Dont know where to start

Hello Everyone!!

I guess I should start by giving some stats. Well I'm 23 yrs old and weigh 275lbs. And yesterday morning I woke up and just felt full. I don't know if any of you have ever felt this way but its not a great feeling.

So I have made the decision to change. My goal right now is to lose 90lbs by next April. But honestly I don't know where start. Anyone have any suggestions?


  • loveme4areason
    loveme4areason Posts: 27 Member
    You already started you joined MFP! from hear you start your food and exercise Good Luck! :)
  • ghjklo9
    ghjklo9 Posts: 57
    Start walking and logging all the food you eat. Walk for like 3 months, this is a good start.
  • MyBoysAreCRAZY
    Hi there,

    1st start by signing here and keeping up with your diary everyday. One baby step? Be sure you cut the soda and add water (at least 64 oz). I have quite a way to go myself and just started drinking 80% veg/20% fruit juice. I feel fantastic and, honestly, think it has given me motivation to keep it up. If you have netflix, watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" It will truly help change your thinking and motivate you. Good luck! Lorna
  • dnrjohnsey
    dnrjohnsey Posts: 10
    I just started too. I watched a few youtube videos and something that really started working for me, but I was not consistant was eating every three hours. I could see that my blood sugar was staying more level during the day, and each time I ate, I didn't over eat because I knew i could eat in about three more hours. I joined here to help me keep track of my calories, and to be more consistant. I hope this helps. I am not sure if anyone really knows where to start, but I know a buddy system might work. Good luck!
  • mnlght535
    mnlght535 Posts: 84
    Being here is a great start. I would recommend entering in your goals under the tab "MY HOME." Start by logging what you eat and what you do for exercise. I have only been using MFP for a short time but I have to say that there are fabulous, educated people that seem to always be willing to help. Post your questions and add some friends. Feel free to add me and I'll try to help out where I can.
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi! Well, joining MFP is a fine start! I've been on here since Dec 2011 and it's been a huge help! I've been pretty dedicated at logging, although I've had a few lapses here and there! I'd say a good way to start is to log everything you eat and the exercise you do - just see where you are. Then, once you've got a handle on things, start looking for ways to eat healthier and move more. It didn't get put on in a week and it sure won't come off in a week - so keep at it slow and steady!
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    Oh - and feel free to add me as a friend if you want!
  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    I am looking to lose about same amount of weight. However, that feels like a big number which tells me that if I focus on the big number I am destined to fail. I am going to try and focus on losing 10lbs at a time. Somehow that tricks the brain and makes it feel more doable. Might work for you too! Hope that helps.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I am looking to lose about same amount of weight. However, that feels like a big number which tells me that if I focus on the big number I am destined to fail. I am going to try and focus on losing 10lbs at a time. Somehow that tricks the brain and makes it feel more doable. Might work for you too! Hope that helps.

    That helps me. I started by giving myself small goals. With each goal met, I set a new goal. It helps rather than looking at the BIG picture which can seem so overwhelming.

    My name is Darla, by the way. Feel free to add me. :)
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Log everything every day for 90 days. Forget "motivation"... consistency is the key. Habit-formation beats getting psyched up.

    Treat your diet like a job that pays in weight loss, something you have to show up every day for.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    DIET is a four letter word! Get healthy! Thats important, and you starting here is a great way! I LOVE this site! I was told about it for months and never checked it out.. now that i have, im addicted!

    Im Heather, I hate to exercise, and i have about 70 pounds to lose! I would love to have you as a friend! =)
  • rcthale
    rcthale Posts: 141
    When I started, I didn't change anything that I was doing. Instead, I just kept track of everything I was eating to find out how many calories I was really eating on an average day.
    After a week of keeping track, I compared my average to my BMR, then decided how much I felt I could stay below that number and start losing weight, bit by bit.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I am 23 years old and I started in March at 269 pounds. I recommend friending some people and peeking at their food diaries to help you get started. But if it doesn't sound healthy, it probably isn't! As far as exercise, I started with some moderate cardio, swimming and playing tennis mostly. You'll find everything you need here. I'll send you a friend request. First things first, try to meet or stay below your calorie goals (your daily goal goes up the more you exercise!!), and then worry a little more about eating better if that's the direction you want to go. Make sure to measure your portions. You can buy measuring cups for really cheap, and most servings sizes are listed on your packaging.
  • mizamh
    mizamh Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for the information and support. Also thank you for the friend requests.

    I will take all of your advice and try to keep moving forward with my goals. A few pounds at a time...
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    Make sure you get your water in every day...don't like the taste of water...add Crystal Light to it or Mio...makes all the difference! You can do this...just joining shows that you want to change yourself!!! Believe in is a great place to start!!!
  • cb76597
    cb76597 Posts: 9
    Heart Rate Monitors are used to track your heart rate and determine calories burned by doing activities. Polar makes the best ones. They run $100+ but are a worth while investment. eBay, amazon, bodytronics have them at lower prices. They are the best way to keep track of calories burned.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Don't change yet. Start logging the way you eat now in the calorie counter to find out where you are. Do a week. Then enter your goals into the'll tell you how many calories you can eat if you want to lose 90 by April. Stick to calorie plan, drink plenty of water and exercise as much as possible (you get to eat the calories spent exercising back). There's also an iPhone/pad app that'll let you scan barcodes of food and record the nutritional values for you.

    Good luck...started at 248 in Dec., now at 192. It can be done!
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    My best advice is to take each day at a time, this way it stops anyone from getting disheartened. Have a bad day, just start again later that day or if you cant stomach that start the next day and keep going. Your soon start getting better days, day after day :D