How do I stop drinking diet soda?!



  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    do some research on how the fake sugar reacts in your body....SCARY, you will never eat it or drink it again. It truly is poison

    said no verified scientific study ever.

    "A 2009 Nurses' Health Study of 3,256 women found a 30% drop in level of kidney function for participants who drank 2 or more servings of diet pop daily."
  • SteffieSunshine
    SteffieSunshine Posts: 61 Member
    I stopped, but I just stopped. I don't know what advise to give you. I stopped iced coffee too, which was my favorite thing in the world. Maybe try the 4C Sugar Free drink mixes to add to your water.

    I know if I REALLY crave a Coke, I'll have it.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    dont buy it?:laugh:

    I don't buy the grocery's and the people that do won't stop buying it.

    Start pouring it all down the drain >.>

    That's $$ down the drain.. and I'm not exactly rich.
    i do drink 13 glasses of water a day, Doesn't help me. -.-

    You said that you don't buy the grocery's.
  • consumone
    consumone Posts: 139 Member
    You have an answer for all our suggestions, so I guess - Keep drinking your soda. You drink enough water to counter the effects on your teeth.

    So stop wasting money and enjoy a diet soda a day - I know I do.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Lost 310 lbs. drinking 2 - 3 Diet Pepsi's a day and Now they have Big Red ZERO!!! LOL I am not in the camp of chemical horror story believers... 3 years ago I was eating myself into a coma and could barely walk.. If I die tomorrow because I drank a couple Diet Drinks a day then God had other plans for me...LOL Best of Luck.....
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    NUtrasweet the stuff in diet soda is very addictive. There is soda made from stevia which is ok to drink. Nutrisweet, it is also called apartame and another name is very bad for you. If you want to drink a regular soda, then go to a sugar based soda. Pepsi Throwback, Mountain Dew throwback and Sierra Mist are sugar based sodas. There are other soda that are ok, but are located in the organic section of your store or at natural foods stores. Read the labels, look for the word "Sugar" and avoid all the other diet sodas. The latest thing is to make soda with a little sugar and the diet ingredients. Those sodas are just as bad as the diet sodas. The safe alternative is bottled water without added chlorine and added fluoride, both are again harmful ingredients.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    My advice is that if you were able to stop cold turkey before then try again. It may work, it may not but at least you can give it a shot. My weakness is my homemade carmel hazelnut iced coffee. I use fat free hazelnut creamer and hersheys brand caramel and regular coffee. I am going to try out one of the sugar free flavored syrups the coffee shops use this weekend to see if I like it.

    Soda was not an issue for me to quit. My BF said "DO NOT bring it into this house. It's making me fat" so I don't anymore. If I crave a soda, I have to make a special trip to get one and on top of that, I walk the 1 mile to the closest store and often talk myself out of it on the way.

    It's a hard one, good luck to you!
  • alewop
    alewop Posts: 4
    I agree with those who said flavored water or crystal light packets. Ocean Spray also has yummy ones...I had a blueberry lemonade one and it was delicious!

    I don't know if this is the same cause I'm not a huge soda drinker...but I love a good cold beer. I started buying LaCroix canned sparkling water and found it's a great substitute simply because it makes me feel like I'm holding a can of beer and it's refreshing too. I know you said you don't like sparkling water but they have tons of different flavors to choose from and it's just a hint of flavor. Don't know what it would taste like but maybe you can start mixing sparkling water with the diet soda and gradually mix more water than soda and kinda wing yourself off? Best part is, La Croix is has no fat, calories, sugar....nothing and it's reasonable cheap for a twelve pack. Good luck!
  • HFD68
    HFD68 Posts: 16
    well i guess the tough love response would be...
    youre an adult, im assuming, noone is forcing you to open the fridge, take the soda out, open it and put it in yourself.
    if you want to stop drinking it, you will have to make a concerted effort to do so. posters have given lots of great ideas, hopefully something will work for you.