Not at risk of binging but need some inspiration...

Its so hot out and I have no a/c. I'm holding up alright, staying cool enough, but the day has me feeling sluggish and uninspired. I'm not at risk of eating anything silly, just the opposite actually. I need to get off my butt and eat something but I can't for the life of me think of anything I'm in the mood for. Help please! What yummy healthy foods do you eat when you just don't feel like doing much of anything?


  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    yogurt. its nice and cold and doesnt require having to make it :) my friend made some ice lollys out of diet lemonade drink, she just pured the diet lemonade into lolly holders and shoved in the fridge.
  • shayhenke
    shayhenke Posts: 21 Member
    summer is hard when it is so hot outside to have any type of appetite. I usually go for the cold fruit! What I noticed is when you get that way with the heat you are also missing out on protein. Who wants to eat something hot when it is so hot. Grab some cottage cheese and mix with fresh fruit! Boiled eggs.. Protein Smootie with fresh fruit. YUMMY and you will be getting the added protein you need for energy and motivation! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Mel_MisFit_Mae
    Mel_MisFit_Mae Posts: 43 Member
    nice cold Watermelon, and another thing ive learned that i loved eating frozen grapes.Wash and portion them there soooo good.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Oh what a bad day I was having and so cranky! I was grumbling up a storm and finally ended up making myself a lean sirloin burger with part skim cheese. Added a yogurt and some grapefruit to the meal and I'm feeling much better now. Funny how your body effects your moods when it needs something.
  • mgeaux
    mgeaux Posts: 41 Member
    i love the Pink Lady apples so yummy! Also Frigo Mozzarella String Chesse are my go to snack
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    great choice you made. Glad your feeling better
    My choice is always yogurt (greek) and fresh fruit.