of all time list...

    Gotta say Brat Pack flicks as well... Anything with John Cusack... Molly Ringwald... Anthony Michael Hall... et al... the teen-angsty flicks always spoke to me... still do, even though I left my teens back there in the 80's!
  • Medea81
    Medea81 Posts: 69
    good taste in movies
    my ex made me sit through my first Bruce Lee movie, about 20 minutes in, I would have to take out the "made me" portion, they are good.

    (and a side note... I used to play league billiards at a place called Crazy 8's)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    my favorite movies are
    1. Second Hand Lions.......Just a really good movie
    2. Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke ......because it makes me laugh my *kitten* off
    3. Rocky Horror Picture Show.....I loved it back in the day now I think why did I love it and how could I sit through it so many times....hahahaha
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    1. Milo and Otis - I loved any movie about animals, but this one was by far my favorite, probably because there were no people in it lol. I must have seen it about fifty times now and it's still one of my favorites.

    2. Return of the Jedi - I've always been a Star Wars fan and love all six movies, but Return of the Jedi was my favorite back in the day mainly because of the Ewoks. They're just so cute! Haha

    3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - First movie I ever saw in the theatre. I loved anything Ninja Turtles-related so when I found out there was a movie I just had to see it. I went out as Raphael for Hallowe'en that year lol
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Back when I was a kid we had to wait a year for our favorite movies to come on TV. No VHS or DVD, heck there wasn't even BetaMax until I was in Jr High, I think.

    My all time favorite back then was The Wizard of Oz. I got goose bumps when it changed from black and white to living color. I always cried when the Wicked Witch had Dorothy locked up and the hour glass was ticking away. My older siblings made fun of me relentlessly.

    2nd favorite would have been The Ten Commandments. Again, I had to wait until Easter time (Passover, really I guess) to see it. Charlton Heston was such a cool Moses and the parting of the Red Sea was spectacular.

    3rd? Hard to say, probably Star Wars, ya know, before it was Episode 4. Luke was so cool. I didn't realize until a few years ago how whiny he really is and how hot Han Solo is!!
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    As a young kid, the old B&W Tarzan movies - BBC would run them while kids were on their Christmas Holidays. The Wizard of OZ and the Sound of Music always shown at Christmas by RTE & BBC.
    As a teenager - Any of the Starwars movies, Blade Runner and any Monthy Python movie.
  • obaker
    obaker Posts: 76 Member
    1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - first and only legal VHS I ever owned, bought for me by my grandad for my birthday when I was very little. Absolutely love old Disney cartoons. So beautiful.

    2. The Sword in the Stone - Disney again. Makes me laugh and cry.

    3. It's a Wonderful Life - my dad used to force my sister and I to watch this at Christmas every year. I think I didn't appreciate it back then because it's black & white, plus the main character is a grown up. But recently, when it's on tv I find myself turning it on and watching the whole thing. I always get teary right at the end when they pass the hat around and it fills with money. I love the sentiment and I think it's how we should all live our lives. I'm too stubborn to tell Dad, but I'm glad he made me watch it.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Never Ending Story
    Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure