Question about hair



  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Interesting and unique suggestions! Thank you, I will look into them. I didn't know about the group on here either.
    I thank all of you wonderful ppl!
  • BlessedMoon
    BlessedMoon Posts: 65 Member
    I use 'its a 10' leave in treatment, its not too expensive and can be found at Kroger. I've really noticed a difference in my hair when I use it. Makes it uber soft and managable. I only use the leave in treatment, but they also have shampoo and conditioner that my bleach blond friend raves about.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Argon oil (Morrocan oil). I use a drop on the ends on my hair every time I wash it. Works wonders no more frizzy split ends.
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    My friend is a hairdresser and she suggested Keraphix by Nexxus. Saturate your hair with it and cover with a damp towel. Leave on for an hour or two.
  • Rex1612
    Rex1612 Posts: 13
    I'm a hairstylist and I have dealt with this problem many times. I really like Moroccan Oil products and Joico K-Pax also.

    No not use any clarifying treatments because that will strip your hair and scalp of any natural oils and right now you need all you can get so please don't use any baking soda either because that is an oil stripper.

    An olive oil treatment is definitely good for your hair too.

    Do not over style your hair with heat. Wash your hair with warm water and rinse with cool water.

    Get your ends trimmed every 4 - 6 weeks, within a few months your hair will start to look and feel a lot better.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I have done hair for over 10 years. My favorite reconstructive treatment is by Chi. It is part of their olive oil therapy line. It is a little pricey but I have made my bottle last for near 6 months. It would work even deeper if you put it on your hair, put on a shower cap and add some warm air from your blow dryer. Oh, and a little goes a real long way.

    Be nice to it and long term it will be nice to you. :flowerforyou:

    This, having been a hair dresser as well i would have to say this works great.
    Mind you, you can use cheaper product and acheive the same results.
    I went from red, to white blond once (never again!!) and I did similar.
    I would wash and or wet my hair. Spread the product from root to tip. bunch it up into a shower cap (i've even used a plastic grocery bag in a pinch) send some heat to it from the hair blower. I would then wrap it up in a towel and go about my business at home.
    Ive slept with the shower cap (held in place by a few bobby pins) as well. In the morning wash with warm, rinse with cool/cold....

    Nothing can really "repair" hair once it has been damaged by stripping. Its a wait and grow it out. But in the mean time, this can make it look and feel better.
    Going darker wont hydrate the hair, but can make it "look" healthier.
    Not sure if this product is available where you are (im in canada) but Kpak by joico is a good product.

    *edited to say...what the lady above me said too :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm a hairstylist and I have dealt with this problem many times. I really like Moroccan Oil products and Joico K-Pax also.

    Joico K-Pax, suggested to me by a new stylist, made all my hair break off about 5" long :( I had beautiful long hair and then I followed her advice.

    I went back to my original stylist even though she's a 4 hour drive from me. I make a weekend trip out of it every time I need to get my hair done. Evidently Joico K-Pax has a lot of protein in it, which can make hair brittle... and break off.
  • ellej7
    ellej7 Posts: 15 Member
    Defiantly see a qualified professional.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Every time you dye or chemically process your hair, it lifts up the cuticle. That is the job of the dye - to lift the cuticle, to gain entrance to the cortex of the hair and deposit colour. It tries to put the cuticle back down, but it doesn't do a very good job. And every time you chemically process again, the cuticle gets more raised.

    The cuticle is there to protect the hair strand. Chipped off, missing and raised cuticles leads to porous hair. Porous hair has a hard time maintaining moisture, and colour.

    You can't replace a missing cuticle, and can't repair damaged hair. If it's damaged, it's damaged. The only solution is to cut it off.

    My hair was in a bad place last year. It was dyed, dry, heat damaged, split and lifeless. I cut it off, started from scratch, started looking after it and am now growing my hair to hip length.

    It's worth it. My hair is amazingly healthy now.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    Get your ends trimmed every 4 - 6 weeks, within a few months your hair will start to look and feel a lot better.

    ^In regards to this, only trim if you have split ends. You do not need to get your ends trimmed every 4-6 weeks. You need a trim when your ends are split.

    If you don't have a massive amount of split ends, you can do what I do and do a 'S&D'. A search and destroy is when you look through your hair at the individual strands, and chop off any splits you find. I do this on a regular basis to get rid of splits without losing length or unecessarily trimming off healthy hair.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    Usually adding a colour (darker) can help to rehydrate and condition it.

    Wait, she's just told us she's over chemically processed her hair and you're suggesting she chemically processes it further?

    Are you being serious?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    If you would like to try a home remedy, I've done this on my son who has very coarse hair. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a cup of hot water, as hot as you can stand it, and pour it on your already wet hair. It's best to use a squirt bottle. You can use more if you have a lot of hair. Let it sit on your hair for about 5 minutes, then rinse it all out with cold water, as cold as you can stand it. It made my sons hair so soft! Shampoo builds up on your hair after a while which can also make it coarse. Good luck!

    Shampoo, unless loaded with water insoluble cones, doesn't build up on your hair enough to make it coarse.

    Pouring hot water on your hair is not good for it - it is damaging. Warm or cold water only.

    Baking soda is not a good idea for already damaged hair.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Check out the long hair community forums as they really have great information on hair care.

    I use coconut oil and I dont use shampoo at all, only condition only washes. I have definately seen an improvement in my hair.

    Hey! I'm a member there. Hello, fellow LHC'er :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    My hair is long and dry. The ends use to feel like straw. I would trim it regularly but to no avail. I keep it in a pony tail mostly. When I have time once a week I coat the pony tail in olive oil. Wear an old t shirt so it doesn't get oil stains on it. I let it sit for hours. Sometimes I put a towel down on my pillow and sleep with it on. Coconut oil will do the same but it's more expensive and I'm not wasting it on my hair. I also started to eat more healthy fats. Every time I eat I ensure I have a healthy fat. If not I take a fish oil supplement. My hair is wonderful now.

    I'm not sure where you're based but my coconut oil only costs £1.99. I would suggest, if you're not already doing so, looking for coconut oil in the food section. Just make sure it's 100%.
  • Medea81
    Medea81 Posts: 69
    find a Regis salon (they also own those SmartStyle salons in Wal-Mart) and find their Olive Oil line (green) and buy the deep conditioner. Towel dry your hair, put on conditioner, put plastic bag on head (yes, you will look idiotic) and hit with a blow dryer on a warm. once your head feels nice and steamy, leave on your hair for about 10 minutes, then rinse. I did a trick like this when I bleached out part of my hair, I did the treatment about 3 times a week for 3 weeks, my hair felt great afterwards.
    Good Luck!
  • diinva
    diinva Posts: 57
    Pure coconut oil works wonders!!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Your salon is the best place to go. They can give you real, professional, personal advice. No one on here can give you the exact answer you need, a stylist needs to see it.

    In the meantime shampoo with a good quality shampoo for coloured hair, try finding one for 'course' hair types. Same with the conditioner. They will penetrate the hair deeper and give more nourishment where it is damaged.

    A good leave in conditioner will also bring back much needed moisture.

    If it is heavily damaged through chemicals there maybe no other option that to cut it. Over processed colour opens and breaks the cuticle which then leave your hair open to the elements and irreversable damage.
  • Jules0336
    Jules0336 Posts: 137 Member
    I had the exact thing happen to me after stripping my hair and adding colour. My hair was fine for a few days and then it went really dry and frizzy. I went back to the salon and was told to get Moroccan Oil Restorative Hair Mask - it worked perfectly :smile:
  • _KatieKat
    _KatieKat Posts: 224
    nexxus emergencee saved my hair and I use the biosilk shampoo and conditioner, its fabulous
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    trim the tips. this is a must. i know you don't want to cut, but you gotta trim them split ends off or no matter what you do your hair will still look fried.

    that being said, ARGON OIL. this stuff is seriously amazing. one 'n only brand at sally's. I try many products but always go back to this cuz it works!