*New Thread* Jillian's 30 Day Shread Starting Dec 1, 2009



  • I started the 30 day shred the day before thanksgiving and had to rest for a couple days. I was so sore I couold walk without hurting. No fear though ladies I gave it another shot and the next day NO PAIN! So now I am on day 3 but its cool I can start over.

    Just weight myself butt naked (not sure if anyone else does this)-148.0 lbs

    I also am on another 30 day shred thread...I stumble upon this one thinking it was my other one. But the ladies at my other one are already almost done and I am just begining plus they aren't doing weight ins.
  • Thank you guys. I think I may get on board with this. Along with my workouts...who knows...maybe I will SHRED the lbs quicker. I'm headed to Walmart tonight...and I will jump on the wagon this evening. Thanks guys.
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I'd like to join as well. Good luck to everybody!

    Dec. 1st start weight 230.

    Any useful tips for the shred?

    just dont quit! it will seem really tough the first like week, but trust me, it will get easier! just keep it up! i did the 30 day shred in 30 days in october and i did it through november too but I didnt do it as i should have( 10 days on each level). but i love the 30 day shred, after you go through it once though, you may need to find another work out. i think i'm about to plateau so i am going to start the couch to 5k and also buy jillian michaels banish fat, boost metabolism. good luck to you all! and keep it up! please, dont stop the 30 day shred because you think its too hard, it will get easier and you CAN do it!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou:
    aabelein, will you be joining us for the shred? if so, we need a strat weight for you! :) I'm going to start a weigh in thread with all our manes and start weights...so far we've got about 14 or 15 I need to recount....December Shredders lets get it started!! LOL
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm not new to MFP.. but I am back. I started the 30 day shred yesterday!!! I'd like to join in here as well!
    my starting weight is 137
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I'm in if it's ok if I do other stuff as well!!

    Starting weight 246.6

  • ok, starting weight is 175...augh
  • I didn't have to buy the video. If you have Comcast On Demand it is free to watch. It is in the Exercise TV section.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    how do i send a request to you?

    Oh, and are we adding our exercise on this thread or the other one?
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    I am in. I have to go to Walmart to get the video tomorrow though...Current weight: 131
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    So I just found the 30 day shread on Exercise On Demand on TimeWarner Cable.....so it saves me a trip to Walmart!! Yeahhhhhh!!!! Starting tomorrow
  • I'm SO in!! I bought it today and have done my first workout, didn't seem too bad, there were times I was struggling but it wasn't impossible.

    My starting weight today was 141.6lbs and I can't wait to see the changes!! I took pics today of front and back views and then each ten days I'm going to weigh in and take pics. I guess I'm a visual person, so that if the scale doesn't move as much as I want I can at least see the changes in my body!

    How did everyone else do on the first work out?
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, finished my workouts for the day. I did my second day of the Shred, 60 minutes on the Gazelle and I also used my bicycle pedals under my desk for 12 minutes today at work. AND, I've only eaten 870 calories today. I know I need to eat more, but I'm not really hungry.. I'll stuff something down soon.. I don't want to eat too few calories and be unhealthy.
  • Okay....so 3 months ago....when I was in shape, before I got an office job...gained some weight back, AND got out of shape....the workout wouldnt have phased me. Tonight....it KICKED MY BUTT! Anyway....I did it. However....the arm thing does kind of suck since I have to go to the doctor Thursday about my shoulders. Anyway....I feel good....plus it was a bonus workout. I went to the gym after work and did an hour worth of cardio (bike, treadmil, elliptical). I'm going to push myself to do this every night for the 30 days to see if I can do it. I'm challenging myself.

    Questions: 1....is it bad to workout cardio at the gym for an hour and then do this video before I go to bed. Is it possible to over do it? 2....how do we do this calorie thing on here. When I enter my exercise, do I HAVE to eat all the extra calories it gives me in order to be able to lose the weight. How does that work since I'm not a nutrition guru. :) I allow myself 1200 cals a day...and that already seems like so much. Now...if I eat the 1200....then I workout and say....I get an extra 471 calories....do I have to eat that? Also, what if its so late at night. I'm lost. And....on top of that....How many calories should I burn a day in order to lose the weight. My body fat is 26%. UGH! :) Anyway....any help would help...and hopefully in simple "blonde" terms. :) haha
  • msimmons
    msimmons Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join; however, I can't start until tomorrow...have to go out and buy DVD. I've lost 21 lbs since August, and I've been doing it with lots of cardio. I feel like it's time to add some strength training and love that it's only twenty minutes. My starting weight is 138.8.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    alrighttt... I didn't shred last night.. I got home late, my son was sleeping (thats where the dvd player is..in his room) and I didn't wanna wake the lil bugga. Tonight.. I hope.. I have ANOTHER hectic day (work, job interview, dentist, cook, clean) But I am gonna aim for tonight.. although I also have NO motivation.. NONE! My body feels soo weak..
  • can i join???
    i just did my day 4 of level 1 today.
    i didnt even think i could walk to my class on the college campus yesterday i hurt so bad lol.
    i reached my goal, however in past few months i have managed to put 6 pounds back on.
    hopefully i can get them back off in not too long. im doing this everyday and going to try to go walking
    or to the gym at least every other day, but with school, work, and 2 kids i keep at nights its SO hard to
    find time. thats also why i like this dvd. so short, yet i feel like i have actually done something!
  • I'm SO in!! I bought it today and have done my first workout, didn't seem too bad, there were times I was struggling but it wasn't impossible.

    My starting weight today was 141.6lbs and I can't wait to see the changes!! I took pics today of front and back views and then each ten days I'm going to weigh in and take pics. I guess I'm a visual person, so that if the scale doesn't move as much as I want I can at least see the changes in my body!

    How did everyone else do on the first work out?

    my first work out i was drained!!! i figured i would just do level 1 to see what the dvd was about, but i thought surely i would be up at level 3 the next day. NO WAY!! it def gave me a work out i didnt expect. i just did day 4, it wasnt as bad as the first but im just really sore. i have been doing mostly cardio for past months.
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    2 days down!
    Dec 1st - 30 day shred level 3
    Dec 2nd - 30 day shred level 1
  • adthomas218
    adthomas218 Posts: 11 Member
    Okay....so 3 months ago....when I was in shape, before I got an office job...gained some weight back, AND got out of shape....the workout wouldnt have phased me. Tonight....it KICKED MY BUTT! Anyway....I did it. However....the arm thing does kind of suck since I have to go to the doctor Thursday about my shoulders. Anyway....I feel good....plus it was a bonus workout. I went to the gym after work and did an hour worth of cardio (bike, treadmil, elliptical). I'm going to push myself to do this every night for the 30 days to see if I can do it. I'm challenging myself.

    Questions: 1....is it bad to workout cardio at the gym for an hour and then do this video before I go to bed. Is it possible to over do it? 2....how do we do this calorie thing on here. When I enter my exercise, do I HAVE to eat all the extra calories it gives me in order to be able to lose the weight. How does that work since I'm not a nutrition guru. :) I allow myself 1200 cals a day...and that already seems like so much. Now...if I eat the 1200....then I workout and say....I get an extra 471 calories....do I have to eat that? Also, what if its so late at night. I'm lost. And....on top of that....How many calories should I burn a day in order to lose the weight. My body fat is 26%. UGH! :) Anyway....any help would help...and hopefully in simple "blonde" terms. :) haha

    I usually take a 40 minute walk (almost 3 miles) and then do 30 Day Shred, and I feel fine!
    DO NOT EAT THE EXTRA CALORIES YOU GET FROM EXERCISING!!! That is going to be your daily calorie deficit. ---Unless you really feel hungry or weak, and feel you NEED a few extra calories....try eating a fruit or a veggie; but if you burn around 500 extra calories per day and MFP gives you 500 extra to eat...that doesn't mean you should eat those....that is where and how you will lose weight ..... I was confused about that at first as well....but I lost 3 lbs. last week (that is great for me!!).

    If you aim to burn around 500 calories per day for a week that should equal out to 3500 calories = to 1lb. :]

    Good luck! Any more questions just ask....hope I didn't confuse you further!!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I did day 2 of the shred yesterday! I was sore so it was a bit harder to keep up.. but we did it!!!
    I know this question has been asked before.. but how do we add the Shred to our exercise calories? Right now with the weather being so ugly (cold and drizzly) the dvd is the only workout im doing. I dont have a gym membership, they are expensive! and My husband gave our tredmil to his dad. LOL
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