out of control cheat day

I have been on MFP for about a month and decided to have a cheat day yesterday. My cheat day also consisted of lots of boozy drinks. I am ashamed to admit how many calories I consumed on my cheat day. Lets just say, I counted my calories and the number is crazzzy! Has this happened to anyone else on a cheat day? If so, any special tips for recovering the next day?


  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    This is exactly why I don't plan cheat days!
  • danalong323
    danalong323 Posts: 12 Member
    I might have a "cheat" item every now and then but normally still plan to stay at my calorie limit!!!! I know that if I allow myself a whole cheat day that I will not be happy the next day and to me its not worth it!!! :)
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    Agree with eli, I know that slipping back into a bad routine will never get me where I want. Never had a cheat day, never will.

    For the next day, do not try to earn the calories back by eating less calories than you are supposed to because that could just do more damage. I would just eat the normal amount or 1-3 hundred below depending on what yours is, but stay above 1200.
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I don't like the idea of cheat days either because that means I can't live within the means of my new lifestyle. I do indulge myself a bit every once in a while for holidays or special occasions at a meal or with a few drinks but I always prepare for it by eating less leading up to it or better yet getting in a good workout.

    I never have a whole day where I indulge. I see that as a lack of self control which is a behaviour I will try not to give into. Not judging, just saying for me.
  • QueChulaYo
    QueChulaYo Posts: 71
    I don't have cheat days, because then I would have them all the time. I try my best to stay with in caloric goal, to meet the long term goal. Try not to beat yourself up over it, today is a new day and do your best today, drink lots of water. Every day is a challenge and we have to face it head on!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I had a day like that yesterday... it happens. Just keep on trucking, the past is in the past. :) Over the long term it wont matter as long as that was just a one time thing. We are all human and all have weaknesses.
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    I have 2 cheat meals a week, but not a whole day of cheating. If I did that, I'd go way over my calories.
    I do believe you should have something you want once in a while, just don't go overboard and stay in your calorie limits, and if you do go over on calories you can work it off! :]
  • lfrank688
    lfrank688 Posts: 8
    It's one day of your life-long journey. Some days are better than others for me. I've implemented these great eating habits that make me feel so much better than crap eating, but some days sticking to those habits is really tough. for example, earlier this week i went on a trip with my fiance we were on the road and eating out the whole time. I definitely ate over my ideal calorie limits, but oh well. It's a few days! In your case only one day. Don't beat yourself up, look forward and move on. In the scheme of things, one bad day won't trump 30 good ones.