Discouraged :(



  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    I have seen a lot of those incredible "before and after" pics of people who do Insanity, and have read SEVERAL times that the owner of said body "almost quit" several times.

    Don't give up. Modify when you need to, but DON'T GIVE UP! And post those awesome pictures when you're done. Make sure to tell the people reading how you almost gave up....you'll be helping the next generation of Insanity followers!
  • asayyar
    asayyar Posts: 7
    Sorry to hear you are discouraged. Remind yourself you have already lost the weight-- an INCREDIBLE accomplishment. Getting into shape just like losing weight takes time. I did it backwards. I have gotten the work out/strength part part down now am tackling the eating and actual scale number. I know where you are in reverse.

    Keep at it. Even if you do 1/4 of the exercises and then rest, do as much as you can. Do 4 reps for every 10 they do on the DVD. Build yourself up to the level you want to be at. You will find that each day you will be able to do more. There is a silver lining to being challenged by a new DVD, you at least know that you are not at a plateau and you can only see results going forward as you master the exercises. The fact that you are even doing this is a victory.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I couldn't finish an exercise video when I tried it in February...but I bet I could now! Its good that its hard. Fight for it! Don't give up!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    If you're at a good weight, you don't need to do Insanity. It sounds like you need to build up some lean muscle, and in order to do that you need to lift heavy! Insanity will burn the fat, so you can see more muscle, but it really doesn't do much for building muscle, as it is bodyweight only. I lost quite a bit on Insanity and ended up feeling like you - the dreaded "skinny fat." I've started lifting heavy and LIMITING my cardio and am gradually getting into the shape I really want to be in. Good luck!
  • cpauscher
    cpauscher Posts: 41
    I have found that when I first started doing Zumba I couldn't keep up. I was winded after the 2nd song and had to take frequent breaks. Keep at it. I can now get through a full hour workout and feel like I could do a little bit more. Work at your own pace and don't try to keep up with everyone else that may have been doing this for a long time. You'll find that little by littly your stamina and strength will increase.

    Keep up the good work. You are on the right track. Just don't give up and keep moving. You may add me as a friend if you would like. :wink:
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am far from perfect, but I will do my best to help you
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I definitely would be trying a little weight lifting next. You could try a personal trainer, OR a book my friends have gotten great results with called "New Rules of Lifting for Women."
  • wen2688
    wen2688 Posts: 1
    Hey Girl, it's okay if at first you can't complete it all but you will get there in time. And about others saying it isn't for toning but for burning fat, that's totally false. Full body weight exercises are great for toning your legs, stomach, butt, arms, etc. I'm currently 60lbs overweight with a 3 yo and I am in the last 2 weeks of my first round. It hasn't been easy. It's not supposed to be. What I find is do it at your own pace, and modify where you need to (eg: pushups). Just don't give up. It will become such a big accomplishment when you're done with the first month. Even if you feel like redoing the first week as you get more in tune with the program, there's nothing wrong with that. Some people can't even get past the warm up phase because it's so challenging. Just dig deep and cheer up! :)
  • lissaann22479
    Don't give up! I personally have not done insanity. I did do the 30ds. After my first day, I thought I would die. But I kept at it. And finished it. If something is too hard, modify it, then work up to it. You can do it!

    I have not done insanity , but I know you can do anything you set your mind too. I am doing the 30ds right now and I can tell you that I felt like you do right now when I first started, but I knew that if I kept trying I could do it! You Can Do It !!! Don't you ever give up because you are strong!! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • MorbidNTT
    MorbidNTT Posts: 43 Member
    It is hard, but finish 'that day's" DVD, do not turn it off and do not stop. Stay hydrated, and do what you can, then move on with the DVD. If you quit in the middle, you will fail in the end...By the time you reach Day 60 you'll be on your way to keeping up. That's what day 61 is for (ie: back to day 1).

    As Mike Karpenko likes to say "There is no Stop, there may be a Pause but there is no Stop"

    For those of you curious about Insanity

  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Stop thinking about where you were or where you are now. This is a process. Think about where you want to be. Think about the step s you need to do to get there.
  • SantanaKathleen
    Stay Strong!! Just think of how amazing you will feel when you have worked super hard, and are finally seeing results! If you stick with it, your strength and endurance will grow, and each day will get a little easier. Its not supposed to feel or be "easy". if it was, we'd all be super thin or in shape super models. However, we have all put ourselves here the way that we are, and we have to face the challenge to come out of this rut!


    p.s. Is Insanity a part of the brazil routine??
  • fitfanat
    fitfanat Posts: 2
    Hey, remember they call it "Insanity" ! It is very tough workout and they don't expect you to be able to complete it lall the way thru right away! Even the people in the actual workout rest periodically. You will know you are achieving endurance and strength when you can go a little further or jump a little higher. It takes time for that to happen. And he does not say you must be able to complete everything without resting, he says that you just have to try your best. Your best will get better each week you do it!
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    I've never considered that before. I've never considered that.. I might not be eating enough for fear that I'll put my weight back on. I've been at a plateau for about 8 months..

    It's not YOUR weight any longer. You worked hard to get rid of it. I'm sure you can work hard to keep it off and tone yourself up. You've done a great job so far. Keep up the excellent work. Be sure you are feeding yourself properly for those workouts.
  • jenyanta
    jenyanta Posts: 6
    I haven't done Insanity, but I have friends that have, and it is TOUGH!

    From my personal experience doing other things (I'm addicted to the cardio-kickboxing type workouts), a lot of these have a very steep learning curve.

    Doing these workouts, I have noticed a few things with beginners:

    1. You're body isn't conditioned for this specific workout yet. Do what you can at whatever level you can. It's going to take a few sessions to acclimate your body and LEARN THE PACING you need to get through the workout.

    2. You're brain is trying to learn new specific moves. It will take a few sessions to get the mind/muscle memory going.

    3. You're brain is trying to learn entire new routines. Even more mind/muscle memory.

    4. and probably the most important: You are going to feel like a dork for a while. Accept it, get over it, and ROCK IT!

    As you get more proficient at the workouts (weeks) you can up your intensity.

    You will get there! Someone who has already done what you have done has all the mental strength they need to do this! It is just going to take a little time.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I have never tried Insanity. The reason why is because I don't feel like I'm in good enough shape yet. I do the Chalean Extreme cardio workouts (which are fairly short), and I almost feel like I'm going do die doing them. But I keep on doing them in hopes that I will build up endurance. I figure after a while I will be able to do it, and you can do Insanity. Maybe it will take longer than 60 days. So what? You'll be working on getting in the best shape of your life! Don't worry, just do what you can, and you'll get there!

    PS I don't even know if I still have a Beach Body Coach. Do you pay, or use the free profile? I use the free one and it doesn't seem to help at all. I much prefer just being on here. The people are great, and very helpful and encouraging. And there are lots of great challenges and things you can join.

  • reereejandro
    reereejandro Posts: 62 Member
    I also haven't done it! But my BF is going to start today... good luck to him. I think he is just going to start with 30 mins a day.

    Could I suggest that you start with a little 30DS just to better ease into insanity? Try each level for a couple days and see?
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    I agree with what has already been said. I have been trying (on and off) for past 10 years to get to a weight my doctor says is healthy. I liked weight lifting when I was younger and have been trying to do that at least 3x a week since beginning of June, in addition to workouts at home. I haven't done Insanity (or P90X... they look similar) but have one called X-factor:ST put out by Joe Weider, whose name I know from my weight lifting days. It was 1/3 the price and while not quite as intense, still gives you a run for your money. Even the instructors on the videos keep saying you won't probably be able to do all the moves, but if you are sincere to the program you should be much better at the end of 8 weeks, or whatever length it is. I am 52 and have back and ankle issues and there are just some moves I physically cannot perform, so I modify as I can and do what is left. Trust me, I am sweating after the 40 minutes is done!

    I would suggest keeping up and even if it takes 2 weeks per workout as opposed to 1 just to feel comfortable moving on, I would do that. My observation also was week 2 was actually easier than week 1 because they used different moves my body was able to do! So perhaps preview a week or two ahead and see if that might not help.

    I would also do weights. Keep a log and build up as you go. Women are concerned about looking like The Hulk and I can assure you having done it before (and I would scare men out of the gym I lifted such heavy weights back in the day), I was definitely muscular/defined but not bulky. I went to buy new clothes back then and got my butt in a size 5 (was in my late 20's at the time) and wore a size 9 in high school. The weights made that much difference!

    Don't be discouraged! I'm not too crazy about how I look right now either and I still have more than 50 pounds to loose but I just keep a vision in my head of what I want to look like and it really keeps me motivated when I feel like I want to stop.

    Hope this helps! Best of luck and you will do great! :)
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    Keep it up it isn't going to happen overnight. You have lost so much weight and the Insanity workout is extreme. I tried it and I know that for myself it is something I will have to work up to. I didn't want to compromise on form and risk not being able to workout at all. I am working out hard consistently 4 days a week and for me, that is an accomplishment. Don't give up, but don't hurt yourself.
  • FitnessGirlSD
    Do not get discouraged Sunny believe me I feel that same way while doing P90X. This morning I truly had that feeling but I pushed myself to do and afterwards I felt better. Insanity is tough and I applaud you for even getting through day 2. I am currently on Day 10 of P90X. What made you choose Insanity? Ever thought that maybe you are not ready for that type of program and you are pushing yourself to hard?

    You got to believe you can do this, put in the hard work and the results will pay off but you got to keep pushing play. We can do this together you and I and I'm here to help you as much as you want my help.