Grocery Lists? Budgets?

Hi, I am just starting out and I'm living on my own. Luckily I only have me to feed but have no idea how to go about doing it on a budget... I have budgeted fifty dollars a week.
I was hoping that either some of you had this too and were willing to let me see your grocery lists, and give me advice on how to do it, or that someone might know where to go to find this. I googled it but the results are mainly from years ago and unfortunately food is not as cheap now. Thanks.


  • emily_fox
    emily_fox Posts: 62 Member
    $50 a week is a very steep budget. BUT! it can be done. If you need vegetables on a daily basis, buy some fresh and some frozen. Frozen veggies will last a long time but with fresh veggies you'll find it is necessary to eat them sooner than later and therefore, you go through your veggie reserves quickly. Meat is an item that's best bought in bulk, wrapped up in individual servings and brought out one-at-a-time (this is best if it's just you that you are feeding). This is what I do with boneless/skinless chicken breasts.
  • cberridge1987
    I have no idea how far $50 will get you I'm afraid as I'm from the UK, and I don't live on my own (wow I'm starting to sound like I'll be completely useless!) But, my partner works shift a lot, so we try and go shopping once a week, and then cook meals in bulk that will last a few days and freeze them that way she can take them to work and I can eat alone without too much prep work. I find doing this makes sure we use all our fresh meat/veg. We also always have frozen veg in the freezer, and freeze meat as soon as we buy it. I don't know about in the US, but over here you can get some really good deals on fresh meat if you buy in bulk.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    Have you been on Pinterest? There are tons of budget friendly meals and snacks. Also, this time of the year don't forget to check for a local farmers market. They usually have fresher and cheaper veggies than the store and sometimes they will "haggle" with you on prices. :smile:
  • efarester
    efarester Posts: 158
    Yes, definitely check local farmer's markets. We went shopping this past weekend at a local farm and for $36 purchased strawberries, plums, lemons and limes, swiss chard, celery, carrots, red bell peppers, onion, hamburger, and kalbasa. :) Definitely much more reasonable then our regular stores.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Look for coupons in your local circular, and if you have a walmart in your area, they will price match, even the coupon price specific for another store. Start your list with the most needed, and plan how many meals you need, and how far your foods will go. Make meals that will last a few days! Good luck, it can be done!
  • Actually_Mike
    Actually_Mike Posts: 61 Member
    That's about what I spend, I eat quite a bit of chicken (cooked in many different ways so I don't get tired of it). Sometimes I'll make hamburgers from 93% lean meat and cooked on my foreman. I always have fruit and veges on hand that are fresh. The only frozen vege I eat is probably steamed green beans. For breakfast, I eat old fashioned oats, you can get a pretty big container for $2-3 and they last awhile. I also eat egg whites every morning, a container (here at least) is around $3, and that gets me almost 2 weeks worth of breakfast with scrambled eggs. An advantage I have though is 3 different places within a few minutes of each other that all have major groceries, so I can shop each store and get the best deals. Good luck!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    You can definitely eat on 50 a week. You just need to shop often to get fresh veggies. Frozen are fine, stay away from canned. You get far more nutrients and less sodium that way.

    As crazy as it sounds I shop at Aldi and at Kmart to get good veggies cheaply. I get my meat there too. Shrimp and salmon frozen.

    There are good options and if you are ok with going to the store a couple of times a week, you can do it with 50 dollars.
  • chayoxela
    chayoxela Posts: 23
    When I was cooking for one (about 3 years ago), my budget was a little less than that, and I always had the following on my grocery list:
    brown rice
    whole wheat pasta
    whole wheat bread
    dried beans
    peanut butter
    skim milk
    good cheese
    chicken,fish, tofu, veggie burgers (whatever was on sale)
    lots of fruit and veggies (I'd buy local and on sale)

    Shop the sales and find a grocery store like Aldi or Trader Joe's that has decent products for less than you'd pay elsewhere. if you have a store that sells grains and beans in bulk (not Whole Foods, but something like Henry's or Sun Harvest), the bulk prices are often better than what you'd get pre-packaged.

    You might think about freezer cooking, where you prepare a meal that is several servings instead of just one. Then you pack the leftovers into individual servings and freeze. You save money by being able to buy in bulk, and also by having your own frozen meals that you can grab for a quick lunch or dinner. Money Saving Mom has lots of helpful hints, recipes, and ideas to help you figure out the best way to freezer cook for you.
  • 150930
    150930 Posts: 19
    I spend $80 for 2 peeps and a dog a week. I found Trader Joe's to be my friend in that regard. I buy store brands when buying package items. Buy what you love to eat one week - see how far your money goes. Decide then if everything you wants is possible or if you need to up your budget. Meat is more economical in places that sell only meat. Also consider your local Latino or Asian grocery. My pennies go a really long way in these stores.
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    I typically spend $75/week and I am feeding a family of 5 :) This also includes personal items and household. Here is how I do it. Coupons both online and in flyers, if a store has a coupon and the manufacturer has a coupon, you can double them up. I use the extra (I get a ton of things for free this way when they are coupled with a sale), to buy fresh veggies. The meat I buy in bulk and then freeze what I am not using immediately. I make crock pot meals in advance and get quite a few servings out of one slow-cooker meal! Honestly $50 should be easy to utilize and have more than enough once you get good at it, though the first few weeks may seem challenging, you get better at it. I am the sole income for my family and don't make a high income by any stretch, so had to learn in order to insure none of us goes without :) Hope this helps. If you want, you can friend me and ask if you have any questions too. Good luck to ya!
  • lnpankiw
    lnpankiw Posts: 2 Member
    Also consider your local Latino or Asian grocery. My pennies go a really long way in these stores.

    I agree! You can get some really good deals at the asian markets. Plus try some new fruits and veggies so you don't get bored :)
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    I really wish there was a trader joe's around here lol. I only have walmarts. Thanks for the advice everyone, I def will check out the farmers markets, does anyone have any specific recipes they love that are pretty cheap?
  • threebritts
    Do you live near Aldi? You can buy tons of stuff at Aldi for less than buying at a regular grocery store. They have fresh produce and a Fit & Active brand that is really good and affordable. I can buy for a famiy of 3 for $60.
  • goforthd5
    goforthd5 Posts: 167
    As a single income family with 3 children, I find coupons and sells are a must! Stock up on things when they are on sell. For example, last week my margarine was BOGO and I had coupons that doubled. I was able to buy stick margarine for less than $0.60. Like others have said, buy your local produce and then can or freeze it. Also check your meat dept for reduced price beef. A lot of times I am able to buy the good stuff for less than the cheap stuff. But my butcher has warned me about pork or chicken. If they will, have them open the package to make sure the meat is still good. And then stock up. Buy when on sell even if you do not need it at the moment, because you will need it soon enough when it is not on sell.
  • threebritts
    You can definitely eat on 50 a week. You just need to shop often to get fresh veggies. Frozen are fine, stay away from canned. You get far more nutrients and less sodium that way.

    As crazy as it sounds I shop at Aldi and at Kmart to get good veggies cheaply. I get my meat there too. Shrimp and salmon frozen.

    There are good options and if you are ok with going to the store a couple of times a week, you can do it with 50 dollars.

    I love Aldi, and it's not crazy at all!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    One of the best ways for me to stick to my food budget is to plan my meals in advance,
    if you write down a list of meals for the week and only buy the ingredients needed for this then it helps stick with it.

    I either do my food shop online so im not tempted by offers etc or i go to the store and just pick up what is on my list. x
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    As far as grocery budgeting goes, I've had good success by taking cash out of my bank account every week, and dividing it into enveloped earmarked for groceries, dog food, etc. I put the week's grocery budget in one envelope, and write the week and the starting amount on the front. Then I take it with me to the store, pay for my groceries only with that cash, and put the receipt in the envelope. When I get home, I subtract the amount spent from the starting amount, and write the current amount of money remaining in the envelope on the front. This helps to figure out where your money is going, and helps you easily see how much you have left for the week's food.

    To conserve money spent on groceries, I check grocery fliers each week to see if anything is on sale. If it is, I will stock up on a few weeks' worth. Canned tuna and salmon can be cost-effective proteins. Sometimes buying larger volumes of dry goods like oatmeal will save money. Processed foods, and even things like bread, are often very expensive for the amount of food, so avoid these if you can. Cheese is astronomically expensive, so go without if you can. :)
  • alissadough84
    alissadough84 Posts: 95 Member
    That's my budget too. I can totally eat on $50 a week. Usually, I make a meal plan for every meal of the week before I even go to the store and check the fliers to see if there is anything on sale. My staples are always fresh fruit ( I try to go for what's on sale, and what will get me though the week)- so a whole watermelon, or cantalope, chicken, eggs, milk. I buy some fresh veggies, but always buy frozen peas, beans, corn. If I buy string cheese I spend more and get a bigger pack so it lasts more than I week. And I buy the big containers of yogurt instead of single cups. Experiment with some generic brands too, that saves money, some stuff is better than others though.

    My first shop when I moved into my own place was a probably $120, I got some essential stuff that I knew I would be using all of the time, like spices, gf pasta, several cans of chic peas, mustard, ketchup, dressings, etc. But I planned for it, it saves money in the long run because now I know I don't have to worry about buying any of that and working it into my $50 budget when I plan a meal.

    Hope this helps!
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    I have to stick to a fairly tight budget as well. Only buy what is on sale (especially in the produce and meat sections), buy what you'll need for 2-3 months while it's on sale, and use coupons when you can. If you play your cards right, you can fill your freezer and pantry for next to nothing and get fresh produce, meats, and dairy for 30-50% off. I spent $100 today and got enough produce for the week, ground beef, bacon, chicken, and breakfast sausage to last two months, frozen lunches for 3-4 weeks, pasta for 2 months, and several staples like milk, bread, etc. This is going to feed both of us plus the 2 house guests and 2 more dinner guests we'll have this week. You don't have to do the crazy junk they do on extreme couponing to make coupon/sale shopping work for you. Check out if you want a crash course in getting started.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I feed a family of 2.5 (my daughter is 3) for about $120 dollars a week. The prices I am using are based on the Pittsburgh, PA area.

    Bags of beans, rice, lentils are good buys ($1.25 each for a total of $3.75), bulk proteins and brick cheeses you portion out at home - are much cheaper per serving. I find hot sauce is cheap and makes pretty much everything taste good.

    Basic things to invest in when you have extra cash: a good spice collection and a big bottle of olive oil.