Running is enjoyable?



  • adamswife23
    adamswife23 Posts: 52 Member
    I love running. It has always been a passion of mine. I am 32wks pregnant with my 4th child and still running at least 3 miles a wk 1-3 days a wk. Can't wait to get my distance and speed back though
  • sandij80
    sandij80 Posts: 8
    I hated running when I was a kid, but when I started running a few years ago, discovered that I was totally in love. It really sucks when you first start training, but gradually for me I found that as I warm up, my body feels like it's sort of unfurling into this freedom of movement that feels AMAZING! For a little while at least. Every second of it is worth it. And on the days when this never happens and it's just crappy, then you still feel awesome and accomplished afterwards. I guess that's the core of my love affair with running. :)
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    I look forward to the day when I try & run!
    Jogging is more joggling at the moment but I hear it's fun when you get going......... one day!
  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    I have been in the Marine Corps for almost ten years now. It has always been a must that we run. And after we are done running, we run some more. Run, run, run and run!

    Up until about five months ago, I have hated running. I don't know what changed, but around that same time is when I started focusing on my weight , my food intake and shortly after I joined MFP. This is also when I gave my diet a complete overhaul.

    I think the change in diet and activity level has made it easier to run and therfore more enjoyable. My muscles do not ache for days after a short run. I do not get winded after a half mile. I don't feel my body jiggle all over the place with every step. I do not cramp up hardly at all anymore while running. I enjoy the sweat dripping down my face and back. And of course, I enjoy the exhilaration of breaking through the "runner's wall" and making it through that extra mile or two you have added to your run.

    I look forward to the races that are sponsored by the MCCS (Marine Corps Community Services) here on base because they are free to attend. I found myself scouring the internet the other night to find races that will be held locally or within a short (hour or so) drive from my house.

    Am I weird or crazy? Since when did running become enjoyable?

    Your not Crazy for finding a love of running, crazy for staying in the Marnies, maybe. lol
    I hated running in formation, being a shorty and the only chick 95% of the time, made runs suck, since they had to be at someone elses pace, and heaven forbid one falls out wether you be male or female. It sucked no end. However! Self paced runs, I kicked *kitten* at. I could set my stride and pace, never failed a PFT because it was at my own pace, I wasnt out to kill my Marines or to show them I was better. Now that I have been out for almost 8 years I find that my favorite form of exercise is running; my body really responds to it, physically and mentally. I love running in silence, but have found myself humming cadence quit often. One of the things I have noticed is since I have taken charge of my diet, I feel much better at running. So many time I think I wish I had found MFP 12 years ago (if it even existed) because one thing the Marine Corp does not teach you is about food and how important it is to eat right. I was asked as a boot Marine before ever leaving Parise Island "What would you change about your training here for the past three month?" If I could go back and answer that question it would be to tell the CO of PI that they need to incorperate nutritional education to make exceptionaly physically fit Marines.

    Happy for you that you found the love for it while still a Marine!
    Btw, where are you stationed?
  • hurricanehodz
    Hate running, unless its running from the police lol :( bouncy boobs and your bum jiggling away...
  • banstett
    banstett Posts: 95
    I started running a few months ago and disliked it at first. Now I absolutely love to run (by myself). It totally clears my mind and I feel awesome after. Burns a ton of calories too!
  • azziria
    azziria Posts: 33 Member
    Last Wednesday I ran 5k after work, and it hurt. Every step was tough, it took sheer bl**dy-minded willpower to finish, I hated every minute, but I did it.

    Fast forward to Sunday, 6a.m. and raining. Dragged myself out of bed and onto the roads to make myself run 5k again.

    And guess what? Ran 8.1k straight (5 miles), could have gone further, and loved every minute, I felt so good.

    Why? Why was 5k (the furthest I've run this year, until Sunday) so hard, and then 8k so easy a few days later? I don't get it - but I'm very grateful!
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I've been running for 3 months now and it's gotten easier. I can only run on the treadmill because traffic isn't staring at me, but watching my favorite tv shows make it easier.
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    I have been in the Marine Corps for almost ten years now. It has always been a must that we run. And after we are done running, we run some more. Run, run, run and run!

    Up until about five months ago, I have hated running. I don't know what changed, but around that same time is when I started focusing on my weight , my food intake and shortly after I joined MFP. This is also when I gave my diet a complete overhaul.

    I think the change in diet and activity level has made it easier to run and therfore more enjoyable. My muscles do not ache for days after a short run. I do not get winded after a half mile. I don't feel my body jiggle all over the place with every step. I do not cramp up hardly at all anymore while running. I enjoy the sweat dripping down my face and back. And of course, I enjoy the exhilaration of breaking through the "runner's wall" and making it through that extra mile or two you have added to your run.

    I look forward to the races that are sponsored by the MCCS (Marine Corps Community Services) here on base because they are free to attend. I found myself scouring the internet the other night to find races that will be held locally or within a short (hour or so) drive from my house.

    Am I weird or crazy? Since when did running become enjoyable?

    Your not Crazy for finding a love of running, crazy for staying in the Marnies, maybe. lol
    I hated running in formation, being a shorty and the only chick 95% of the time, made runs suck, since they had to be at someone elses pace, and heaven forbid one falls out wether you be male or female. It sucked no end. However! Self paced runs, I kicked *kitten* at. I could set my stride and pace, never failed a PFT because it was at my own pace, I wasnt out to kill my Marines or to show them I was better. Now that I have been out for almost 8 years I find that my favorite form of exercise is running; my body really responds to it, physically and mentally. I love running in silence, but have found myself humming cadence quit often. One of the things I have noticed is since I have taken charge of my diet, I feel much better at running. So many time I think I wish I had found MFP 12 years ago (if it even existed) because one thing the Marine Corp does not teach you is about food and how important it is to eat right. I was asked as a boot Marine before ever leaving Parise Island "What would you change about your training here for the past three month?" If I could go back and answer that question it would be to tell the CO of PI that they need to incorperate nutritional education to make exceptionaly physically fit Marines.

    Happy for you that you found the love for it while still a Marine!
    Btw, where are you stationed?

    LOL Right now I am the S-4 chief for 4th RTBN, MCRD PISC. I am sure you have fond memories of this place. Got hit on the list, so looks like I might be here for another three years as a DI.

    Being short, and now getting used to running at my pace, I have come to hate formation runs as well. They are to slow and destroy my knees.

    And I agree about the nutrition. When I single and living in the barracks, it was McD's or whatever fast food joint on base or nearby I could find. Wish I knew better then.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    You know, I am JEALOUS of people that love running. Running is one of the things I wish I could do. I totally saw running as a good potential "escape", a way to let go of stress, a time to just be me and the road and work out all my problems and have deep thoughts....

    Yeah, it doesn't work that way for me. It's more like "Run with flat feet, run with flat feet, I am SO SLOOOOWWWWW. A side ache? Already? Breathe breathe breathe...... ugh, I sound like I'm a labor coach. Foot, foot, foot, foot.... I haven't even gone half a mile yet? I quit."

    My husband runs. I bike. I like biking much better. :tongue:

    I have flat feet, bad knees and my right ankle rolls. It doesn't matter how slow you go either. I just blast some music and get lost...though I have to focus on my breathing.

    It is weird, when I used to try to run, I'd get side aches after like 3 blocks, but now I get one after like 10 minutes of running, but I just take a few deep breaths and it is gone. It is good you have biking...I got bored with that quick. If you want to try running, try the Couch to 5K. It helps build you up gradually so you don't feel like you're dying.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I used to be jealous of runners, so as I got fit I decided to make myself a runner with c25k. Now I'm running my first 5k in a couple weeks and I'm so excited I went ahead and signed up for another one! I too am surprised to find I love it. I think about it all the time, love the exhilaration and freedom while I'm out there. I don't know how to explain it, but it makes me :happy:
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    I love running!

    I didn't - until I was 41tho ugh. Since then I have improved enough to run a Half Marathon a couple of months ago.

    To be fair, I am not the best. There are quite a few walk breaks in my running sessions, but I don't care. This morning I took myself out for a 10k alone - it was great. The first one in a couple of weeks - I misssed it.
  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    I do have fond memories of that "place" It was life changing. Im sure its different beign stationed there tho. Must be funny to see all the little recruits! A bit of advice, be hard has hell on them, dont be the softy, cause you know you want to kill 'em ;) If I hadn't wanted more kids I would still be in, I miss it often. Even with the jerks I served with I have never felt a bond with a group of people like I did as a Marine. I am pretty sure Ill be making a visit in the next couple of years. My oldest is jumping on the crazy train, and is hell bent on being a Marine. Trying to talk him into to going Officer, but dont know that I am succeeding.

    Peer presure as a single Marine is BRUTAL, not just food choices. LOL Good Luck as DI. DI and recruiters are marriage killers, you got to work extra hard to keep it strong cause your there but your not, at least if your deployed...your really not there, so its easy to accept that your gone. Im sure you know what I mean.
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    I have flat feet, bad knees and my right ankle rolls. It doesn't matter how slow you go either. I just blast some music and get lost...though I have to focus on my breathing.

    It is weird, when I used to try to run, I'd get side aches after like 3 blocks, but now I get one after like 10 minutes of running, but I just take a few deep breaths and it is gone. It is good you have biking...I got bored with that quick. If you want to try running, try the Couch to 5K. It helps build you up gradually so you don't feel like you're dying.

    At first I thought this was going to be a list of excuses not to run. I am so glad I was proven wrong. Inspiration at its best.
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    I do have fond memories of that "place" It was life changing. Im sure its different beign stationed there tho. Must be funny to see all the little recruits! A bit of advice, be hard has hell on them, dont be the softy, cause you know you want to kill 'em ;) If I hadn't wanted more kids I would still be in, I miss it often. Even with the jerks I served with I have never felt a bond with a group of people like I did as a Marine. I am pretty sure Ill be making a visit in the next couple of years. My oldest is jumping on the crazy train, and is hell bent on being a Marine. Trying to talk him into to going Officer, but dont know that I am succeeding.

    Peer presure as a single Marine is BRUTAL, not just food choices. LOL Good Luck as DI. DI and recruiters are marriage killers, you got to work extra hard to keep it strong cause your there but your not, at least if your deployed...your really not there, so its easy to accept that your gone. Im sure you know what I mean.

    My wife is very supportive and understanding of my military career. She was active duty Army for five years, so she understands the ini and outs of how we operate. I am glad I do not have to explain everything to her as well.
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    I'm an asthmatic who probably never ran further than 100yds in her life before 3 weeks ago. I'm in love with it now. I love hearing my feet on the trails, watching the bunnies run across the paths, and feeling the heat on my face. I crave it! I'm only on week 3 of c25k but every day that I run I amaze myself with how much further I can go.

    I think more than anything I've found a love for pushing myself, whether it be running, p90x, or whatever else I decide to commit to on any given day.
  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    I do have fond memories of that "place" It was life changing. Im sure its different beign stationed there tho. Must be funny to see all the little recruits! A bit of advice, be hard has hell on them, dont be the softy, cause you know you want to kill 'em ;) If I hadn't wanted more kids I would still be in, I miss it often. Even with the jerks I served with I have never felt a bond with a group of people like I did as a Marine. I am pretty sure Ill be making a visit in the next couple of years. My oldest is jumping on the crazy train, and is hell bent on being a Marine. Trying to talk him into to going Officer, but dont know that I am succeeding.

    Peer presure as a single Marine is BRUTAL, not just food choices. LOL Good Luck as DI. DI and recruiters are marriage killers, you got to work extra hard to keep it strong cause your there but your not, at least if your deployed...your really not there, so its easy to accept that your gone. Im sure you know what I mean.

    My wife is very supportive and understanding of my military career. She was active duty Army for five years, so she understands the ini and outs of how we operate. I am glad I do not have to explain everything to her as well.

    Thats Awesome!
  • indyrunning
    indyrunning Posts: 136 Member
    Brooks Ravenna or Adrenalines?
  • emmygrace2012
    emmygrace2012 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm with you! I hated it for so long!! Now I love it and am seriously addicted! I must run at least 4 days a week or I feel like a complete slob. My mental clarity improves and just my overall mood is amazing. :-)
    I think we get addicted to the competition (even with ourselves) and the endorphin release!
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