
I consume a lot of liquids through the day & the older I get the more I find that its soda not water. I've tried flavor packets for my water & even diet soda with no satisfaction. Any ideas?


  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    Have you tried using crystal light?? there is also a flavor enhancer called Mio that is pretty good as well. Just remember to log in the calories that you drink from those as well.
  • leikayli
    leikayli Posts: 11
    I have tried crystal light but I just can't get used to it. I have swapped out a can of soda for a bottle of green tea everyday, but thats only saving me 70 calories.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I broke my soda habit cold turkey (making sure to replace the caffeine, in my case with black coffee).

    I just went out and bought some lemon and lime juice (the kind that comes in the little bottles shaped like lemons and limes) and put a squeeze of one or the other (or both) into every glass of water to give it some flavor for a week or two. I intentionally avoided using anything sweet, because part of what I was trying to break was a psychological addiction to sweet taste.

    For the first week, it was really hard.

    For the second week, it got easier.

    On the third week, I had used up all my lemon and lime juice and was OK with not buying any more because water tasted just fine.

    I still occasionally have a soda, maybe 5-6 times a year. I prefer water. More importantly, I prefer how my body feels when I get most of my fluids in the form of water.

    EDIT to add: I also had an almost immediate decrease in appetite due to not having so much wild variation in my blood sugar, and it got a lot easier to control cravings for sugar - something about tasting something sweet a bunch of times a day makes it hard for me to control my sugar cravings.
  • Xniecex
    Xniecex Posts: 39 Member
    I have tried crystal light but I just can't get used to it. I have swapped out a can of soda for a bottle of green tea everyday, but thats only saving me 70 calories.

    SWEETENED green tea has calories. I drink the TAZO green tea ( infused with lemongrass and spearmint.... yumm!!!), no sweetener.... no calories! !!
  • nmb1983
    nmb1983 Posts: 34
    Arrowhead makes flavored sparkling waters that are delicious and not sweet. I like the Pomegranate flavor, but there's also Lemon, Lime, Orange, and Unflavored (so, just soda water) and you can usually find them on sale for like 75cents or so.

    I like these because for me, drinking soda isn't always about sweet, but more that I like the way it feels in my mouth (the bubbles!), so sparkling water is a great substitute.

    ETA: you can use the plain soda water and mix with crystal light (or other) flavor packets, if you do like the sweetness.
  • sassynsweet2014
    sassynsweet2014 Posts: 34 Member
    These are all great ideas! I occasionally would drink regular soda, but my biggest addiction was diet soda. I wanted to give it up, but I don't like tea or coffee and was having serious headaches by trying to go cold turkey. I bought a bunch of caffeine free diet soda (which I don't care for, but it helped me wean off soda completely, I too enjoy the bubbles) and I also found the new crystal light energy packets which have caffeine in them.

    That was two weeks ago, I just drank my last caffeine free soda yesterday and other then the occasional crystal light packet in my water when I get a sweet craving, I am primarily drinking water :)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Full sugar soda is insanely addictive. It's not just the sugar, but the caffiene, the sodium and a bunch of other ingredients. Imo you're better off going cold turkey on it than trying to cut down.

    I still drink diet sodas, and probably too much of them to be honest, but at least they don't add cals. Full sugar soda will generally negatively affect your weight loss attempts because they are empty cals, with little to no lasting satiety and a pretty shocking insulin response spike.
  • leikayli
    leikayli Posts: 11
    Thanks everybody! Hopefully if I can kick the soda it'll free me up between 500-650 calories a day. Wow! No wonder I'm always hungry :noway:
  • mindyrosy
    mindyrosy Posts: 38
    Maybe read this and post it on your refrigerator. Read before drinking soda!

    Some of the awful effects of soda include:

    1. Osteoporosis
    2. Dehydration
    3. Diabetes
    4. Obesity
    5. Tooth Decay
  • 76pounds
    76pounds Posts: 31 Member
    Have you tried Mio :)? It has yummy flavors and it changes into pretty colors lmfao
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I find that it's the carbonation I like more than anything so I've been drinking the flavored carbonated waters...
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    If you can bring your own water with you - I boil some lemon and ginger in a pot and sweeten with some Stevia and chill. It's very refreshing and helps me get my water in since I don't care for drinking large quantities of water.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    Ya, soda equals belly fat, I stay away from any artificial sweetner just gotta learn to love water, I know it's hard......
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    Drink water whether you like it or not. It's the healthiest choice. I don't know what else to say. Many things we "like" are the worst things for our health. :drinker:
  • runningmommycrosland
    I drank so much soda for years... I had to finally just go cold turkey- NO SODAS. Now, I don't even really crave them. I'll have one here and there as a treat... but it's rare these days. I have never been a water drinker, and now I can't live with-out it!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Log in soda as water.
    As for striving for the ideal, water is best, and I gave up soda in favor of iced water with lemon and fresh green tea.
    I credit water as a huge reason I lost so much weight.
    Water aids all the functions of the body, and 8 cups is more than enough, because we get some from foods and such.

    First, before a meal, I drink a cup; it has no calories and fills up the stomach, making me less hungry.
    Second, keeping the body properly hydrated prevents excess water retention.
    And there is a bunch of folklore regarding water and metabolism - who knows?
    I just know I did much better drinking a lot of water.

    Health benefits of drinking water might include: [I said MIGHT]
    regulate appetite
    increase metabolism
    boost energy levels
    less water retention
    alleviate some headaches
    help reduce blood pressure
    help reduce high cholesterol
    ease joint pain
    decrease in risk of some cancers
    less chance developing kidney stones
    release toxic waste products
    improves skin r-drinking.htm
  • nancyjolyn
    I swapped the soda for unsweetened iced tea. If you get into brewing loose leaf tea, it can actually be a very relaxing hobby, plus there are tons of varieties so it doesn't get boring.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I used to be a soda addict too. Switched to seltzer about 10 years ago and haven't looked back. It takes time to adjust to, as does breaking any habit. You can get used to life without soda, but to look for a substitute that is just as satisfying is probably a fruitless venture and it might drive you a little crazy. If giving up soda is something that you really want to do, then try to focus on other things, don't get wrapped up in trying to replace it
  • tlruffino
    tlruffino Posts: 28
    Hyvee and Walmart carry a generic mio that is cheaper and tastier than the name brand. I like grape and strawberry watermelon. I also found I like the lipton tea and honey drink mixes. Each poacket is 2 servings so when I use 2 packets in a big bottle of water its 20 calories. It gets me caffine. I gave up diet mt dew 5 months ago cold turkey after reading how bad diet pop is for you. I had an occasional one in the first 3 months but I am happy to report that its been over 2 months since I had a sip and I don't miss it.
  • moonlightturk
    I use to be crazy for soda ecspecially diet-soda until I got in the habit of exercising...then I replaced it with water. I've been drinking water like crazy since I get so thirsty from jogging... I haven't thought about soda ever since....