question for people who have been fat all their life



  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I have been a big girl as long as I can remember. I am the thinnest I have been in at least 10 years or more and at 221 size 16/18 I still feel bigger than everyone else and really no different than when I was a whopping 306. I guess I will see how it feels when I get smaller than this.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    Wow. Seems like I could have written so many of these stories myself. It is hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I am no longer that overweight child, and that I am an adult now and in control of my own life/health. It is hard.
  • Samstudent88
    Samstudent88 Posts: 135
    I've been overweight most of my life, I can remember being in 1st grade and weighing 115. And later on in second and third grade when we had feild day playing tug of war. I was always the anchor. Embarrasing to say the very least.

    Upon entering highschool I weighed about 245 +/- I was so tired of it. Always the fat friend...unable to play on the playground with my friends because I was so scared I'd not be able to climb on the monkey bars. So I lost weight by the time I was in 11th grade the lowest weight in my adultish life was 188 I'm only 5'6" but it felt amazing.

    I didn't really gain weight back until I had my son when I was about 21-22 and ballooned back to 253 sucked.

    Now that my little monster is 15 months old, I'm borederline 200-198 and I feel so much better!! I don't want to be so thin that I'm just a shadow of my former self.. I'm trying to get to about 160...

    But growing up heavy is very difficult being made fun of, by classmates, " friends" and the worst part of it....You don't realize just how big you were until you see old photos...I literally want to burn all the pictures of myself as a child...
    You can't really cope with it, because it makes you wanna eat more and just not care. Like you feel you're not worth being healthy because your own family isn't as supportive as you need. Telling you to go outside and not letting you come back in, is not support...I remember my dad trying to make my brother and I eat soup for dinner to help..and making us go walk wasn't fun. But I know he was trying to do what was right for us...eventually a child grows up and decides that they have to take charge of themselves..and that's what we're all doing. You can't force anyone to become healthy. But it will does to everyone. =) Good luck to everyone in their goals and future.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    IIRC, I started gaining about the age of 11. Don't even know WHY...its not like we were rich people who had a lot of junk food and school lunches were a LOT healthier back then, even though I usually had a cheese sandwich from home (because 35 cents was not in the family budget for a school lunch). I ran around a lot...was outside most of the time because parents WANTED you outside and not underfoot (and no computers ....and TV was only available if the grownups weren't using it). Now I am not saying I was morbidly obese, but I was always overweight.

    So how did that happen? Maybe it was and sis were both the same way. I had to go through jr. high and high school being mercilessly teased and taunted about my weight. Wasn't easy and I ended up a very shy, lonely and beaten down person. But that's definitely another story. When you are a kid, you don't know how to change try to rely on your parents to help but when you have parents like I did, that help wasn't available. I was on my own and I wasn't capable of doing anything to help myself. So I dealt...or tried to.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    I love this thread. ^_^

    I've always been overweight. In middle school I had some eating disorder-type problems, and obsessed over being skinny. I could never get there, because I never treated my body right. Food was the enemy and I was losing the war. It was so hard. Especially with such thin friends. And every year I'd look back and say "How did I think I was fat? I looked great! NOW I am fat.." -- I'd say that every year. Until I was 185 and realized-- hey. Wait, no-- now I really am fat. I'm back to 165 (haven't been here in two years) and my goal is to be 145. I've never been allowed to have a scale, so I can't tell you how much I weighed in school. :/

    But now food is not the enemy-- it is a beautiful delicious thing that keeps me healthy. I don't punish myself anymore, I just get over the humps and get back to exercising. I don't shy from cameras or feel that drop in your gut when you see a thin girl. I don't feel that way, because I know I can do it, and I can do it the healthy way.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    I'm on the in-between. I don't remember being at a healthy weight but I can't wait to see what happens when I get there! It is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I always have had my weight to hide behind, an excuse to think I'd be rejected so I would not even try. Whether it was making new friends or a guy I wanted to talk to or date. I was quiet and shy except around my family and friends I'd known all my life. But last November ALL my excuses got blown to pieces when this guy actually asked me out. I know that seems so trivial but it meant a lot to me. It changed my persepective on so many things including my weight issues. Unconciously I started eating better and wanting to work out (he's a gym rat and loves to lift heavy so that was inspiring). I started exercising nearly every day and then I found MFP. I'd been a WW member off and on for years but never kept it off. MFP is so much easier, not to mention being free is really great in this economy. I couldn't see paying someone to teach me what I already knew. So here I am, nearly 40 pounds lighter, starting to run and loving it. I think I started doing this for "him" but now I'm doing this for ME and me only. Its a challenge but I'm going to beat it.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I've always been over weight, I was the biggest one of three girls in the family, but I was the most athletic. In high school I was 154. I had to hear from my mom and my sister. They referred to me as chubby and they would always suggest that I try to lose weight, it really affected how I felt about myself and how I felt people felt about me. It was tough though, because , like I said, I was the most athletic. So, I didn't even know how to lose more weight on top of the constant exercise. I guess it had to do with what I was eating. Nasty school food and the delicious food that my mom would make us. In my final year of high school, I was in a car accident. In the hospital, I weighed 182. Once I got out of the hospital I was depressed and I didn't do anything. I finally got a job that I had to walk to and take the bus everywhere. I weighed about 172. I started working more and more, so I bought myself a car. The weight piled on then. I weighed 190, then 200. I recently found MFP and I weighed myself and did my measurements. I was up to 225. I was ashamed of myself and I wanted to be back to where I can comfortably work and exercise without pain in my knees and becoming out of breath. I am now down to 210, but I am still going to lose this weight. I wish I were back to the weight I was in High School., I will no longer let anyone tell me that I should do this or that. I think I just need to be healthy and happy.
  • underdogzz
    underdogzz Posts: 15
    I've always been chubby.

    I was never obese though, and the most I've ever weighed was 175lbs in 6th grade.

    I have a different body shape than models, more chest and hip, so people with my body type usually weigh more. I also worked out 4x a week last year, and I gained a lot of muscle, which unfortunately doesn't show through fat.

    I think a huge part of my "chubbiness" is because my mother was a teenage mom, who never learned to cook, and therefore we ate out EVERY night. Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Chinese buffets were a usual menu.
  • raerae514
    raerae514 Posts: 171 Member
    First of all, congrats on the loss, you must feel amazing :)

    I'm been a fatty forever, but always proportionally, like never more or less, and I've maintained my starting weight since I stopped growing (which was a while ago because I didn't get very tall either, lol).

    It sucked always being the fat friend but a long time ago I had accepted that this is my size and shape and I learned to embrace it. I know how to dress myself and not dress myself, I know when I look good and when i don't. I ate way too much and didn't eat. I'd always hoped some day i would find the motivation to start working out and eating everything healthy, etc.

    But honestly, MFP was the one thing that started me on this journey. I'd recently bought a new iPod and I just for FUN I was looking at calorie counter apps. I found this and the rest is history.

    I have my great days and my terrible days but this is actually WORKING for me, and very well! And it's an amazing feeling! I'm down 16 lbs in about 2 months, I'm at about 177 now, and i haven't weighed this little since 9th grade I think. Everybody on this site who's been posting success stories and photos, and offering support, and giving advice, and pep-talks when I have a bad day or week... I think i wouldn't be able to do it without this community. And I see these girls who were my size and now they're healthy and gorgeous and I think "that could be ME, that WILL be me, because this is fail-proof!".. and it's amazing and exciting and I am sooooo stoked!!!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I was the fat kid... always heavier than the rest of them at school... I also was the cr@ppest at those stupid "school runs" or "fitness tests" or whatever... I came in dead last because I was always so chunky.

    I suppose I accepted it for the longest time... Telling myself "Well, Mom's fat so I must be destined for fatness too" When my doc brought forward a reality check I was like "Well, maybe I should try to take care of myself so I don't cost my husband a wife..." I hope to one day be a normal size... like a size 12 or something. I just don't want to be an XL or a size 18 anymore.

    I have no clue what's underneath all this either... I've dropped nearly 50lbs and I am halfway to what I thought was my goal weight... Now I'm thinking I'll be dropping a little more. I have not lost many pant or shirt sizes since starting so I'm worried I might not ever be smaller. I know I have a large frame, I'm 5'11" for crying out loud... But I want to look like I've dropped 100+ pounds by the end of it all... I don't know if that will happen.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I have been at least "chubby" most of my life. Granted, looking back now at the weight I was when kids started calling me fat, I laugh at it because I wasn't that big, I was taller and developed very early, not really fat. But, I've had the mentality that I was fat my whole life.
    How did I cope? When I was younger I realized the little girls didn't want to be my friend, so I was a tomboy. Somehow it was okay to be bigger than the other kids, if you were a tomboy or something. I played more with the boys and just told myself I couldn't be like the girls because I was too fat. I don't remember a time ever, when I felt pretty or girly. Other than by my husband and my Dad, never got called pretty.
    As I got older, I started turning to food because it started to hurt more that I wasn't like everyone else and no one wanted to accept me or be a friend. Sadly around 14 I'd say is when I started binging really badly. I was still active enough though that I didn't get really big, I was 30-40 lbs overweight, but it wasn't until I was about 16-17 that the binging turned worse and I gained badly. Everyone was dating and being teenagers and I was fat and alone.
    So in a word, I never dealt with it. I just hid it or ate it away. =/
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I was never small..... I don't know what it's like to be thin either. I still see myself as fat though, and I've lost almost 115lbs! I started at 303.4 - and I'm currently at 189.2. I'm not sure when the mental changes. Baby steps I guess. ;)
  • Hksalex
    Hksalex Posts: 144 Member
    Ive been fat ever sense i was in school, ive coped with it never cared, my friends accepted me for who i was, never had problems with being in a relationship, never had a hard time meeting people. i guess i was a easy going person, but i want to change that i want people to see the real me. and the real me is hidden some where under this layer of awesome.

    i was really tall in elementary, 5'3 i knew i grew faster then most kids.. and i was bigger
    during middle school i was 5'8.. again got a lil chubbier
    high school starting off i was 5'11... got a bit chunky
    senior year 6'1... hit the threshold of 290lbs
    started college (2years now) now i'm at 321lbs

    just a simple layout of my growth trough out the years... and damn looking back i should have cared sooner but i was a kid/teenager i was having fun.. now its time to grow up.
  • phenixred
    phenixred Posts: 26 Member
    I was always a chubby kid. growing up, (around) 15, 16, my highest weight i was 180 size 18 pants. I used to get picked on, but I never cared what other people thought. I never had a problem getting a date, so It wasent a big deal. I would watch my BF who was 109 pounds date these jerks that treated her like nothing more than eyecandy. I never had that problem. I would listen to people make remarks about how she had an eating disorder, and they would pick on her ,for being "bulimic or aneroxic" and she wasent. I decided than, it dident matter what you weigh, people were going to say something anyway. The problem wasent with us, the problem was what these people had with themselves, When i was 17 I started dropping weight and went down to 160. I did NOTHING diffrent to lose weight, i just dropped the weight. I dident feel any diffrent, but i did notice none of my clothes fit properly.

    Than at 18 i started drinking HEAVELY. and packed on the pounds, in 3 months i had had balloned from 160 back to 180, and since then it just kept going up and up. AGAIN, i never cared what people thought, and i still had no problems getting a date so i never let it bother me. I topped at 200. when I stopped drinking it did not fall off as easily as it had packed on, Later I Broke my foot, and spent 5 month in a wheel chair, balloned up to 250. At at last I herniated 5 disks falling down a small flight of stairs, I have since than topped at 290(at 37 years old, that is my heavest to date). The herinated disks took so long to heal i have permanate nerve damage in my leg. Some days its hurts to move, some days it dosent. I also have a physically demanding job so some days i had to work through the pain, and this made my leg worse. My husband, my kids and my family loved me for who i am not how much i weigh. Since i quit my job and decided to be a stay at home mom for the summer, i decided to pay attention to what i was eatting with MFP. I was suprised at the crap i was eating, and started changing things here and there.

    In 2 months I have lost 6 inches and 6 pounds.
  • TChester_05
    TChester_05 Posts: 83 Member
    Feeling this! Bump for later
  • Squeeee
    Squeeee Posts: 71
    I was "chubby" for as far back as I remember. I started getting heavier through high school and steadily worse over the past few years. I was never teased and I had great friends, but still felt depressed and lonely and I hated my body (I was heavier than all of my friends and boys were never interested in me). Unfortunately I dealt with these feelings with food. I'd stay up really late at night, then I'd depend on sodas and energy drinks to get through the day. I was lethargic, my grades suffered, and I kept gaining weight. I never talked about my issues with anyone, I hid behind baggy clothes and I used humor as a defense mechanism. I think I was close to 175 - 190 lbs at graduation (I'm 5' 6" and I was inactive, so I was all belly and jiggly parts).

    After high school, things got a little bit better. I started dating one of my best guy friends at 19 and suddenly started feeling more comfortable in my own skin...which took a lot of reassurance from him. I stayed around 190-ish lbs for the first 6 or 9 months of our relationship. I was the most comfortable with my body that I'd been in years and I finally realized that I didn't need to lose weight to get a boyfriend. I found a guy who loved me and found me attractive the way I was. We've been together for 4 1/2 years now and over that time, I kept gaining... we always had lots of sodas and snacks and spent a lot of time cuddling and watching movies which lead to me topping out at around 235-240 lbs.

    I was 232 when I started my journey and I've had a lot of support from my boyfriend, friends, and family. I don't remember how it looks or feels to be smaller and I'm looking forward to it, though I'm also somewhat anxious about it...which seems silly, but I'm worried about getting a lot of attention for doing what most of my friends have been doing their whole lives (eating right and getting exercise).:embarassed:
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    I lost 86lbs back in 2000-2001. I had people (MEN!) staring at me like never before; it really creeped me out. My mom even pointed it out to me (i was single) and I missed my protective layer.

    I always had friends that never judged me by my weight- I was active in high school "for a big girl." So I never paid attention, every knew me for who I was on the inside. So when I started to get attention... it freaked me out!!

    I'm now married. I'm looking forward to feeling that lean healthy body weight on these bones again. THAT'S what it is about- health, not looks. I want to be in less pain, more agile, and living a fuller life.

    Much success to with this transformation. Sometimes the mental one is just as tough- I think slow & steady is the way to do it; adjust gradually.

  • middleofseven

    Now, I have finally learned what I was doing wrong, what I need to do over what I was doing, how to properly exercise and NOT hurt myself (although I still hurt alot).... I will do this or else.

    I have been heavy from the time I was raped at age of 8. I have tried to hide under my fat so nowone would want me. I am still trying to work it out, I have been in councling for years.
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    I began to rely on unhealthy attention from men to prove to myself that I could be attractive at a size 14/5 foot 9/ 215+ pounds. I thought I was happy with one-night stands, meeting guys at bars, and flirting shamelessly.

    this resonates with me. its really sad. through high school guys never wanted anything to do with me romantically. now guys are all over me- for like a day. then they dont really care to talk. currently ive been working on not needing that kind of attention from men to prove to myself that im desirable. its the hardest thing right now.