Evening food binges

I have a problem with after dinner/before bedtime food binges of bad food choices, and I don't know how to stop. I generally stop drinking water at this time, which I think is the cause of it. Can anyone help me?


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I would also like any help! I can avoid this but its difficult!
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I have the same problem. I try to snack of high fiber, filling things like sugar snap peas & grilled asparagus. I like casein protein shakes too; slow digesting & keep me full until morning.
  • angelxxoh
    angelxxoh Posts: 81
    I read the headline and I was going to say - drink two bottles of water and you'll be too full to crave anything - BUT then i saw that you stop drinking water.... eh- maybe go to bed? snack on celery or something that burns calories while you eat it. My fave snack at night is frozen yogurt but I always measure it and make hubby fuss at me if i eat more than that. lol.
  • dzvinka82
    dzvinka82 Posts: 33
    I am the same way. I usually plan my meals and snacks in advance for the day. I know I am going to want a snack sometime after dinner, so I purposely eat a little less during the day, and save myself about 200 calories for an evening snack. I know that even if I ate well all day, I am going to want that snack anyway...so why make myself suffer...I just plan ahead and make room for those calories. Also, while the weather is nice, I take long evening walks or go to the gym to distract myself from any further eating.
  • I struggle with this too! :( I find the nights I don't binge are when I occupy myself with other things - go on a walk, skype with friends, read, maybe even work out. And don't stop drinking the water!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Replace that habit with different one - go for a walk at that time of day.
  • Jenvan78
    Jenvan78 Posts: 50 Member
    Do you eat a decent breakfast. I find that if I eat breakfast...a good one with a lot of protein, I don't eat as much at night. If you eat plenty during the day and not let yourself get too hungry, it won't happen.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I tend to snack at night as well. I either keep enough extra calories open so that I can, or I just go over on my calories. lol

    I keep mini semi sweet chocolate chips around to nibble on (it's best if you get some of the tiny little air tight containers and put 1 TBSP of the chips in each one so you only have one 70 calorie serving).

    I also keep 100 calorie bags of popcorn around.

    Veggie chips/straws (one serving is 130 calories).

    Natural peanut butter (no sugar added, Smucker's is really good; 1 TBSP is 100 calories).

    I'll have my snack, and then drink some water and brush my teeth so I'm not tempted to keep going!
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    I have the same problem, too. I know what causes me to do it: catching up on the DVR. You just want to sit and snack. That's usually what knocks me off the wagon. There's a couple of things I do to combat the evening munchies:

    1) Do some kind of work out at night: I've been doing the INSANITY workout for the past two weeks and have been doing the work-out at around 5-6pm which means I'm done about dinner time. To keep from un-doing my hard work, I tend to eat a lighter dinner.

    2) Eat a bigger breakfast: This "myfitnesspal" has shown me that the nights that I consume more calories coincide with the MORNINGS that I eat LESS. My doctor said eating MORE calories in the morning is okay because you have all day to burn it off with your daily activities.

    3) L-Carnetine: a personal trainer I had turned me on to this stuff. It's a liquid and you can buy it at GNC. It's a helpful fat burner and it has a sweet taste to it. If you get a food craving (especially for sweets), take a swig out of the bottle. I keep it in my fridge. I buy the NOW SPORTS brand. It has an orange/citrus flavor.

    Hope that helps you a little bit :)
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    I always feel the need for something to eat before bedtime. I will leave an allotment of calories so I can eat a teaspoon or a tablespoon of peanut butter, nothing else! That seems to work for me.:happy:
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    1) are you getting at least 1g of protein per every pound you weigh? protein keeps you fuller longer, so get enough of it!
    2) are your meals typically 3-4 hours apart?
    3) are you restricting? (eating less that 1200 cals a day) dont kid yourself, DEPRIVATION LEADS TO OVER COMPENSATION.
    4) are you drinking enough water? 8 glasses or more a day?
    5) are you getting enough sleep? (8 hours per night)
    6) are you exercising a lot and burning off a lot of calories? your body could be telling you that you need more nutrients to repair those muscles.

    make sure you are honest with yourself....and find a nighttime replacement activity you enjoy that will keep you from binge eating (an after-dinner walk, writing a page in your journal, playing with the kids, calling a friend, visiting your mother, etc.)

    and get to sleep early!
  • angel823
    angel823 Posts: 190 Member
    I eat light throught the day cuz i know this happens. So ill have enough calories to consume when the time comes
  • jaeysson
    jaeysson Posts: 41 Member
    When I have evening food cravings I usually suck on a low-calorie, sugar-free popsicle. I think this works for me because a lot of it is the action of placing something in your mouth or the oral fixation thing, similar to smoking. I make sure to buy the sugar-free, low-calorie popsicles that have less than 30 calories each. That way even if I eat 4 popsicles at night its only 120 calories at the most.
  • RosyT2
    RosyT2 Posts: 5 Member
    Kipperdog123...I also have that problem its horrible..I dont have no help but drinking water doesn't help me,the last few days i have been trying my best to set up my snacks to still be in my calorie intake ...so far i have stopped eating icecream and eat 2 of those tubed popcicles....a single serving of real fruit gummy snacks..and if i have enough cal.left i have a sm cup yogurt .....but like i feel although some of that i shouldn't eat but its a lot better than what i was eating! any ideas are welcomed....
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    i have a problem with after dinner booze binging.... is that the same?
  • Aiway
    Aiway Posts: 11 Member

    I've found if I catch a decent nap at work/college around 2-3pm - for about 20minutes - 60 minutes I am less likely to be miserable and hungry by 6pm :)

    Also, for most days when I can't, I make it a point to grab some easy to eat fruits on the way home. This way, although I haven't had much - the time duration spent in the commute allows my system to digest the food and feel more content.

    Lastly - a nap at 6pm also helps enormously - if you've missed one in the afternoon. Sometimes we're just sleepy or thirsty and instead we imagine we're hungry.

    Hope it helps !

  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Didn't read all responses first... but I have this issue too. When I binge, its usually after 4pm. It often means that I'm craving a lot, TOM, or didn't eat enough filling foods in the day.


    ~distracting yourself. Do something else for ten minutes (someone posted a topic on here and suggested have 5 things on a list to distract yourself and do first, before you cave in.
    ~ if you've distracted yourself a while, and or drunk a bunch of water, tried a healthy snack (if you are actually hungry) then go ahead and have some. Sometimes it will just build and build if you don't.
    ~ what are you feeling? Write or journal about it. Call a friend. Are you sad or bored? Try to think of something that will rememdy that? And remember that every good choice makes you healthier and brings you closer to your goals. Its okay to fail sometimes, just remember that your choices are important for who you want to become.
    ~are you getting the food you need each day? (healthy food, not just about calories). Make sure you are doing the healthiest diet you can enjoy. Live a little. But also be as dedicated as you can.

    Having said all that... I've caved in to chocolate like 3 times in the last few weeks. It was pure deliciousness... but once it had gone down my throat it offered me no more enjoyment. Just added to my cal fat and sugar totals. Was it worth it? For the most part. I love chocolate. Having said that I have been good for about 6 days so far! (knock on wood). I would be more laid back and have it more often if I were not as obese as I am.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think most people will tell you that they feel snacky in the evenings - while they are watching a movie, their favorite tv shows or even browsing the internet.

    What I would do is make sure you have calories leftover at the end of the day. I personally can't go to bed without eating or I'll wake up in the middle of the night starving (and eat something dumb like an entire package of Oreo's and I don't even really like them!). That way when it comes time to want to snack, you'll have calories leftover to use. Also, I've found that having a good bedtime routine helps. Eat dinner, have a small snack, watch a tv show and snack on something like Special K crackers, have a small candy bar, brush teeth, go to bed.
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I have the exact same problem!! I decided to try to save my daily snack (typically I only have one daily) for after dinner so that I can allow for my evening binge. I think my problem at night is because my family snacks then and I see them eating a bag of chips, cookies, ice cream, and the such and that is also when I sit down to watch TV. Prelogging my snack for evening has helped me over the past week or so to just eat the one snack. If I am still craving something (taste bud craving not hungry), I will drink a diet pop to subside that craving.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    i have a problem with after dinner booze binging.... is that the same?

    No...cause tequila makes your clothes fall off...hence weight loss!:flowerforyou: