New and looking for some encourgment..

Ive been wanting to lose weight for a long time now. Ive tried several diets but failed.. The past three weeks Ive been motivated as far as walking every day but need to get my food intake under control. I want to get healthy to be around for my children for a long long time.. I pray every night for the strength to stay focus and lose this weight.... Im always up for tips and seeing other progress that helps me!!!! Thanks


  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    You've come to the right place! There are so many supportive people here that are just waiting to help you! ;)

    You can do this!!
  • Bexyf
    Bexyf Posts: 42 Member
    hey my lovely :)

    feel free to add me if you wish I have lost a bit already and still looking to lose some more :D xxx
  • Hi, I am Carole. I am new as well. I am not new to the lose weight and get in shape and would love to help and encourage. I live in the Atlanta area, North Fulton.
  • vhayduke
    vhayduke Posts: 1
    I completely understand!!!! I just try to keep my mind busy when I want to eat when I'm not really hungry. The first week is the hardest. They save once you stick to something for 3-4 weeks it becomes a habit. I am only in week 2 but all ready see where that is starting to be true. Congratulate yourself for the good things you have done no matter how small. Best of luck!!!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Welcome! I just joined last week as well. I can already tell it's so supportive here and exactly the support system I need. Have you downloaded the app yet for your phone? I've tried a few other food counting apps before and I like this way so much better! You can find just about every type of food out there when you're at a restuarant so you don't have to guess on potion or calorie intake.
  • ForRealAU
    ForRealAU Posts: 17
    You are doing GREAT by walking. Pat yourself on the back. You can not change everything at once; now that your walking start making other changes as to what you eat. Tracking every bite or sip is so helpful. Sometimes the thought of having to track it just isn't worth that 'treat' so I make a better choice.

    Good Luck!!
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    Welcome, this is a great place to learn and find encouragement!
  • tjungkunz
    tjungkunz Posts: 39
    This is one of the best support systems I've ever come across! LOVE it! Use your food diary as best as possible & this helps tremendously (it was a wake up call for me to see it all). You can do this, you just have to want it bad enough b/c it's not easy. Feel free to add me & I'll support you :)
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I'd love to be your cheerleader as you begin on this new journey! Feel free to add me! Congrats on the decision to improve your health! :happy:
  • diabtcgma
    diabtcgma Posts: 1
    Well, I'm new too and also need some will power to stay on this. I registered after a recommendation from my Dr., promptly got the worst cold I've had in my entire life so didn't follow any guidelines, let alone post, and then left on vacation a little over a week later, then had company for another week so now I'm trying to get back in the groove to get this weight off. I'm diabetic and am trying to balance my insulin with what I eat, and not have lows when I eat less. Anyone (especially with type 2 diabetes) who can give the "you go girl" help will be soooo appreciated!!
  • elliejelli
    elliejelli Posts: 14
    Hi :) I am new too, everyone on here sounds so lovely! xxx
  • Hi my name is ebony and I'm new too...I have a problem with sticking to diets and really looking to lose weight
  • Welcome.I love this website.Very wonderful tool and support system.Feel free to add me.Always looking for more support!!
  • beckydragonpoet
    beckydragonpoet Posts: 50 Member
    MFP is the best! You will get great support here. You have made a great choice for yourself.:smile:
  • Good luck in your journey! Feel free to add me if you would like extra support!:smile:
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    This is a great place for support.

    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Ive been wanting to lose weight for a long time now. Ive tried several diets but failed.. The past three weeks Ive been motivated as far as walking every day but need to get my food intake under control. I want to get healthy to be around for my children for a long long time.. I pray every night for the strength to stay focus and lose this weight.... Im always up for tips and seeing other progress that helps me!!!! Thanks

    You definitely picked the right road to take. This site is wonderful and is SO easy to use!
  • Brendanow
    Brendanow Posts: 9 Member
    I too am looking for support and the support on here is amazing - feel free to add me to your support group thank you ....
  • JilianneNicole
    JilianneNicole Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am on everyday and try to always encourage everyone! I look forward to your add!
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Feel free to add me for additional support :smile: I'm always willing to help out!