Dieting and alcohol!



  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    Yeah I was planning on quitting completely until I got down to my goal weight, but after doing research and reading what you wrote, it looks like I am going to have to make this a lifestyle change. I probably shouldn't be drinking that much anyways.

    Thank you!
  • stevean
    stevean Posts: 7 Member
    Does Corona Lite go in dinner or snacks?

    Corona Light goes in the trash. It is not beer. It's sex in a canoe. F'in close to water. ;D

    In all seriousness, try a Guiness Draught some time. Contrary to myth, dark color does not equal heavy calorie laden beer. It's one of the lowest calorie (and carb) beers out there. It has only 125 calories in a 12 oz bottle, compared to Bud light (110), and Corona Light which has 109. Sam Adams Light is another one that has MUCH more flavor and only packs 119 calories.

    If I'm going to have a beer, I'd pass on the "light beers" for one of these every time. There are others out there, too, that actually have flavor yet are surprisingly low in calories. Its all about Quality, not Quantity.

    (If you do try a Guiness (or any other Irish Dry Stout), think "espresso" when you taste it. It's roasty and coffee like)

    One other thing about bottled beer- When ultraviolet light strikes the hop resins in a beer, it breaks them off and they then combine with a sulphur atom (SO2 is another common intermediate byproduct of the yeast during fermentation) which forms a compound called a Mercaptan, which happens to be the same chemical which skunks spray. Brown bottles block UV light, but clear bottles and green bottles allow it to pass through. That's why those beers smell and taste skunky. A closed box of them will taste and smell ok, but an open six pack will be skunked.
  • vilmafraguada
    vilmafraguada Posts: 26 Member
    You are so right...I do need a couple of glasses of vino a week. my job is really stressful and it does help me to unwind but I have to fit the wine in my calorie intake..I've cut down my vino intake 57, I feel I need to learn how to live with the things I enjoy but definitely in moderation!
  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    Thank you for the link, The info was very informative.
  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 165 Member
    Probably a 12 pack would derail your progress lol! But i definitely feel your pain....I am a beer-o-holic myself.....hate those low-cal beers that taste like *kitten*. Give me a Guinness or a Sam Adams! In fact, I am actually on my third Sam Adams as I type this lol. I drink a few nights a week (2-3, sometimes 4-5) lol but when I do drink I always make sure it fits into my macros and am under calories. I usually only drink 3 beers per night, and find it doesnt affect my weight loss!
  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    When I have a drink I usually log it in snacks, but it seems funny logging it as a snack.
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    i notice when i drink like 8 beers everyone on mfp looks thinner and more attractive so i feel iam doing everyone here a favor

  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    Yeah maybe if I feel I need a drink I will just have two shots of liquor rather than four beers.
  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    I guess I just need to cut back on how much I drink when i do start up again. I am still a month and one week with no beer. I'm gonna try to keep that going, but if i do break and decide to drink I will limit how many i drink and what i drink.

    Thank you!
  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    Thank you all for your advice, I am surprised at how fast I go replies, thanks for the support.
  • I hear you! I love a beer or 10! But I find it hard to get on track diet wise the next day or two, Try low carb beer so you get to drink, for example; 5 beers and its only worth the calories of what 4 normal beers is! YAY! Makes you feel a bit better about having a few beers :D . Oh yeah, I also drink spirits with diet coke, so that cuts out a lot of unwanted calories ;)
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
  • kingkong247
    kingkong247 Posts: 55 Member
    I have eliminated alcohol completely out of my diet. I don't really care for it and yes it has helped me drop weight!!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    DON'T DO IT MAN!!! One beer leads to another and another. I used to regularly drink a 12 pack of stella by myself every week. 1848 calories of nothing a week...and that's assuming I didn't hang out with freinds or family that always have cold ones in the fridge. When I realized what a big difference they made, I cut it out and didn't miss it. I prefer to fit in the bucket seats of my sports cars without my belly rubbing the steering wheel.

    If you have to drink beer, make sure it's planned for your cheat day, so you don't feel guilty about it.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    Drinking, especially to excess, will sabotage your weight loss. Besides the 'empty' calories, it's filled with sugar, which could bring back cravings for sweets the next day.

    More importantly, it impairs your judgement. That double bacon cheeseburger and milkshake is a lot more tempting after chugging a few beers. I know that when I drink, and I sometimes drink too much, that the night usually ends with a slice of pizza. Hangovers are terrible for exercise. I don't know about you, but there's nothing I want to do less that hit the gym after a hard night out. I can barely walk the dog the next morning.

    I'm not a teatotaller, everything in moderation, but if you do plan on partying with booze, step up the workouts a few days before. Maybe even make a 'cheatish' meal at home, ready to zap in the microwave when you walk in the door. Way better than ordering a pizza and wings. One day wont screw up everything, so the next day get yourself right back on track.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    A 12 pack plus tacos? - if it's not an everyweekendallweekend thing, it's just like any other indulgence. It all depends on how much how often. Someone here said "moderation" - you betcha.

    I spent a great deal of time in Europe a few years ago and got into the wine-with-dinner routine - I don't do it every night but most - 3-4 nights/week - and it's a glass or two (not more than 10 oz). It's dry red wine and I haven't noticed any impact to my weight loss - am losing about 1/2 pound/wk, which is what I was aiming at.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I tried the all alcohol diet for a while. For some reason I didn't lose any weight but I was always losing pretty much everything else.
  • Dayna5K
    Dayna5K Posts: 136 Member
    I tried the all alcohol diet for a while. For some reason I didn't lose any weight but I was always losing pretty much everything else.


    I haven't had a drink in 5 months! For a bit I replaced my weekly beer/glass of while with an Oberweise Chocolate Shake (~ 1100 calories). The result of that was obvious....I miss my alcohol...sniff sniff
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I have something to drink probably 4 days/week (usually wine, but sometimes vodka with soda water) and it hasn't derailed my weight loss. Of course, I always make sure I have the calories for it and make up for it with my workouts. Everything in moderation, my friend.