
Just curious if anyone on Levothyroxine has had issues losing weight? When did you begin to lose weight? Does anyone have better results with Synthroid instead? Or perhaps a different type of thyroid medication? I have lost 80 pounds but nothing in the last 7 months.


  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    I had to have my thyroid removed and I have taken levothyroxine. I had a huge problem because the pharmacist filled it with generics. I found a endocrinologist that switched it to Levoxyl because he said it was a better med. Plus there's no more generics seems how the dosages vary. :smile:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I was on Synthyroid before I was on Levoxyl. The doctor recommended the switch. Following a modified diabetic diet (due to PCOS; sometimes those disorders run hand in hand) I was able to lose what I've lost so far (36lbs) since the middle of March. I had a lot of trouble losing weight before on Synthyroid. The doctor said that the dosing is more consistent in Levo, so your thyroid isn't running under and over its appropriate level every day.
  • netty11253
    netty11253 Posts: 10 Member
    I take levothroxine too, 125 mg. Dr told me I had no thyrodi function! Getting a blood test next week as I have not lost any weight either, but I have been eating poorly. Gong to a different doctor.

    Started today , found this site. I don't want to blame it on the thyroid- I have to watch my choice and intake of food.
  • vilmafraguada
    vilmafraguada Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for posting this since this has been a concern for me...I will try to get the non generic and see if it is better
  • vilmafraguada
    vilmafraguada Posts: 26 Member
    I also stopped taking the medication to see if it would help me lose weight and I actually gained weight without it...
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I had to have my thyroid removed and I have taken levothyroxine. I had a huge problem because the pharmacist filled it with generics. I found a endocrinologist that switched it to Levoxyl because he said it was a better med. Plus there's no more generics seems how the dosages vary. :smile:

    My doctor said the same thing about dosages in generics. She told me to make sure I was getting the good stuff. She said that thyroid disorder is one of the few disorders you can have where the brand name matters so much. Without insurance, I pay $25 a month (as opposed to $4 a month for generics) but I feel like it's worth it.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I feel better overall with either armour or np thyroid. I still felt bad on synthroid when I took it. I'm not having problems losing weight on my current medication. I was pregnant when we were trying to get my dosage right. On synthroid I was still gaining a lot of weight too quickly. My weight gain stabilized when I switched medication. Obviously I was not dieting or trying to lose weight at the time because I was pregnant.
  • prismperfect
    prismperfect Posts: 24 Member
    I think they're both the same thing? I could be wrong but I think Synthroid is the brand name, and Levothyroxine is the scientific name. My husband has been taking it for a couple of years, he never really focused on weight loss until I started in January, and he's lost 30 lbs since then! So it hasn't prevented him from losing weight at all :)
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    ive been on 125mg on levothyroxine for years now and really really struggle to loose weight. I eat pretty ok and exercise everyday. but i find loosing weight a never ending loosing battle to do half a pound a fortnight to month if im lucky.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Thyroids are tricky things. I was on Levoxyl for years but am on levothyroxine now. The different fillers in the generic can cause different problems. I'm through menopause now and it actually seems easier to lose weight before. One of my biggest gain years was before they got my thyroid regulated. Hang in there.
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    While technically all "the same", each variation works differently from person to person. For me, synthroid works better. For others, Levoxyl works better. And for still others, the generic levothyroxine works best. Keep trying until you find what works.
  • prismperfect
    prismperfect Posts: 24 Member

    My doctor said the same thing about dosages in generics. She told me to make sure I was getting the good stuff. She said that thyroid disorder is one of the few disorders you can have where the brand name matters so much. Without insurance, I pay $25 a month (as opposed to $4 a month for generics) but I feel like it's worth it.

    Actually your doctor may be getting kickbacks from that drug manufacturer to push it on their patients. My husbands doc insisted on the brand name which was way more expensive (though in your case not by much, in ours it was), but my husband said no, get the generic. The FDA requires that all generics perform the same exact way. "The generic must have the same active ingredient or ingredients and the same labeled strength as this reference product."

    So by law it's the same :) I'm glad he did, saved us a lot of money as well as it's performed the same exact way.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Can't spell. It's easier THAN before.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I think they're both the same thing? I could be wrong but I think Synthroid is the brand name, and Levothyroxine is the scientific name. My husband has been taking it for a couple of years, he never really focused on weight loss until I started in January, and he's lost 30 lbs since then!

    Yes you are correct. One is name brand and the other is generic. I've heard a lot about the Levothyroxine doses being different from batch to batch. I have been taking it for 15 years on and off. (I hate taking pills and went several years w/o any meds at all. Bad mistake!) Sometimes I feel I should ask for the name brand and see if it makes any difference or if I should just try a different brand all together. Decisions, decisions...
  • wldlndcpt
    wldlndcpt Posts: 25
    I am on 150 mcg's of Levothroid. I have been on thyroid medication for about ten years and was actually diagnosed when I went to the Dr because I started gaining weight while on a very strict diet. It is difficult, but not impossible to lose weight with a thyroid condition. I pay a lot of attention to my symptoms and am very proactive about requesting blood tests and seeing my Dr when I start to feel off. Don't give up, you can do this!
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I am on 150 mcg's of Levothroid. I have been on thyroid medication for about ten years and was actually diagnosed when I went to the Dr because I started gaining weight while on a very strict diet. It is difficult, but not impossible to lose weight with a thyroid condition. I pay a lot of attention to my symptoms and am very proactive about requesting blood tests and seeing my Dr when I start to feel off. Don't give up, you can do this!

    I was diagnoised 15 years ago. I have always been on Levothyroxine. I've always just trusted what the doctor says regarding the meds as far as increasing doses. I was up to 175mcg. Just recently reduced it to 150mcg after the weight loss I've had. I'm beginning to wonder if I should question trying a different brand.
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    I've been on it for years now and I dont think it really made a difference once you get the right level. but im on a lot of medication and I think the culmination of them all especially women on any kind of birth control will find it harder.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    I've been on Synthroid since 1999. When I focus on losing weight, I do. I started eating better and exercising June 10, and as of July 7 I lost 10lbs.

    If you are still struggling with weight loss and are eating better/exercising I would check with your dr.

    My thyroid has not caused me to have trouble getting pregnant or not able to breastfeed. Two things I *heard* might happen.
  • jbosick80
    jbosick80 Posts: 47 Member
    Levothyroxine is the generic name for Synthroid. People sometimes get confused as to what the difference is. There isn't any, when a company comes out with a drug they get a patent for that drug for a certain amount of time. After that time runs out then generics can start to come out from different companies.

    I have been on Synthroid/Levothyroxine for almost a year now. I take 100mcg/day, I am diligent about taking it a half an hour before eating anything in the morning and waiting at least 4 hours before taking my vitamins. I didn't have a huge weight loss after starting it but I do when trying to lose find it 100% easier to do so. Of course all of my other symptoms cleared up as well and that is why I went on the medication to begin with.

    I hope this helps someone. I am an RN by the way also studying for my MLT certification as well.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I've been on Synthroid since 1999. When I focus on losing weight, I do. I started eating better and exercising June 10, and as of July 7 I lost 10lbs.

    If you are still struggling with weight loss and are eating better/exercising I would check with your dr.

    My thyroid has not caused me to have trouble getting pregnant or not able to breastfeed. Two things I *heard* might happen.

    I have checked with my doctor. He says I should be proud of the 80 pounds lost and to hang in there....grr.