Discouraged :(

I need help, encouragement, and a friend... I am on day 2 of the Insanity work out and feel so out of shape. I couldn't even finish the work out; let alone fully complete any of the moves.

I've come a long way from where I was 2 years ago. Having lost 43 pounds ( 180 to 137) in a year, I look good in my new smaller clothes, but when they come off, I'm not happy. I want to tone up and despite having lost so much weight, I am SO out of shape :(

I feel like I could cry. Insanity is SO hard and I feel like giving up already. There is no way i can get good results by day 60 if I can't even finish the 2nd work out. Has or is anyone ever felt this way about Insanity? If so, please respond and feel free to add me as a friend on here.

Sidenote: My beachbody coach sucks.. she's never online and her profile is blank.. no pictures of her own progress or anything..


  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I have never done insanity, don't even know what that is. But I can tell you that anything worthwhile is never gonna be easy. Having had the will to lose 43 pounds on the last year tells me you have a lot of inner strength, probably more than you know. Keep at and your body will respond.

    I quit smoking about 10 weeks ago and weighed 265 pounds. This morning I weighed 225 and just finished a 20 mile bike ride to put me at 100 for the week. I had a slow start, got winded riding just a couple of miles but every day gets a little easier and I can go a little farther and a little harder. I will do it, I will not be beaten and you can do it too. Just do your best, push a little more every day, and keep the faith.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Don't give up! I personally have not done insanity. I did do the 30ds. After my first day, I thought I would die. But I kept at it. And finished it. If something is too hard, modify it, then work up to it. You can do it!
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    It will get easier! I felt similar when I started the 30 day shred and I was super unfit. Keep at it though! Chip away at it and you'll find yourself able to do more each day and even if it takes a little over the 60 days you'll still see results. Don't give up! :smile:
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    I don't care how fit you are, whenever you start a new tough program it is going to be hard. You haven't done it yet, your body isn't used to it, and it's almost impossible to make it through the entire session. At least this is how every workout starts with me!

    You have already gone so far and made such progress, you should be proud of yourself. Keep doing the program and you will see you make it further and further every day. Stand up, be proud, and know it will progress and it not instant.

    You got this, i know you do, you have already completed your biggest goal in the first place after all, dropping the weight!

    Good luck <3
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I've never done it, but I'm guessing that with a name like "Insanity", it's not going to be easy! I think you've got two options (giving up not being one of them!) Firstly, you could stop Insanity for a while, and do some other kinds of workouts that you find easier, to get your body a little more prepared for Insanity. For example, if cardio fitness is a problem, you could focus on walking/running/cycling/swimming etc, gradually increasing intensity until your cardio fitness improves and you increase your lung capacity. If it's your muscles that are complaining, you could start strength training with weights or your body weight, but go at your own pace and gradually improve. I'm guess you wouldn't see results as quickly by going at your own pace, but it might ease you in and improve your confidence for completing Insanity.

    Or, you could just keep at it, and hope that it gets easier quickly. I'm guessing it's always going to be quite hard work, and that's why it gets results. If you're unfit to start with though, I'm sure that you'll also see quite a significant improvement early on. Just keep going. You're out of shape now, but you won't be by the end, will you?

    So, either go away and improve your overall fitness before coming back to Insanity, or grit your teeth and keep going, letting Insanity improve your fitness. I'm sure the first few days must be the worst, but you can definitely do this!
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys. I want results like the before and after pictures I've been seein online. I don't wanna give up. I really don't.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    When I started Zumba I could barely do 20 minutes, finally got up to 40 minutes then went on vaca for a week with NO exercise at all. Was so worried that when I got back I would be back at the 20 min. What actually happened surprised me more than anything.....I can do the whole hour now :happy: Never ever would I have that a week off would allow my body enough time to rest and allow me to do the whole hour. Mind you I'm only going to Zumba twice a week and it took me about 6 weeks to make it to 40 minutes. So give yourself some time and you'll work your way up. I still can't do everything because my body still doesn't move like that but I hope that one day as I get smaller my body will do those moves. So just keep trying and pushing.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I know a lot of the beachbody programs have introductory schedules...for it you are not quite ready to jump in to the normal schedule. Do a google search to see if you can find any prep-schedules. If not, do what you can and eventually, you will be able to get through them. I have not done Insanity, as I am still about 268 pounds, but I have done about a month of P90X, Chalene Extreme, TurboJam, TurboFire, and Slim in Six (I do NOT recommend Slim in Six...very boring! But the others are great). Maybe one of those would be better for you to start out at it Insanity is just too much. You want to get in shape, but you don't want to actually hurt yourself trying to get there.
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    don't give up, a strong woman to lose so much weight within a year!! Any workout is tough, even yoga. I do 30 day shred and when I started, it was sooo hard, I could not do the whole thing but I finished anyway. Slowly the strength will build up, by the end of week one you will feel the difference, by the end of week two I am sure you can do the first full workout (Insanity, if you stay with it).
    I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that my endurance has improved so much within just two weeks! Running builds endurance, too, you are just able to carry on. Maybe do insanity one day and running the next? You will definitely feel the difference, just stick to it and you don't have to stick to the 60 day regimen, do it three times a week to start.
  • Tricialew32
    Tricialew32 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks guys. I want results like the before and after pictures I've been seein online. I don't wanna give up. I really don't.

    Don't compare yourself to those photos online. Especially if you're finding it hard to finish the first workouts. Just keep trying...do what you can and push yourself a little more each day but don't injure yourself.

    I started Insanity right after I quit smoking. I am 45 and have had a couple disc fusion surgeries in my neck and back in the past. I will never be able to really do the power jumps because of pain but I pushed through the first month. I didn't feel like I was ready for Month 2 so I repeated the first month again and then moved on to month 2. I did not drop much weight but I dropped several inches in my hips and waist and my endurance is higher than it was in my 20's and 30's so keep pushing.
    Also, Shaun T is not hard on the eyeballs.
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member

    Don't compare yourself to those photos online. Especially if you're finding it hard to finish the first workouts. Just keep trying...do what you can and push yourself a little more each day but don't injure yourself.

    I started Insanity right after I quit smoking. I am 45 and have had a couple disc fusion surgeries in my neck and back in the past. I will never be able to really do the power jumps because of pain but I pushed through the first month. I didn't feel like I was ready for Month 2 so I repeated the first month again and then moved on to month 2. I did not drop much weight but I dropped several inches in my hips and waist and my endurance is higher than it was in my 20's and 30's so keep pushing.
    Also, Shaun T is not hard on the eyeballs.

    I think I'm so stuck on the fact that I lost 43 lbs that I think I should be Wonder Woman or something and when I realized i wasn't I got really disappointed.. Still disappointed :(
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    My first question response is "are you eating enough?". If you are still in weight loss mode then you might not be eating adequately to fuel yourself for,these workouts.

    I actually am having this very problem myself. I just decided to start training for triathlons but because my calories are still geared for weight loss, I'm having trouble. If you are anything like me then you are worried that adding food will take away your weight loss... So good luck AND make yr journal public!
  • lcn1220
    lcn1220 Posts: 124 Member
    I think I'm so stuck on the fact that I lost 43 lbs that I think I should be Wonder Woman or something and when I realized i wasn't I got really disappointed.. Still disappointed :(

    Don't be disappointed with finding your particular starting point with this program--which you just did. Be disappointed if you got this and bailed after two workouts.

    I'm about to start month 2 tomorrow. I almost did not start because I thought I needed to lose another 15 lbs or so in order to do this program. This lady's video changed my mind:


    I went right at it and surprised myself at how much I was able to do. Stuck with it, did what I can, and now I'm looking forward to month 2. (Yes, I am insane.) Don't let what you can't do get in the way of what you *can* do. Seriously. If you're wasted on the core and push up work, ok no problem try to do a little more on plyo work instead. Work on the stuff you struggle with and nail the stuff you can handle. Modify if you have to and take breaks if you need them. If you have to take a break, take deep controlled breaths, do a mental 5 or 10 count and get right back into it. Even the kids behind him have to take breaks, and some of them look like they want to die sometimes.

    Accept the fact that this is not a workout you're going to master right out of the box, but you're going to show up each day and do the best you can. Take it one interval, one activity at a time.

    I agree with Tricialew. Don't expect someone else's results on *your* body. Ditch the scale, make friends with the measuring tape and a camera. Judge your progress by how well you improve on those workouts and the changes in your body.

    Found BB's website to be mostly worthless. If you or anyone else need a friend on here, feel free to add. :)

    Hang in there and good luck!
  • willjean
    willjean Posts: 29 Member
    I need help, encouragement, and a friend... I am on day 2 of the Insanity work out and feel so out of shape. I couldn't even finish the work out; let alone fully complete any of the moves.

    I've come a long way from where I was 2 years ago. Having lost 43 pounds ( 180 to 137) in a year, I look good in my new smaller clothes, but when they come off, I'm not happy. I want to tone up and despite having lost so much weight, I am SO out of shape :(

    I feel like I could cry. Insanity is SO hard and I feel like giving up already. There is no way i can get good results by day 60 if I can't even finish the 2nd work out. Has or is anyone ever felt this way about Insanity? If so, please respond and feel free to add me as a friend on here.

    Sidenote: My beachbody coach sucks.. she's never online and her profile is blank.. no pictures of her own progress or anything..

    I'm doing Insanity right now. I just finished the first 30 days and I'm into my recovery week starting today. On day one....I was challenged with the "fit test" Going forward, I would get tired just during the "warm up" stage. :) Insanity is tough but I love it! Thirty days into the program and I feel stronger and look better than ever!

    My advice to you is this.... make sure you're following the nutrition guide, feed your body...you need the energy to get through the exercises. Use the guide within the program to figure out how many calories you need to be eating given all the factors they point out. During the exercise, push yourself but don't go crazy....if you're tired take a "short" 30 second break and then get right back into it...it's okay. Compete against yourself...try and do a little better today than you did yesterday. If you can't do the exercises faster, then make sure you keep the proper form. If you haven't already done so, then do take your "before" pictures even if it's just for you to see. It's amazing how a picture will prove to be the evidence of what you lose. Even if it's just in "inches". The camera catches it and you'll see your progress. Use My Fittness Pal to track "every thing you eat"....everything... even when you cheat. You're being untrue to yourself if you don't. You need to know when and how you slip up....when it comes to cheating on your nutrition.

    I workout in front of a full length mirror. It encourages me to keep my form and to keep working harder.....some things shouldn't be jiggling... right...lol :) If you don't have a mirror or don't want to use, consider keeping your before pictures on the wall as visual motivation....don't quit.

    Lastly, my personal pep talk to you and myself is ..."Don't quit....if you want the results, you have to do the work."

    I hope this helps ...feel free to reach out to me, another Insanity workout partner if you need more support.
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    My first question response is "are you eating enough?". If you are still in weight loss mode then you might not be eating adequately to fuel yourself for,these workouts.

    I actually am having this very problem myself. I just decided to start training for triathlons but because my calories are still geared for weight loss, I'm having trouble. If you are anything like me then you are worried that adding food will take away your weight loss... So good luck AND make yr journal public!

    I've never considered that before. I've never considered that.. I might not be eating enough for fear that I'll put my weight back on. I've been at a plateau for about 8 months..
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Before doing INSANITY I did a bootcamp class last year. Twice a week, 45min sessions. My trainer helped me improve over time to the point that now Insanity is easy and I only burn 250calories doing a DVD.

    Join a class, make new friends! It will be fun to get out there!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Modify, modify, modify... Each of us has a starting point. If we allow shame over past choices stop us from starting or continuing on our path to fitness we will never improve. When I first started pilates, I couldn't do all of the moves. Luckily, the instructor showed modifications that allowed me work each muscle group to the best of my ability. When I first started spinning, I didn't have the endurance to stay in the standing position for more than a few minutes at a time. So, I did what I could and when I needed to sit or back off the tension on my bike, I did. I did what I could at each workout and I progressed. After several years I can complete any spinning workout and can do every exercise in pilates. In many cases, I do more advanced modifications that what the instructor demos because I CAN! The cardio fitness and endurance I developed in spin classes has even given me the ability to start running, something I thought I would never be good at.

    I am not trying to brag, but rather to show you that persistence and hard work pays off. It is okay to acknowledge that you are out of shape now, but don't let that stop you from starting on a new path. If I can do it, anyone can!
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member

    Don't be disappointed with finding your particular starting point with this program--which you just did. Be disappointed if you got this and bailed after two workouts.

    I'm about to start month 2 tomorrow. I almost did not start because I thought I needed to lose another 15 lbs or so in order to do this program. This lady's video changed my mind:


    I went right at it and surprised myself at how much I was able to do. Stuck with it, did what I can, and now I'm looking forward to month 2. (Yes, I am insane.) Don't let what you can't do get in the way of what you *can* do. Seriously. If you're wasted on the core and push up work, ok no problem try to do a little more on plyo work instead. Work on the stuff you struggle with and nail the stuff you can handle. Modify if you have to and take breaks if you need them. If you have to take a break, take deep controlled breaths, do a mental 5 or 10 count and get right back into it. Even the kids behind him have to take breaks, and some of them look like they want to die sometimes.

    Accept the fact that this is not a workout you're going to master right out of the box, but you're going to show up each day and do the best you can. Take it one interval, one activity at a time.

    I agree with Tricialew. Don't expect someone else's results on *your* body. Ditch the scale, make friends with the measuring tape and a camera. Judge your progress by how well you improve on those workouts and the changes in your body.

    Found BB's website to be mostly worthless. If you or anyone else need a friend on here, feel free to add. :)

    Hang in there and good luck!

    That video, along with everyone's responses on here is just what i needed! Thanks for the pep talk. I'm starting to realize that maybe my goals for starting out were a little unrealistic..
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    I haven't tried insanity because I feel like I don't need it yet, so I can't relate to you on that level.

    What I CAN suggest to you is perhaps giving a new type of exercise a try. When I started losing weight I would walk. Just walking helped me lose about 5-10 pounds before I got more comfortable and fitter and moved up to weight training and getting my gym membership.

    If insanity doesn't work for you, try something different. Maybe a different workout DVD?

    If you need a friend and a supporter feel free to add me. I try to get to know all of my friends and I am on here every day.
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I have Insanity sitting in a box on my bookshelf. I KNOW it has a good amount of plyo-work in it (all the jumping) and my knees and ankle (broken 2 years ago) still aren't up to it with all the weight I still have on me (even 33 lbs down). So, I did 30DS first, and then I'm in the middle of a 6 week multi-video work, trying to get to where I can do Insanity successfully. Maybe something similar would work for you?

    Also, go online and poke around for a new beachbody coach. You shouldn't have to put up with a terrible one, having paid what you did for the program.