Should I cut Whey protein out?


I currently weigh 185-187lbs. I am 5'7. I got a disgusting beer belly going on and I am tired of looking at it in the mirror.

I've recently begun the Power90 workout video's about 2 weeks ago. I do these videos 6 times a week as directed along with added cardio on my treadmill and recumbent bike. I've been eating a lot healthier lately as well, cutting out the unnecessary foods and beverages(especially beer) and opting for healthier choices. I still work to do but it's a much better then before. I feel better overall and enjoy the workouts as part of my day. The thing is, I don't seem to be budging off of 185-187. I'm not gaining weight thankfully but it's not going anywhere.

I am starting to wonder if the Whey Protein shakes I've been drinking are the reason for this? They are 125 Calories per scoop and I usually mix it with some skim milk and a few ice cubes. Nothing else. I understand that Whey protein helps build muscle and repair it, but if my primary interest is losing weight, should I hold off on drinking these shakes after every workout?

Advice would be great!



  • Javajunkie67
    Javajunkie67 Posts: 167 Member
    If you're within your calories you should be fine. Some people have problems with whey, they bloat up to much with it-although casein is usually hard to digest. Try a few days without it and see how you feel.

    Have you measured your self? If you haven't, do so after your next day off. Since the belly is where you're most concerned about- take a few measurements there- top, middle and bottom of the belly. The scale doesn't always give an accurate picture of what is going on. Give the water a chance to get out - it could easily be 5 lbs if you're working out with heavier weights. A little to much salt and a good heavy weight workout will easily add 3-5lbs to me overnight.
  • cfloresmt
    cfloresmt Posts: 33 Member
    Can we see you diary?

    Protein shakes are good in theory as long as you don't over do it. Are you hitting your macros? Calculated your BMR? What is your current calorie deficit?
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    As long as your calories are within limit with the protein shakes... then cutting out protein shakes wouldn't be any different than cutting out some meat. Protein is the most important in my opinion, and if there's anything you should cut out it would definitely not be protein!!!
  • gonnabethinandfit
    gonnabethinandfit Posts: 38 Member
    The whey is fine, I'm a girl trying to avoid bulky muscle at all costs and I use it almost daily. You should try calorie zig-zagging, google it. Maybe you're just at a plateau :)