Eat whatever you want

SO i truly think my new routine is going to be eat whatever i usually eat but just make sure its within my calorie range. The reason why im sticking to this is because for the pass 2 weeks my weight has been stuck in the 166lb range and i weighed myself today and im a flat 165lbs, thats a 1 lb lost.

The pass 4 days i been eating what i usually use to eat such as burgers, fries, cookies.. etc. and also exercising.

Before, i was eating healthy and logging it into mfp and i noticed i was slightly under my calorie range but i was full thus leaving me stuck at 166lbs.

So im going to follow this routine and see where it takes me.

Anyone else had this happen to them. ?/


  • kodakdigitalcamera
    1 pound is nothing most likely water.
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    Im just going to eat 2400 kcals of butter every day!!!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    i have lost and regained the weight more times than i can count.. what always gets me in the end is missing my old food. it starts with a cheat day, which led to 2 cheat days so on and so forth. THIS time around i decided to play by my rules. I eat everything i used to eat but healthier versions with no extra made for seconds or leftovers and stick to my alloted calories. So far i have lost 16 lbs in just under 3 weeks. i don't feel deprived and i am H A P P Y. I say follow your instincts.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    LOL @ Kodiak. Kinda rude. I wonder if Kodiak ignores their losses because it's "nothing"?

    I find I lose easier when I eat clean. I've been having a mental health break from my "diet" ...meaning I've been fitting junkier food into my calories. I haven't lost...but that's just my body.

    The science is - calories in = calories out. It's not exact tho. Might be that you are having a positive mental effect from not trying to eat clean, and I think that a person's body is ruled by the brain. Enjoy your break. :)
  • ichellebereel
    ichellebereel Posts: 55 Member
    That's the one thing I hate about diets, restrictions. I eat whatever I want but in moderation and keep it within my calories range, I"ve been adjusting gradually, replacing honey rather than sugar in my coffee. I am taking baby steps to adjusted to a more healthier lifestyle. I do not restrict myself to anything because I don't want to go on a binge.
  • Jenvan78
    Jenvan78 Posts: 50 Member
    Not all calories are equal and that will most likely back fire on you. Not that you shouldn't indulge in your favorites but if you eat healthy food, the weight will come off better and faster more than likely. I find that giving up processed food is the best way.:smile::smile:
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I disagree with this theory...What's the point of trying to become healthy through exercise if you're going to counteract it by eating a whole bunch of JUNK? Why not try eating CLEANER to lose weight--that might be your issue?? Why not get full off of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean meats? Maybe it's your portion sizes that might be throwing you off. It's okay to cheat every now and then--we ARE human...but every day? Yes, you may be exercising, but you're not decreasing your chances of health risks by eating crap every day.
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    That's the one thing I hate about diets, restrictions. I eat whatever I want but in moderation and keep it within my calories range, I"ve been adjusting gradually, replacing honey rather than sugar in my coffee. I am taking baby steps to adjusted to a more healthier lifestyle. I do not restrict myself to anything because I don't want to go on a binge.

    ^^^THIS!!! Why not get off a "diet" and eat towards a lifestyle change? There are no restrictions if you change your lifestyle overall-you just have to learn to manage your portions and eat the right KIND of foods.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Its not just calories in calories out that is a factor....its how you you really feel good eating fries and burgers and cookies everyday??
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I eat whatever I want, but portion controlled and I make sure I am getting LOTS of fruits and veggies. I've maintained a 40 pound weight loss with WW and now a 12.5 weight loss with MFP doing it that way.

    Also, to the person who said it was a pound -- um, that's pretty much what you're supposed to be losing in a week. Troll.
  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member
    Weight loss tapering off happens to all of us!
    I would continue to eat healthy, and not garbage food. good food fuels your body to help make it long and lean. Fast food does nothing good for you.
    If your exercising, remember that your building muscle and burning fat. your weight loss may be tapering off, because of muscle gain during fast loss, or water retention. I promise you will see a difference with a tape measure in the long run, and your body will thank you for it.
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    What I have noticed in my body is that there seems to be a delayed reaction. So whatever I did about 2 weeks ago is what is showing up now. Weird I know, but it just really seems to be true.

    I eat what I want as long as I can fit it into my calories. I do try to make healthy choices but I don't deny myself what I truly want. Exercise really helps me not to crave large amounts of food. I just get full faster.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I think it would be a lot better for your body if you did a little 80/20... 80% clean, 20% whatever. You CAN eat "whatever you want".. just not all day, every day... especially when what you want is crappo.
  • ichellebereel
    ichellebereel Posts: 55 Member
    That's the one thing I hate about diets, restrictions. I eat whatever I want but in moderation and keep it within my calories range, I"ve been adjusting gradually, replacing honey rather than sugar in my coffee. I am taking baby steps to adjusted to a more healthier lifestyle. I do not restrict myself to anything because I don't want to go on a binge.

    ^^^THIS!!! Why not get off a "diet" and eat towards a lifestyle change? There are no restrictions if you change your lifestyle overall-you just have to learn to manage your portions and eat the right KIND of foods.

    Trust me, I stopped dieting a long time ago, that's why I said I'm making adjustment to a healthier lifestyle and I think I'm doing a good job, losing 12 pounds in 6 weeks, eating anything I want.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    SO i truly think my new routine is going to be eat whatever i usually eat but just make sure its within my calorie range. The reason why im sticking to this is because for the pass 2 weeks my weight has been stuck in the 166lb range and i weighed myself today and im a flat 165lbs, thats a 1 lb lost.

    The pass 4 days i been eating what i usually use to eat such as burgers, fries, cookies.. etc. and also exercising.

    Before, i was eating healthy and logging it into mfp and i noticed i was slightly under my calorie range but i was full thus leaving me stuck at 166lbs.

    So im going to follow this routine and see where it takes me.

    Anyone else had this happen to them. ?/

    I've lost 22 pounds eating the same foods that I've always eaten but in smarter portions. I have made some changes because they had to be made like eliminating soda from my diet, buying low fat or reduced fat items when they are available and eating less fast food. I still have an occasional cookie but they are so monstrously unhealthy that they normally destroy my calorie goals for the day. The most important thing in my mind is developing a routine that you will stick with when you've reached your goal. All the fad diets are just an effective way to yoyo on your weight which I've read is actually worse than being overweight. Burgers and fries all the time is probably a tricky game to play in weight loss and you'll probably find it has some setbacks, but if you can keep on track....who cares?

    For the people that have totally converted their diet to a "healthy" diet.....bravo. For anyone else, just find what works for you and stick to it. You aren't going to live forever anyway, why not enjoy the ride along the way?
  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member
    Also, to the person who said it was a pound -- um, that's pretty much what you're supposed to be losing in a week. Troll.

    I was thinking the same thing. That person was so discouraging :frown: . Every pound loss is worth celebrating.:flowerforyou:
  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member
    Also, to the person who said it was a pound -- um, that's pretty much what you're supposed to be losing in a week. Troll.

    I was thinking the same thing. That person was so discouraging :frown: . Every pound loss is worth celebrating.:flowerforyou:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    That's how I eat, and over time it's become more clean.
    I refuse to make myself miserable eating tofu and seaweed dipping in celery juice.
    Life is to be lived!:drinker:
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    After taking a look at your (very empty) diary, I'd suggest making sure you're consistent with logging your calories, no matter how shameful. That will give you the best view of your consumption and why you're not losing. Eating Burger King and logging it for two meals but skipping breakfast and no snacks is no good or fun way to lose. :heart:

    Cleaner eating is the way to go - and after a few days, it feels so good to come up with delicious meals within a healthy carb and calorie range. :flowerforyou: I am by NO means a cook and I've enjoyed the last week trying to come up with easy ways to get around my In N' Out cravings.
  • along21291
    along21291 Posts: 45 Member
    It was really freeing to me when I found out I could eat what I wanted, and eat more calories (thanks helloitsdan), and still lose weight at a healthy pace. I still eat ice cream, toaster streudels, wendy's etc but I've found that more and more I'm finding healthy options that I like that fit well into my calorie goal (which is now 2100 calories instead of 1500). I don't feel deprived and I don't feel like I need to binge (which has always been the problem for me. Do what works for you and congrats on the 1 pound loss!