Need fitness buddies for accountability ...

because I have no motivation on my own!

I'm a 27yr old female. I have been married for 10 months and have gained 10lbs in that time. I just don't feel good about myself knowing that I have put on that little bit of weight, because I know it can snowball. My husband tells me I look good and all of that, but I haven't really exercised since the wedding. I just want to get healthy again, and I now my weight will normalize once I get back into a workout routine.
In highschool I reached a high of 165lbs, I yo-yo'ed for about 4 years until I lost 35lbs to what I feel is my natural weight of 130.
I live in GA and it has been HOT lately, plus I work full-time and get home around 5pm. I make excuses all the time to not workout - I'm mentally exhausted after work, so it's easy to just grab a beer and sit in front of the TV after work.

I'm just looking for a few people who are in a similar situation as me, so that we can keep each other accountable.


  • alison_li88
    I totally understand! I got married last Sep, same situation indeed.
    Feel free to add me, alison_li88
  • nostalgicfortune
    I have TOTALLY been in your situation, juggling between a full time job and being a full time student AND trying to work out ... well.. needless to say, excuses come easy...
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    Well I am not married and have about 22 lbs left to lose. What I seem to have lost later is my motivation :/ feel free to add me.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    im not married but i live in SC and i work full time also. i am a good motivator most of the time. i currently workout 6 days per week
  • carolpep
    carolpep Posts: 1
    I know how you feel. Ilost 30lbs about 6 years ago, and have managed to gain over 20 of it back. The majority of it in the past couple of years. I just had my torn meniscus fixed 3weeks ago so i am about two weeks away from being able to really work out. I cannot wait. I joined a fitness bootcamp that i go to in the morning, because i am always mentally drained to work out after work.
    It was very hard to get up at 5 am to workout, but i was determined to get my money's worth.....after a couple of weeks i found i had more energy during the day and i made better food choices.
    With all that said, i would be willing to be a fitness buddy because i feel that i need that same accountability.

    My login is carolpep
  • Ashekelle
    Ashekelle Posts: 13
    I'm in the same boat. (Well, it's student teaching and not new marriage that got me my ten (ok, fifteen) new pounds, but still...)
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    Is working out before work an option (aside from saying that you don't like to get up early)? Never thought I'd be into it, but can't imagine my life without being at the gym at 5:30a, home from work by 5 or 6 and having the rest of the night to myself and hubbie. Definitely took a couple of weeks to get used to (and started with 6:30, then 6, now at 5:30) but it's the best thing I decided to do. Puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day, actually grumpy if I don't get it in.
  • tbolashana
    tbolashana Posts: 2,707 Member
    You can add me. I will give you motivation. And hope you will give me some too.
  • Jules221
    Jules221 Posts: 69 Member
    You can add me. I try to workout at least 5 days a week/sometimes 6. I just purchased a slimcoach tonight to see if that will help me get even more motivated. The other thing I am doing is signing up for my first 10K. Set small goals that are easy to achieve. That will keep you going along with friends here on MFP.
  • MariePR84
    MariePR84 Posts: 8
    I was thinking about working out early in the morning (and yes, I hate waking up early - but I need to make some changes to my routine). I also dislike gyms, but there is one 2 minutes down the road that opens at 5am and it's pretty cheap.