I'm thinking of going vegetarian

I want to at least try a month of being a veggie.
I also want to give wheat a miss because it makes me feel like crap, itchy, tired and bloated.
Can any vegetarians give me any tips? Will I feel any different?
I don't want to go hungry either so what can I eat that will fill me up


  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    You will feel different at first because your body will need to get used to it. This is true with any drastic change to your diet. My best advice is dont do it! Human beings are meant to be omnivores and meat is an important part of a healthy lifestyle! However its your choice, so I wish you the best of luck
  • kelleymj
    kelleymj Posts: 102 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for 7 months and I love it! Need to make sure you get enough protein and iron. I take a daily multivitamin that has iron in it. I get my protein from cottage cheese, seitan, tofu (not really my favorite), black bean burgers (morning star - yummy), quinoa and nuts! I haven't found it difficult at all. Of course, I wasn't a big eater to begin with. I still eat pizza - I load it with veggies (tomatoe, broccoli, onion, jalapeno, green peppers etc.) and use 1/2 the amount of cheese. I use smart taste pasta (lower calorie, high fiber). I eat a least 1 - 2 servings of fruit a day, and all sorts of veggies. I feel the best that I have ever felt in years. I have lost 25 lbs. in 7 months. I track my protein on MFP. Good luck!!!
  • AsterRose18
    AsterRose18 Posts: 1 Member
    hey, I've been veggie for about 2 and a half years and have no troubles at all. tbh it's become normal and now I can't imagine eating meat!
    I haven't lost any weight since giving up meat, however it is widely accepted that it can be a healthy choice, as long as you ensure you get a balanced diet. You would also cut out a lot of saturated fat that are found in processed meats, which will give you long and short term health benefits. The only thing to be careful is to make sure you are not lacking certain vitamins (B12 & D usually) but these can be found in certain veggie foods or in vitamin supplements - but it may be worth asking at your local health food store or gp if you are particularly worried about this - especially if you are going to give up wheat as well, as many cereals are a good source of these vitamins.
  • I think that's a great idea! I wanted to go vegetarian for a month around 1.5 years ago. I have now been vegetarian for about 1.5 years! ;) I do eat seafood though, so I guess I should say pescetarian.

    I felt so much better cutting out meat! Particularly feeling bloated is not something I miss! In addition, eating meat is horrible for the environment. I'm not the type of person who feels sorry for animals because they're being eaten, but I do think that the damage to the environment by flying food for cows/pigs/etc. from one continent to another, then transporting the animals to another place to have them chopped up, etc., etc., is a bit much for us to have a piece of meat on our plate.

    As for foods that will keep you full for long, try to eat foods that are high in protein. Examples: eggs, greek yoghurt (I eat a fat-free version which is low in calories), all kinds of beans (baked beans in tomato sauce have a high iron content too, which is good), unsalted nuts, lentils, chickpeas, etc., etc. Feel free to add me if you want to have a look at my diary.

    Good luck and enjoy! :)
  • RawrWolfie
    RawrWolfie Posts: 64 Member
    i was a vegetarian for about a week and i couldnt handle it, felt tired all the time and stuff so i went back to eating bacon and meat