How many times have you "clean slated"?


I have always had a hard time with keeping track of my calorie intake past the two week mark. I get all ramped up for a little while... eat well...and then I just crack. All I want to do is eat and not have to worry about what I'm eating.

I know that this is a matter of just sucking it up and taking care of business, but I'm wondering for those of you who have had success on MFP - How many times did you go off track and have to "start over"? Just rededicate yourself to the whole process? Because at this point I am having trouble every couple days.


  • demningoreilly
    Too many times to count, especially in the last two months. There has been more bad days than good. Anyway, back at it again today. Wish me luck.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    I'm happy to say that since I began living a healthy lifestyle in January, I haven't had the need to wipe it clean and start over. I've managed to keep myself clear of the dreaded "cheat days" and stay on track.

    You got it right when you said it's all about taking care of business. Set your sights on the prize and don't look back! I don't know if I'm the norm since I DO read about many people going through the same things as you.

    Don't let it get you down. It isn't about the mistakes we make but how we react to them.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    I have found that until I could get my mind in the game, no matter how much my heart wanted it, it just wasn't going to happen. I would do well for a few weeks and then backslide. Now I am in the right mindset and have been at this since the week of Christmas. :flowerforyou: Good Luck to you !
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I start over every monday. :smile:
  • Windchild
    Windchild Posts: 129 Member

    I have always had a hard time with keeping track of my calorie intake past the two week mark. I get all ramped up for a little while... eat well...and then I just crack. All I want to do is eat and not have to worry about what I'm eating.

    I know that this is a matter of just sucking it up and taking care of business, but I'm wondering for those of you who have had success on MFP - How many times did you go off track and have to "start over"? Just rededicate yourself to the whole process? Because at this point I am having trouble every couple days.

    I have done this a couple of times. I did real well for about 4 months. I even made it through Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then I just... stopped. I've tried a couple of times since then to get back into it, but I just didn't have the motivation. Hopefully I'll keep the motivation longer this time. I've been told that for some people it can be a lifelong struggle, but if you keep at it, you can do it. Here's hoping!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Never. Why start over when you can keep going? Doesn't make sense to me. If you were going somewhere and made a wrong turn, would you go back home and start again?
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    I have not started over. It does not matter what I eat, do not eat, or should not have ate; I keep moving forward. Losing weight is a lifestyle and not a diet. No one person is perfect therefore my food consumption is not ever going to be perfect. I started my journey in Oct 2011 with a goal to lose my first 100 pounds by Oct 2012 . As of today, I have 18 pounds to go. I share this because I am NOT the cleanest eater, I have a cheat day every week, and I still take one day at a time and one step at a time to a healthier lifestyle. IT has been a learning experience and I will continue on this life journey to be the healthiest I can be.

    Good Luck!
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I try to think of every day as a new day. I don't see the point in berating myself over mistakes I've made with my diet or wishing I'd worked out a bit longer because I just end up losing all sense of motivation.
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    This is a ongoing thing for me!! I swear I gain 5 every time I get geared up to start again!! WTHeck??!!
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Never. Why start over when you can keep going? Doesn't make sense to me. If you were going somewhere and made a wrong turn, would you go back home and start again?

    I really like this comment. We all have speed bumps that slow us down, but that doesn't mean we need to start over. Keep on trekking!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have not started over. It does not matter what I eat, do not eat, or should not have ate; I keep moving forward. Losing weight is a lifestyle and not a diet. No one person is perfect therefore my food consumption is not ever going to be perfect. I started my journey in Oct 2011 with a goal to lose my first 100 pounds by Oct 2012 . As of today, I have 18 pounds to go. I share this because I am NOT the cleanest eater, I have a cheat day every week, and I still take one day at a time and one step at a time to a healthier lifestyle. IT has been a learning experience and I will continue on this life journey to be the healthiest I can be.

    Good Luck!
    Great perspective and congrats on your progress!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    They say our numerical system is infinite - right?
    About that many times....
    Sometimes, a clean break is what is called for - especially if what you're doing is not working or if you've fallen away so far.
    Just BUCK UP, and start all over.

    Seriously, I have done that about 50 times.:drinker:
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I haven't gone off track. I may not be "perfect" every day, but I never stop completely. I used to be that way - I'd blow my diet, eat whatever I wanted, and vow to start my diet again on Monday. Obviously that didn't work out, because I ended up fatter than ever. So now, I log my food even if I don't want to and even if I overeat. I get some exercise even if I don't want to and even if it's only 5 or 10 minutes. I look at each moment as a fresh start. Once I started having consistency (not perfection), the good habits formed much easier than I anticipated. And once you have that momentum, you realize you don't ever want to go back to where you were.

    Just take small steps every day and do the work no matter how much your mind is fighting against you. Soon, it won't feel so difficult. :flowerforyou:
  • meeky81
    meeky81 Posts: 96 Member
    Never. Why start over when you can keep going? Doesn't make sense to me. If you were going somewhere and made a wrong turn, would you go back home and start again?

    Lovely mindset to be in :happy:
  • pinkglitz
    pinkglitz Posts: 28
    My biggest mistake in the past was starting over every Monday. It meant a full week of over eating bad foods so instead if I slip up I start fresh the very next day. That way I am not so hard on myself and I haven't spent a week bingeing on rubbish, the effect on the scale is less damaging than just throwing it all away everytime I make a mistake.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I just finished a "clean slate" - two days of eating whatever. Didn't go overboard, but at the same time, I just said "screw it, I want ice cream, peanut butter, etc, and not care about it). I feel oddly refreshed this morning, and ready to start again.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    Until you have the determination to never give up and treat it as a total lifestyle overhaul, you're going to have those days. And that is okay. Just dust yourself off and go again. Do your best to not turn a "cheat" meal into a "cheat" day or week or month. My goal is one meal, one day, one workout, one pound at a time. There is no other way to do it for me.

    Good luck.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I usually don't log anything eaten after I leave work until the next day anyway. After a while you get a feel for what you should and should not eat. But I'm not fanatical about meeting my calories goals every day. I prefer to be over some days and under some days, rather than eat the exact same each day.

    But today is the first day I've really "clean slated". Due to having no electricity at my house for 7 days we've been eating a lot of premade food, which we rarely do, so I haven't been logging.