
I just started Insanity yesterday. It wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be even tho it was only the fitness test. I AM scared for my second day. Any tips?

Also, does anyone know how to log this in daily? I try not to eat my exercise calories. But i think i may need to now.



  • Justin129
    Justin129 Posts: 6
    I just started Insanity as well! I was wondering the same about tracking it. I listed the fit test as 30 minutes of running...
    Sorry I don't have any motivational tips, other than the one that was given to me, just keep going. whatever you can not do currently, you will. Never use the word can't, simply say, " I am currently struggling with..."

    good luck!
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Good luck to you both!! I added it under cardio and record the cals burned off of my heart rate monitor. It is definitely kicking my butt, but stick with it and you will be great!
  • cdprouty
    cdprouty Posts: 140 Member
    I've been doing Insanity for nearly 3 years...the workouts are fun...I mean FUN'll be working in a pool of your own sweat when you are's's amazing. After 3 years, I'm still not bored with the workouts and I cant wait to get to them during the day.

    If this is your first day, then you'll be doing Plyometric Cardio Circuit. It's a challenging workout...I remember the first time I did it, nearly couldn't get through the warm up. Pace yourself and modify so that you make it through the entire workout. Take breaks if you need to and keep hydrated. You'll notice that even the fit people in the video need to take breaks. It's ok...but take the break and get back into it.

    I am, admittedly, an endorphin addict...I work out twice a day and split Tony Horton's One on One program with Insanity and street running...but if I had to choose only would be's that much fun.

    Friend me if you'd like, let's keep each other motivated...
    MRSMERELES Posts: 13 Member
    I do the biggest loser dvds and I have a watch that calculates my calorie burn based on the length of time I am working out and my heart rate. My husband bought it for me at Target for like $30. Then I can just log into MFP and enter the exercise. :) Good Luck with insanity. I am not even brave enough to try it yet.
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    I burned about 200 calories doing the fit test as per HRM.

    I do not find the fit test to be easy, are you following the correct posture?
  • magistra12
    magistra12 Posts: 22
    I check my heart rate regularly and log based on that. I tend to burn about 600 calories in month 1, and more like 800 during month 2. Push yourself as much as you can handle, but don't feel bad if you need to take a breather. I hit pause when I just couldn't catch my breath.
  • Enginette
    Enginette Posts: 123 Member
    I created my own exercise for each of the workouts. You definitely need a heart rate monitor to track your calories burned and it is a good idea anyways to track your level of intensity for the workouts.

    Best of luck! I am an Insanity grad and it was such a feeling of accomplishment when I finished! My only words of advice are do the best you can and each time, push yourself a little further. If you aren't pushing yourself, you aren't making your body change.

    It is mind over matter....your body can do so much more than what your mind is telling you! Dig Deep and keep pushing play!
  • sarahbeane2000
    sarahbeane2000 Posts: 6 Member
    i was doing taebo for about an 30-45 minutes a day, so i can handle the non stop cardio. im not saying it was easy as hell, it was managable.
  • mbowser77
    mbowser77 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just completed 2 weeks of the Insanity program and will be completing my 2nd fit test today. Should be interesting to see how much I've improved. I can tell my cardio has improved already.

    I use a HRM to determine the calorie count. On the pure cardio + cardio abs day I was at 800+ burned which seems ridiculous!
  • sarahbeane2000
    sarahbeane2000 Posts: 6 Member
    i have a HRM, i have to find the directions, i didnt know it might be able to track my calories. i added my cardio as vigorous calisthenics <- sp
  • stephanne82
    stephanne82 Posts: 49 Member
    I just started Insanity yesterday. It wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be even tho it was only the fitness test. I AM scared for my second day. Any tips?

    Also, does anyone know how to log this in daily? I try not to eat my exercise calories. But i think i may need to now.


    I am almost done with Insanity; I love it! It is very challenging, but I feel so accomplished after I do it each day. My fitness level has definitely increased!

    BTW, you will want to eat your exercise calories back while doing this; otherwise you will be starving! Especially when you hit month 2.
  • I am on insanity as well,is GREAT and hard and you can find the calories burned here:
    hope it helps
    i see people log it as circuit training,general
  • psideon
    psideon Posts: 24
    Get a chest strapped HRM... preferably one that can even tell you cals burnt.
    I just finished Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit (Month 2, Day 1) and logged in 1500 cal burnt over 90 mins. (Just regaining my sanity now).

    Just ball park it, better to (slightly) underestimate cals burnt and overestimate cals consumed, and always aim to have your NET calorie intake around where it should be. Mine now is 1460.
    Go at your own pace, remember form is much more important than speed, and relish the fact that Shaun's "people" gas out during the workouts too.

    God speed!
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    Went through several rounds and have been doing one of the last months dvd's on my non-lift days (upper/lower split). Excellent cardio.
  • CocoMan12
    CocoMan12 Posts: 3 Member
    I have really enjoyed reading the information on INSANITY. My wife and are planning to start in August and every piece of advise is helpful.
  • diana0684
    diana0684 Posts: 1 Member
    Honestly the best way to track this is by entering the calaories burned. I strongly recomment investing in a heart rate monitor. "Polar" is the best and price range is from $80-$300. It is very accurate. I have had mine for 5 years now and just had to replace the battery yesterday. It is so worth the money and for exercises you can't track using my fitness pal, you can just use "quick add" and enter the number of calories burned. I did Insanity and this is what I did and now doing Bootcamp and will do the same

    Hope this helps!!! Good luck!
  • Doing insanity you can add me if you like =]
  • bretabre
    bretabre Posts: 4 Member
    Great answer! I'm in my 3rd week and just started loving it! I can't wait to get home today! In the beginning, I hated it, but my body was saying thank you thank you thank you! LOL!!!! 3 years, dang, I already told myself 6 months! Your 3 years are motivation enough!! Thank you!
  • bretabre
    bretabre Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in my 3rd week. For now, go with the exercise choice that gives you the most calories burned. You need to purchase a heart rate monitor as soon as possible. That will give you that actual calories burned. I have one, but don't know how to use it! LOL! But, I will learn today! Yes, try to eat your calories burned only to get close to your actual daily caloric intake. If you're like me, you won't be hungry enough to do it, but, at least try. Enjoy the Insanity ride, don't give up, hang in there and by all means, STOP when you get tired and jump right back in there!!! :happy:
  • sarahbeane2000
    sarahbeane2000 Posts: 6 Member
    THANK YOU for all the feedback! my second day was really hard. but i made it through!!! I dug out my heart rate monitor before hand!!!