I was maintainting now im gaining weight, help!

In march of this year i reached my goalweight of 58kg after a year on MFP. The weight came off slowly, but with more exercise and eating back exercise calories it did all come off. I started at 66kg and was very happy with the way i looked and felt after i reached 58kg.

Slowly i added extra calories onto my 1200 calorie allowance to have my body (but i guess it was mainly my mind) get used to eating more. I calculated via various website what my BMR and TDEE are and i slowly upped my calories towards that number. I ended up at 1600 calories. I was maintaining very well at 1500, but felt that according to the numbers i should be eating more. Im now at 1600 calories for about 3 weeks and i have been gaining every time i weighed in. Now im at 59.6kg and feeling very unhappy. I use a handheld bodyfat % measuring device at the gym most of the times i am there, and those numbers say that it isnt muscle that im gaining, its fat.

Its so frustrating. 2 Weeks ago i decided to treat myself to a bodymedia fit, ive been using that for a week. It says im burning around 2050 calories a day (average over last week) and im on an average deficit of 300 calories a day. All those numbers point towards the fact that i should still loose some weight, or at least maintain.

Im 28 years old, 1m60 (5.3feet) and currently weigh 59.6kg (131.3lb)

Anyone got any clue as to whats happening to my body? My food and exercise diaries are open to public


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm bumping because I am also having this issue and want answers!
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    I was maintaining very well at 1500

    That could very well be your answer .......
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Yes, however if my body media fit tells me i burn over 2000 a day, doesnt that mean im not eating enough if i eat 1500?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bodymedia fit cannot calculate your metabolism. If you're burning slower than an average for your age, height, and weight, it wouldn't be %100 accurate, would it?
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Were the websites written for you?

    If it works for you at 1500, and you are gaining at 1600 then do what's right, not what you are told is right.

    My Aunt eats like a bird, always has done, she must do maybe 1000 a day. And has done for years and years. SHe's quite short, very active and slim. But she eats what's right for her. There are a ton of people on here that will say its impossible for her to have stayed the same weight etc etc but she has.

    If you were stable at 1500 and gaining at 1600 then surely thats the answer.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I'm not as fit as you, but weigh similar I guess...112lb (I don't do kg). I cannot seem to drop to the 110lb I was 4 months ago. I upped to 1300 to try to maintain but am increasing week on week. I find myself getting depressed and then I want to eat more. Hope someone has some advice, as I feel all my hard work slipping away and will have to drop back to keeping under1200.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Trust yourself!!!! I know it is hard - many of us gain weight in the first place because the food gives us a feeling of satisfaction & bliss... We turn to food because we can't find the affection and support we crave WITHIN and FROM ourselves, so we look outside ourselves to food to feel good about ourselves. The trick is to FORGET about "experts." We are the best experts about ourselves, the ultimate authorities. Your body is telling you 1,500 calories.... Trust it! :heart:
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    I know it seems counter-intuitive. You would like to think that with all the science and gadgets we have these days that it should make this job of loosing weight and maintaining weight so much easier. BUT as you can see it's not fool proof. I agree with what the others have said, if you were able to maintain at 1500 and not at 1600 then .... go back to 1500. There must be something that all the gadgets are missing. If you are eating a healthy 1500 cals, exercising 3-5x a weeks, drinking lots of water, then go with it! :) Blessings! Ps - your split photos of before/after look great! :)