Scared of putting it all back on again...

Ok team - here goes. I've lost 16lbs so far, so really happy. I started a few months ago and set my calorie goal to losing 1lb per week. This target wasn't really working for me, no weight loss. So I changed my target to 2 lbs per week and strived towards that. Great success, pounds started dropping. I was eating more than 1,200 cals per day, but the exercise I was doing made my net calorie count really really low. I weigh in every week and its either 1 to 2lbs of loss.

However - I got really ill (have recovered now, was like a worse, prolonged version of a cold/cough/chest infection for two weeks) and my general energy levels are quite poor. I cycle to work and back every day and every evening I either do strength or cardiovascular exercises. But I feel pretty weak when I'm doing it.

I'm scared that if I start eating 2000 cals again (a normal amount for me, for maintenance of weight) that its just all going to pile on again. However, I used to binge really really badly, and I haven't done that for a while now, so I think I have enough control not to do that again.

Would appreciate advice from anyone who has lost the weight AND KEPT IT OFF!


  • leeluchickenbruce
    leeluchickenbruce Posts: 19 Member
    P.s. Always looking for new friends for inspiration!

  • Clare_Notts
    Clare_Notts Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I lost 70lbs and kept it off for 2 years. (I've since put 25 back on but that was due to a total change in lifestyle when I started a new job i.e. less excersise and bad food). During the 2 years I didn't calorie count at all, I just went to the gym twice a week and stopped eating when I was full, I weighed myself every week, some weeks I would put on 3 lbs in a week and had no idea why, but then I'd be careful the following week and it would come off. In my opinion it's not realsitic to calorie count everything you put in your mouth for the rest of your life. If I were you I would eat what you want (without binges) but weight yourself every week and keep active. You'll probably find that you've learned more than you realise about what your body needs (and what is just being greedy) especially as you've had success and lost 16lbs already. See how it goes, if you find yourself losing control then go back on MFP for a few weeks - Good luck!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It's not going to all come back at once. If you start gaining, eat less.