Hi everyone!*!*!*

:flowerforyou: My name is Tracie and I am new to this website. I am so glad that I found it though. I am a married mother of 4 (Savannah 14, Paris 9, Cash 7, Berlyn 2). I went to the doctor about a 3 weeks ago and completely lost it when I realized how big I have become(100lbs overweight!!!), & he wanted to put me on all kinds of medicine. He probably thought I was a freak because I started crying uncontrollably & refused all of the prescriptions. I told him I was tired of being fat & I promised to do something about it. My husband & kid's love me the way I am, but I don't love me! I ache all the time, I never want to go anywhere because I'm ashamed of my body & I cry all the time and lash out at my family.:cry: I have to change because they don't deserve what I put them through. Believe it or not, I used to be a model for different stores in our hometown and I always made heads turn. Now, nobody even recognizes me and if people look at me it's probably because they think I'm fat! I hate myself & I want to be happy! I am so blessed to have a supportive husband & adorable children, and I owe it to all of us to lose this weight & get healthy. Sorry I just unloaded all of that on ya'll, I had to get it off my chest. Now, it's time to do something about it! I know this is going to be hard, but if any of you have any tips or advice, PLEASE share it with me! I am going to the gym tonight and I have started logging all of my food. So here goes... Thank you all for being on this website! Tracie :happy:


  • Lumarie
    Hi Traci, I am also new to the program. My name is Lucille. I am married and have 2 kids, one som-in-law, one grandson, one grandaughter and a dog named tia. I am happy that I asked a friend from work how she is losing weight. She told me and here I am. I have gained a little over 10 pds this year. about 5 years ago i lost 30 pds and keeped it off till this year. I want to lose about 15 pds so I can feel good again. I have no willpower and have not been working out. this is the worese i've been in years. If i do not do something about this my weight will just keep going up. I'm looking foward to starting this program. Tomorrow will be my 1st day. I will write again once i get use to the program. Thanks, Lucille
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008

    I know what it is like to feel responsible for everyone but myself. You can do this! It won't be fast and easy but you can do this. Love yourself and just do it!!:smile::flowerforyou:
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Hey Traci,
    Welcome to the site. You need to remember that you are beautiful no matter what your size, You just want to be a healthier beautiful :flowerforyou: You can do it, it is one step at a time but this site works if you are honest with what you log. Check check and double check your calories ( the ones posted are not always correct.) It does take time but anything that is worth it takes time and no one is more worth it then a healthy Traci :bigsmile:
  • jessicajoy87
    Welcome! We are here to help you along the way. I ,to, have over a 100 pounds to lose. We can do it. Have faith! If you need anything let me know!