is it normal to feel like this?

I have had a few shocks lately looking at photos of myself. I am puffy and bloated looking and it has really scared me. I didn't realise I looked like that!! I am 15 kg overweight and feel really determined to tackle this, as I just cannot cope with the image I have seen in recent pics- it is NOT me...but the thing that worries me is if I CAN look different.

Trying to imagine myself not puffy and overweight is hard at the moment. I just have this dreadful picture of myself in my mind and it makes me wonder if I am now just an ugly person and its who I am now. I was thin an goodlooking as a younger women, but I can't even recognise myself now

Has anyone else had this issue with how they view themselves? do you think I can change my body/ face/ appearance? I don't trust my body anymore. I think my hormones are out of whack even though the docs have tested them and they are fine. I feel like this fat, ugly women has swallowed the lovely me and maybe she is gone forever.


  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Yes you can look different. Go to the success stories portion of the forum and look at all the people with before and after photos. That should inspire you.
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Of course you can look soo much better!! Only 35 and wondering about your image?! Go for it my will not only look different but you will definitely FEEL different and much more healthy, active and alive!!

    Now, when you get to my age..sweetie..that's when you can start feeling like that...these wrinkles won't be going anywhere and as for the gammy old back!!?! .. :laugh:
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    In january I took naked pics of myself in preparation for plastic surgery (boobs), it was a major shocker and that was my turning point. I felt so bad about myself at that point, I knew I needed to do something.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Sounds like you've hit rock bottom for your self image. Good thing with that is...the only way is up now. Yes you can get back to where your self image was secure. Where you can walk past a mirror and smile back when you see your reflection. It all starts with the mental game. I've had to do that myself and my whole self esteem has grown that it shows on the outside to others. Like how your thinking now is keeping you in a negative mindset that is not open to seeing positives. Start with changing your thoughts, the mental lines that go around in your head again and again. They do bring you down.

    You are what you eat

    You are what you think also

    They both work.

    Change the mental lines from:

    I am puffy and bloated -

    change it to:

    I am alright, I'm fine, my size is ok.

    I am not fit at all - I'm fairly healthy, I'm ok really.

    I am weak - I am getting stronger, I will be strong

    I am sad and dont feel the best - Stuff this, I do feel good, I will feel better, piss of all you negative thoughts! Tell them where to go right now...

    I dont have much motivation - I really do want this, I will get what I want.

    Write down those bad thoughts, well you have already done it here I guess, so re-write those rewording them and do it by finding a positive, even the tiniest. Look at yourself though rose coloured glasses if thats what it takes. Even if you feel like its a lie or just not true, it will have a positive effect, it will turn your thinking around. Make yourself do it matey, you are worth it. Everybody deserves a second chance so you gotta give yourself one huh?

    Find a personal mantra, write it down where you can see it every day. Put it up your bathroom mirror or your bedroom wall. You can make this your goal chart. In the centre is your manta, for example mine is "I am a strong, independent and beautiful woman". I have pictures of goals, a car I'd like to buy, a holiday I want to go on, a weight goal to reach and a few smaller ones along the way I've been able to tick off already 5kg and 10kg. I want to lose another 15 kgs myself after losing and gaining recently. Now that I've hurt myself after ice skating, that has slowed things down fitness wise, doesn't mean my mental game is going to slow down. I hope what I'm saying is making sense sweetie, I really did hear myself in your words.

    I can smile at myself in the mirror now as I have accepted where I'm at physically because I am doing good to reach my weight and fitness goals. I even say out loud things like "You go girl" to myself, in the mirror. It empowers you, you say enough, you hear it enough from yourself even, you do start to think positively. This is such a proactive move towards feeling better mind wise and physically as you will find you start to move more, you find motivation from within and the positivity grows.

    You truly are a beautiful woman. Start thinking it, start saying it, right now out loud say..."I AM a beautiful woman, I DO have strength within, I WILL win this battle over negativity and I WILL reach my goals. Start now, there is no better time than after a moment of feeling helpless, hopeless even.

    Here for a chat anytime you need it.
    cheers and good luck.

    Now is the time for you my dear. Take it and run....