Motivation to Drink More Water Required!

Help. I drink about 3-5 glasses/day. I am not a good water drinker.. I am not the worst ... but still not even close to what i really should be drinking. Any motivational words out there for me?.. .. Maybe some facts about its benefits?... Any stories about what motivates you to drink more water?
: )


  • ameoc76
    ameoc76 Posts: 5 Member
    The colder the water the more calories you burn :-) I love ice cold water.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    cold water burns calories
    it clears out your skin
    it helps your kidneys do their thing
    it seriously aids in weight loss
    it reduces water retention
    it makes you feel good.

    have you thought about putting like fresh fruit in your water or something if you dislike the taste? like a slice of lemon and a strawberries, fresh berries of any kind, lime, mint, cucumber etc?
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi-For years, I was a huge diet soda addict. I rarely drank water even though I am very active. About a month ago I read a book about clean eating and it talked about how more water was one of the best changes you could make for your health. I started drinking about half a liter with each meal and sipping on a water bottle in between meals.

    Wow!! The change was amazing. I had more energy, my skin has improved so much, I stopped getting dry and itchy spots on my skin, it accelerated my weight loss. I also used to get a lot of headaches, since I began drinking so much water I have not had a headache and now all I crave is water.

    If you google homemade flavored water, there are some cool ideas out there for infusing your water with fruit flavors and that might help. Also, and this sounds silly, but I bought a really nice water bottle for myself and I love to carry it around and drinkg my water.

    Good luck to you. I hope you can find a way to drink more water. It has made such a huge improvement in my health and I'd love that for you!!
  • thedove34
    thedove34 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks so much ladies!!!!
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    I have an app on my phone that alerts me every hour between 10am and 11pm to drink more water. Once I got used to drinking water all the time I started drinking more, usually 10-12 glasses a day. Drinking from a straw helps also. :)
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I have a 20oz bottle that I make myself chug before I do certain things. If it's been an hour or so since I've had water and I have to pee, am hungry, need to shower, do laundry, whatever I'll chug the full bottle before dong what I need to do. It takes 30 seconds, and it's 2.5 cups each time. I usually drink about 12 glasses a day this way. And water is the only thing I drink typically.
  • Cold water burns calories? Heck yeah, i'm adding ice to my next glass, lol.
    Add a little bit of fruit squash to your water, makes it a little more interesting if you can't bear it plain...but hey, water's good. Just have some going all the time. Trade your regular extra cup of coffee or diet soda or whatever for an extra glass of water a day. However you do it, just get it drunk, it'll help.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Do you work in an office?

    I do. What I do every day, I take my 20 ounce water bottle with me to work. First thing, I walk over to the water cooler and fill it up. And I mindlessly sip on it while doing my work. By about 10:30, I'll have drunk it all and it'll be time to fill the bottle up again. By the time I leave work, I'll have done this about 3 times and have reached my water goal so I don't have to worry so much about it.

    If you have a glass of water within your reach, odds are you're going to drink it. So just keep a full glass with you while on the computer, watching TV, etc. Before you know it, reaching your water goal won't be such a chore.
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    There isnt really anything you can do but just force it down really. Water is life force :) if you want flavour squeeze a lemon or lime into it!!! Just chug a lug till you can't any more!! Pretend your a frat boy and it's actually beer, (You'll need a solid imagination but I do it sometimes and works for me!! Intensely so!!)
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    I think this was said above but I find I drink a lot more water when I have a water bottle within my reach. And something I started doing recently is to figure out how many water bottles I want to drink in a day. My goal is 3 So I put 3 rubber bands around my water bottle and I take one off every time I drink a full bottle and put it on my wrist. This helps me track how much water I am drinking. When all the rubber bands are off my bottle and on my wrist, I know I reached my goal. Maybe not the most fashionable but it helps me. :happy:
  • thedove34
    thedove34 Posts: 28 Member
    chug a lug!! funny and I love it!!!!
  • thedove34
    thedove34 Posts: 28 Member
    I think this was said above but I find I drink a lot more water when I have a water bottle within my reach. And something I started doing recently is to figure out how many water bottles I want to drink in a day. My goal is 3 So I put 3 rubber bands around my water bottle and I take one off every time I drink a full bottle and put it on my wrist. This helps me track how much water I am drinking. When all the rubber bands are off my bottle and on my wrist, I know I reached my goal. Maybe not the most fashionable but it helps me. :happy:

    great idea thanks!
  • shylil04
    shylil04 Posts: 176 Member
    I put lemon in my water. It helps with the flavor and is a natural diuretic. You get the benefits of flushing out your system more easily, which helps get all the toxins out of your system.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Do you drink other fluids? Eat fruit or soup or other water-rich foods? You probably don't need to force in more water if you don't have signs of needing it. Is your pee cloudy or orange-ish? If not, you're probably fine with listening to your body.
  • I used to have a hard time drinking water but forced myself to drink water a glass of ice water when I got up in the morning. I found after doing that several times a day that my body started craving it and I became thirsty. I no longer have a problem and prefer drinking water over anything else.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    I love to drink lemon water, for those who are taking medications and don't want to alter their blood pH I would recommend cucumber water. It's also tasty and just a couple slices to a pitcher makes the water taste "fresher" and cooler, some spas add this to their water. Unsweetened tea also counts, eventually you'll get used to drinking something without sugar and then you can add more glasses of water to your daily intake :)
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Read a few articles about kidney failure and dialysis . . . should be inspiring
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member
    I'm gonna buy one of those soda making machines, and make my own bubbly water. I love water in general, but I think adding bubbles, and flavoring it with slices of real fruit should help me cure my newfound diet soda addiction. Diet soda is stalling my loss progress, and making something internal (liver, maybe?) hurt after I've drank it. :\

    As for plain water... I like mine cold from the tap, but not ice cold. I fill a 20 oz bottle and try to drink a full 20 oz a few times a day. I've heard of some people drinking 1 cup worth every hour, on the hour?

    If you do the ice cubes.. I've also read some people puree fruits and freeze them into cubes.. or toss whole berries, or mint leaves, into each ice cube tray compartment, so as the ice melts you're left with some goodies. And it's pretty. :)
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    I'm gonna buy one of those soda making machines, and make my own bubbly water. I love water in general, but I think adding bubbles, and flavoring it with slices of real fruit should help me cure my newfound diet soda addiction. Diet soda is stalling my loss progress, and making something internal (liver, maybe?) hurt after I've drank it. :\

    As for plain water... I like mine cold from the tap, but not ice cold. I fill a 20 oz bottle and try to drink a full 20 oz a few times a day. I've heard of some people drinking 1 cup worth every hour, on the hour?

    If you do the ice cubes.. I've also read some people puree fruits and freeze them into cubes.. or toss whole berries, or mint leaves, into each ice cube tray compartment, so as the ice melts you're left with some goodies. And it's pretty. :)

    I like this last idea about the fruit and mint ice cubes.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I have a 32 oz cup. I fill it upwith water to drink on my way to work. I have a bad habit of having to have something to drink all the time. So instead of coffee and Dt soda, I just keep filling up my water cup. I do allow a soda for lunch and coffee when I first get up in the a.m. But water is my main drink now.
    good luck