Really bugs me when...



  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    If the posts in these forums aggravate you that much, why not just stay away? :huh:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    If the posts in these forums aggravate you that much, why not just stay away? :huh:
    That's too easy. She wouldn't have anything to get so worked up about! :wink:
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    When people go to a fast food joint get the higest calorie meal and then order a diet coke....REALLY...I'm just saying though!

    They drink diet to have more cals for food

    Any logical person can see that....
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    Still trying to figure out why I read this. If something bothers me so much I skip over it and move on. Life is short but things are bothersome at times it's choosing to let those bothersome things go that matter.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I think if you are going to complain about people posting a topic a million times, then you shouldn't be doing the same thing. If you have a problem with it, then that's fine, just don't do it yourself because now you're just contradicting yourself. Besides, I do agree that it gets more newbies talking with the people who've been on here longer. I personally like it when I see new threads of stuff, it means it's more updated. Again, if you don't like it, then don't read them.

    I do agree that children should not be on this site. Though on the other hand, they are probably on this site for a reason, and most of that reason I would guess that the parents don't care what their children are eating, aren't healthy, and the child probably want's to get out of that rut. In that case, I say props.

    I don't agree with the boobs and *kitten* (Even though I do like them) But I understand that's what people are proud of and what they want to show off. If you don't want your kids seeing the pics, you realize that they are here so don't use it when they are around, or use it somewhere so they won't see. It's your job to monitor what your kids see, not ours.

    Obviously snooping around in other people's diary's isn't working for you, so just stop doing it. It's as simple as that. You're here to change your way of life and healthy living, not other people's.

    This is my view on it.
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    Girls are super sluts on here
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Girls are super sluts on here

    I like that this site has confident women. I've seen a lot of flesh but no sluts. Then again, the word slut is pretty antiquated to me especially when used to describe mainly women.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    When people go to a fast food joint get the higest calorie meal and then order a diet coke....REALLY...I'm just saying though!

    Did you ever think that maybe they could stomach the regular soda? I know I couldn't so I drank diet soda.
    Now I don't diet pop at all, because it does make you gain weight. Now that I haven't had it in over a year I cant stomach the diet pop.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    When people go to a fast food joint get the higest calorie meal and then order a diet coke....REALLY...I'm just saying though!

    If you are going to run the red, you may as well wear your seat belt. Every calorie counts.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    my diary is over half fast food.

    /shrug. to each their own
  • abetterjune
    abetterjune Posts: 219
    I think if you are going to complain about people posting a topic a million times, then you shouldn't be doing the same thing. If you have a problem with it, then that's fine, just don't do it yourself because now you're just contradicting yourself. Besides, I do agree that it gets more newbies talking with the people who've been on here longer. I personally like it when I see new threads of stuff, it means it's more updated. Again, if you don't like it, then don't read them.

    I do agree that children should not be on this site. Though on the other hand, they are probably on this site for a reason, and most of that reason I would guess that the parents don't care what their children are eating, aren't healthy, and the child probably want's to get out of that rut. In that case, I say props.

    I don't agree with the boobs and *kitten* (Even though I do like them) But I understand that's what people are proud of and what they want to show off. If you don't want your kids seeing the pics, you realize that they are here so don't use it when they are around, or use it somewhere so they won't see. It's your job to monitor what your kids see, not ours.

    Obviously snooping around in other people's diary's isn't working for you, so just stop doing it. It's as simple as that. You're here to change your way of life and healthy living, not other people's.

    This is my view on it.

    Quite honestly, I never thought about starting new topics to encourage the communication between new/ old members and thinking about it like that it bugs me quite a bit less!

    Everything else... like I stated originally, just blowing off steam. Overall I love mfp and all the little things wouldn't keep me from it. Most of the time, I just get over and on with it, who cares. And, yes, I know I contradicted myself. I stated that in the original post, too. lol
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    Why are people getting so worked up about what I said about Fast food and diet coke? It's only my PERSONAL don't take it personally if you THINK I'm talking about you! I haven't even met anyone one on this site and I have not publicly voiced my thoughts when this action occurred! I am just writing what my major pet peeve is no disrepect to another. For all those holier than thou who have commented why is it that you have to give an excuse for why people buy a diet soda? Could you be guilty of this HORRENDOUS crime?:noway: I say don't do it halfway go the distance! hehe LOL all fun and games people take a chill pill and focus on your goal and not a conversation geared towards spite!:laugh:
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    When people go to a fast food joint get the higest calorie meal and then order a diet coke....REALLY...I'm just saying though!

    Lol, always feel like people are thinking this about me but actually I hate the taste of full fat fizzy drinks!

    This. Why do people assume I drink diet coke to save calories? I just LIKE diet coke and do not like regular soda. Simple. So yes, I will buy a super size big mac meal with a diet coke.

    Enjoy Diet and all!
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    If the posts in these forums aggravate you that much, why not just stay away? :huh:

    Ummm THANK YOU no better words ever written!:bigsmile:
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    When people go to a fast food joint get the higest calorie meal and then order a diet coke....REALLY...I'm just saying though!

    They drink diet to have more cals for food

    Any logical person can see that....

    Guess I am more of a critical thinker then because I don't see the logic :wink:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    :huh: People are holier than thou for explaining why people get diet drinks with fast food?
  • d4rkn3ss06
    d4rkn3ss06 Posts: 57
    I think if you are going to complain about people posting a topic a million times, then you shouldn't be doing the same thing. If you have a problem with it, then that's fine, just don't do it yourself because now you're just contradicting yourself. Besides, I do agree that it gets more newbies talking with the people who've been on here longer. I personally like it when I see new threads of stuff, it means it's more updated. Again, if you don't like it, then don't read them.

    I do agree that children should not be on this site. Though on the other hand, they are probably on this site for a reason, and most of that reason I would guess that the parents don't care what their children are eating, aren't healthy, and the child probably want's to get out of that rut. In that case, I say props.

    I don't agree with the boobs and *kitten* (Even though I do like them) But I understand that's what people are proud of and what they want to show off. If you don't want your kids seeing the pics, you realize that they are here so don't use it when they are around, or use it somewhere so they won't see. It's your job to monitor what your kids see, not ours.

    Obviously snooping around in other people's diary's isn't working for you, so just stop doing it. It's as simple as that. You're here to change your way of life and healthy living, not other people's.

    This is my view on it.

    ^^^^THIS!! You said every thing i was going to say! I agree with everything you told the OP. I understand that kids aren't allowed on the site but if a parent isn't helping the child get healthy than more power to that kid for trying to do it for themselves! I keep my diary closed because of people who like to look and complain about what I AM EATING.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    ... people's diary's are more than 1/2 fast food. An occasional meal here and there, or maybe even one a day if there's some reason you can't bring your own or whatever for work. But, I don't get how people can eat the stuff day in and day out and expect to become healthier.
    This irritates me too actually. Most food diaries I look at contain fast food at least once. Now, the occasional take-away or trip to a fast food joint is fine. But when it's every week and you've racked up over a 1,000 calories in one meal, um... HELLO!?!?

    And tell me why on Earth it bothers you what SOMEONE ELSE is eating? Who cares if they choose to use their 1000 calories a day on a Big Mac? How does it hurt you? It doesn't. So, focus on meeting your own goals and doing your own thing and let them do theirs. :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    ... people don't search the forums on a topic (starvation mode, 1200 calories, eat back exercise calories, etc). Also, those of you out there desperate to knock me down for making this post, yes, I'm aware I'm annoying myself because there are plenty of posts (albeit older ones) out there on this topic, already.

    Have you ever tried to use the 'search' feature? Because I have, and it's not easy to find what you're looking for. Just understand that when you're new, you have lots of questions. That's fine, and people can ask them. Just because we're 'veterans' and know the answers to the questions, it doesn't mean we can't help others.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    Women making comments about 'balls', as in 'kick him in the balls', rip his balls off, grow a pair, etc. Same rule applies...its crass, low class, and totally inappropriate to make light of sexually assaulting someone. It wouldn't be very nice for men to commonly talk about kicking a woman in the crotch or punching her breasts, so lay off the balls references.
