Do you workout everyday?

Hey everyone! I love working out or just having some kind of burn everyday. I'm currently do the P90X challenge and on day 7, which is REST or Stretch. I hate I was thinking of doing some Zumba or jogging. I won't do anything massive like working any particular upper or lower part with strength training or anything of course. I just like the time to unwind and do something more active than just stretch or rest. LOL!

How often do you all workout? I'm also kind of thinking I'm not going to have any weight loss for this week...which is kind of sad, cause last week I had two pounds. :(


  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    Its good to have a rest day now and again to relax and let your body heal. If you are anxious and cant, do something light so that way it doesnt put a lot of strain on your body. Having your body at 100% is the best way to be able to function and workout correctly. My workout is usually 2 on and 1 off.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Recovery and rest is almost more important than the actual working out.
    Especially on a deficit.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Saturday and Sunday are rest days for me. You need down time for recovery.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I am a nurse in the OR. I work 3 12 hour shifts. I do not excercise on those days simply because of time. I do wear a fitbit at work and on the days that I am a circulating nurse, or giving breaks and lunches I get at least 18,000 steps (which is plenty of calorie burn), days that I scrub...not so much.
  • rekus73
    rekus73 Posts: 37 Member
    I usually take nice...long relaxing walks on my days off...then I can put energy in my workout the next day...but you do need to learn to relax...otherwise you will burn-out eventually... :)
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    I workout every day. Usually a 30 minute workout in the am and 45 minutes to an hour in the afternoon. Sometimes I let the afternoon session slide, but not often. Unless you are doing heavy lifting or long runs, I think it's good to do something every day.
  • Kitzey
    Kitzey Posts: 214 Member
    I work out everyday my body says "YES let's do it!! I do not let my mind say "NO" as that is what got me to this place to begin with and I don't want to be here if I can help it. The days I tend not to exercise are the days after I have pushed my body into submission and it is really saying "WHOA girl! I need a day off".
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Usually, on rest days, I try to do something active. It could just be gardening or cleaning out the garage or something. But, I always do something everyday. When I don't, I feel disappointed in myself and like a wasted my day.
  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    If you have a correct split, 1 or 2 days rest is all you need per week
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    I listen to my body and take rest days as I need them...but I typically still go for a nice long walk and do some Yoga.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I work out Monday Throught Saturday and Rest On Sunday!!
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I workout every day but I try to organize it so whatever I worked the day before gets a rest. I have a 2-day schedule and just alternate. If my body asks for a bit more I'll skip the AM portion.

    The 2 days look like this

    Day 1 AM: Pilates or yoga 20-30 min
    Day 1 PM: 4-5km run (just started, working up to a half marathon next summer so workout schedule will adapt to allow for more intense run/recovery)

    Day 2 AM: BodyRock HIIT or Nike Training Club cardio circuit 15-30 min
    Day 2 PM: Lifting' heavy 30-45 min

    Once a week I do 60-75 min strength instead of 30-45', that's all I do that day and it's also my weekly boosted calorie day. Sat or Sun.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Usually, on rest days, I try to do something active. It could just be gardening or cleaning out the garage or something. But, I always do something everyday. When I don't, I feel disappointed in myself and like a wasted my day.

    This is what I try to do, too. I'm working with a trainer and he doesn't want me in the gym more than 4x a week - wants me to build this into a sustainable lifestyle. But on those days I'm not "working out" I try to find some type of activity to get me off the couch.
  • fitwin321
    fitwin321 Posts: 1
    I think if you can workout about 4-5 times a week for about 1-2 hours each time...that is plenty...if you overdo it you will burnout and be susceptible to injuries like tendinitis or muscle aches which can hamper future progress. Take it easy on off days and relax your body and mind so that you will be ready to go on the days that you workout. Have a great day,
  • joeyplatypus92
    6 days a week
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    I work out everyday. I am doing a 100 sit ups a day challenge and will always get at least those in. I like to go to spin class five-6 times a week and then I will walk on day seven. Depending on how intense the spin instructor is, I will let my body do the best it can on some days. When I travel, I go to the hotel gym and do the treadmill on an incline or ride the machines. I lift weights three times a week. I stretch EVERYDAY.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    One thing I want to add is this:

    Once in a while, I get completely exhausted. I can literally sleep all weekend, and I am just absolutely spent. When I get like that, sometimes, I'll take a whole week off and just recover. I don't worry about it. If you workout and are active, taking a week off isn't going to do anything, really. And, when you get back to it, you'll find that you feel much stronger and ready for the next cycle. So, that happens to me a couple times a year.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    I do something active everyday. So my rest days, I my go for a walk or something.
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    I probably don't do what many of you younger people consider a "workout". I walk 2 to 3 miles each day (at a brisk pace) and put in about 30 minutes on a stationary bike and I rarely take a day off. I burn between 400 - 600 calories daily and am losing weight at 1.5 - 2 pounds a week and as this seems to be working for me I see no reason to do more intense workouts.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Well, circumstances kept me from the gym this past week, so it was home workouts. I walk/jogged five days this week and did the Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD Monday through Friday. I walk/jogged this morning, and I won't do anything else. Tomorrow, I'm taking a walk in the morning-no running, and no other exercise. That is the "rest" I'll take.

    When I go to the gym, I do cardio 4-5 days a week, strength train on a couple of those days, and then take Sunday off (or just walk), Saturdays I love my walk/jog in the morning.

    Sometimes I take a full day of rest. I listen to my body. If I'm tired, I rest. If I am feeling like moving, I do. :)