


  • jagwab
    jagwab Posts: 93
    I also stopped taking the medication to see if it would help me lose weight and I actually gained weight without it...

    It's not a good idea to stop taking your thyroid medication. It can cause serious problems.

    I used to be on Synthroid but am on Armour (2 pills in morning and 1 at night) and seem to be doing much better.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I also stopped taking the medication to see if it would help me lose weight and I actually gained weight without it...

    It's not a good idea to stop taking your thyroid medication. It can cause serious problems.

    I used to be on Synthroid but am on Armour (2 pills in morning and 1 at night) and seem to be doing much better.

    I have heard a lot about that medication.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm glad you posted this question because I've been wondering about others with thyroid issues and I just hadn't posted it myself yet. :-)

    I am hypothyroid and I take a product called Pathroid. It is derived from plant amino acids. My doctor does not like to use synthetics (like Synthroid, etc.) and so this is what she recommended. I've been on it for about 2 1/2 yrs. My thyroid numbers are almost normal now. I do have trouble losing weight, but that is not from the med, as that was one of my many symptoms of hypothyroidism to begin with. Thyroid hormone controls many functions in the body and if it's not working properly, your metabolism doesn't work properly. It also works hand in hand with the adrenals, which if not functioning properly, will also cause weight gain or hinder weight loss.

    I would also caution any women who might be thinking of getting pregnant, or who are pregnant, to make sure your thyroid is working good or that you consistently take your meds because the growing baby demands a lot of thyroid hormone for development. Lack of it causes many things, including retardation, etc.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member

    Synthroid is a brand of levyothroxine, many people including docs say you need to be on Synthroid as generic meds for thyroid simply dont work.


    I have an underactive thyroid gland too and was on eltroxin (brand in uk and ireland) - levothyroxine - for years which wrecked my body. have recently switched to armour thyroid and feel amazing on it!
    I gained a ton of weight on my previous meds and felt so miserable because no matter how much I dieted or exercised the weight would not come off.

    You should think about switching to armour....
    I could NOT even lose 1lb while on the eltroxin - levothyroxine - no matter how hard I tried :(

    Of course everyone is different but I have done a ton of research lately on it all and I believe Armour is the way to go.

    Feel free to add me, I can email you the links to all the info I found if you want
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    I take Levothyroxine. I haven't had difficulty losing weight when I've exercised and made good eating choices. What I will say though is in the past when I've been in losing weight mode, I have noticed that my weight has gone haywire. I would lose 5-6 lbs a week for a couple weeks in a row when I was in the swing of things and everything would get out of whack. Make sure your doctor knows that you are trying to lose weight so that he/she can keep an eye on your levels.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Synthroid is the brand name. Levothyroxine is a generic form. You cannot just switch between generics and brand name when it comes to thyroid meds. The generics do not perform as well and you often need a much higher dosage than with the brand name.