Weighing Yourself

How often do you all weigh yourself? Everyday? Twice a week? Once a week? Twice a month?

Just wanted to know what the standard is!



  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    Daily lol! I always change it up! depends on how obsessed I get :).
  • Desika87
    Desika87 Posts: 111
    every second sunday morning...
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member

    Seriously, though, I weigh myself daily - but use a spreadsheet to calculate a 7-day moving average. If my weight is trending downward, all is well. If not... well, it's time to change something up, since what I'm doing isn't working anymore.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Probably should only weigh myself once a week but I weigh daily. That way I can see fluctuations and where I can improve. Like if I had too many processed food or my sodium was high and I had a slight gain it gives me a better gauge and accountabily to myself. I only post weight good or bad twice a week. Usually Monday & Thursday. Good luck! :smile:
  • kikiriedle
    kikiriedle Posts: 12 Member
    I keep a log in a notebook as well as on MFP and I weigh once a week. Friday mornings shortly after waking up and before i consume anything. I often may hop on the scale just because its compulsive but i only record fridays weight.
  • danifuoco
    danifuoco Posts: 4
    My husband and I each try to weigh in weekly.
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    Daily, just to stay accountable. But the only weight that "counts" and gets recorded for progress in first thing Monday morning. I weigh myself first thing in the morning.
  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    once a week. If I start doing it every day, I notice any time I fluctuate and it drives me crazy! so every Friday is my check-in time :smile:
  • I used to weight daily... Once in the morning, and once before bed to see where I was fluctuating. Now, I put the scale away where I can't see it, and only weight myself first thing Monday mornings. The minor fluctuations aren't a big deal, and this way, I'm not obsessing over every little change. It's made it much easier to stay on track!
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
  • healthierheather
    healthierheather Posts: 19 Member
    Me too, pretty much!! LOL!

    Honestly, I weigh every morning but I do climb on the scale midday and before bed too though. I think I am a scaleaholic!! LMBO!!
  • Every couple of weeks. Not very precise about it. Whenever I feel like I may have managed to shift another lb!
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    I look every morning at the same time with the same thing on jus to ss how I'm doing. But really once a week for weigh in purposes. The scale changes everyday depending on what you have been doing so if you get upset with that don't do it. The scale is not the best judge of weight loss. How you feel and measurements are better. But we all love to see the numbers change too.
  • At least once a day first thing ....nothing on. Then maybe sometimes if I went over my calories once at night to get an idea what to expect next morning.
  • SusanCotter21
    SusanCotter21 Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh myself as soon as I get up on Tuesday mornings. I found if I do daily, I absolutely drive myself crazy with the fluctuations.
  • levstein
    levstein Posts: 74
    I'm going to stick to once a week because fluctuations do occur from day to day but real progress should be seen on a weekly basis.
  • christiangandy
    christiangandy Posts: 48 Member
    once per week, because the body can fluctuate in weight up to 2lbs up or down during the course of a day, so always do it in the same place (dodgy floorboards) and at the same time of day :-)
  • leikayli
    leikayli Posts: 11
    I weigh in first thing monday morning & thats it! Problem is my daughter keeps carrying my scale around & now its a little wonky!
  • Maiello1970
    Maiello1970 Posts: 73 Member
    Every Sunday morning!
  • levstein
    levstein Posts: 74
    Have you lost all that weight since joining this site in January 2012? That is amazing so inspiring I'm positive this site will work for me I'm a newbie and dare I say excited about this weightloss journey I am embarking on and feeling determined to succeed. Well done you!