Starting Birth Control

Hello my fellow women!
I am going to be starting Tri Sprintec 28 and I would like to know if there is anything I can do in order to reduce my chances of gaining weight on this pill. My OBGYN doctor recommended taking B6 and B complex in order to reduce fluid retention. Anything else you ladies would like to recommend?
Please help!


  • usagi09
    usagi09 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been taking Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for about 10 years without weight gain. I think the best you can do is as always watch your diet, drink water, and keep working out. Personally I think it's a myth about gaining weight on the pill but every one's body reacts differently. You could also keep a journal and see if you think you are gaining because of the pill.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    bump. I need this info too
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Unfortunately, everyone reacts to different hormones in different pills in different ways. Just because one person was able to not gain weight on a specific pill doesn't mean whatever they did will work for you (hormones are complicated, blargh).

    B complex vitamins are a good start. Keep in mind you need to give yourself 3 months for everything to balance out before you should start worrying about side effects. If, after 3 months you're still gaining weight, chat with your doc and see if there's another pill that might work better for you (in some cases, pills with lower hormone amounts have fewer side effects. but only in some cases).

    Good luck!
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    I can help with quality control testing. :devil:
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I haven't done anything in specific to combat weight gain, but I can tell you I haven't gained any weight since starting the pill last summer. My boobs went up a cup size but that's all.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I take Loestrin 24 Fe.. Started in fall of 2008. As far as I know, I did not gain weight from the pill.. I gained weight from eating far to much in college and drinking alcohol like a fish!

    Drink lots of water to counter act the water weight and stick with it.. it will even out and taper off.
  • MaggieFit622
    Any more responses? Does anyone suffer from any of the other side effects that are said that have happen?
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I take the same birth control as you are going to start. I was on the Lo version for quite a while until the generic went off the market and it was too expensive for me to stay on brand. I then switched to the Tri Sprintec about a year ago and I haven't encountered any weight gain from switching. I gained my weight from eating poorly and not exercising regularly. I have actually lost since I went from the lower hormone amount to the a little bit higher.
  • PrettyKeli
    PrettyKeli Posts: 29
    I don't have any experience with that specific type of birth control but I do have experience with Depo (known to cause massive weight gain)

    I took it 3 years ago and gained well over 30lbs within the first few months

    This time around I took it after having a baby and not only did I not gain any weight but I was able to lose weight

    The difference between those two times was my lifestyle. Some bc's increase your appetite tremendously so this time around I focused on natural appetite suppressants (ice cold water) etc. and it helped tremendously! I stick to a fitness and nutrition plan and the weight comes off and stays off.

    Focus on eating right, suppressing your appetite, and exercise. Then, weight gain shouldn't be an issue. Good Luck!!! ^_^
  • miclmiller
    miclmiller Posts: 14 Member
    I have been on birth control for several years. Earlier this year I changed pills and gained 10 in a week and a half even though my eating habits didn't change. I also became incredibley moody. I may have been allergic or something because I also got a weird rash on my legs. I didn't give it 3 months, I told my Dr I had to have a different prescription the next month. The extra weight came off very quickly after I stopped taking it. I'm on a new prescription and I back to normal and don't have the mood swings. So everyone reacts differently. That is the only time I have had a reaction to bc. Hopefully your experience will be normal.