Body By Vi for teenage step-daughters?



  • This is just my Oppinion. Please.....Body by Vi haters...Just ignor please.

    My personal experinece with Body by Vi (Visalus) shakes was a great one. The MOST important benefit for me (AGAIN, THIS IS "MY" Personal Experinece) was the reduction of my Blood Glucose levels. I went from an A1C of 8.3 to 6.3 in 90 days! I also originally lost 22.4 pounds. It was a great start off and I SHOULD have expanded my Exercises which I did "None of" durning the 90 day challenge.I went through a very hard Relationship reak up immediately following the challenge and put a heck of a lot back on.


    Anyway, I think it is a good starter for beginning weight loss but it needs to be followed up with proper montioring and exercise!
  • drcain
    drcain Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you for all of the great advice. The 17yo currently has a part time job so she claims that she will buy the shakes herself if I won't. I told her to go ahead.

    As I mentioned in my original post, I asked them to both download the MFP app (didn't realize that you had to be 18 to sign up) and challenged them to track everything and that I would do the same and we would have our own little Biggest Loser competition...heck even I could use a little incentive to stay on track. But they just didn't care and refused to do it. I go on almost nightly walks with the dogs and always invite them with me. But we do have the Kinect for xbox so maybe I should try getting them more involved with dance competitions or something.

    The other thing that irks me is that their other aunt is a fitness trainer at the gym that I belong to so they have access to free training if they really want it. Maybe I should reach out directly to that aunt (their mother's sister so I am not technically close to her) and get a game plan developed.

    I will also mention SparkTeens to them as I wasn't aware that they had a teen version.

    Thanks everyone!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I will also mention SparkTeens to them as I wasn't aware that they had a teen version. Thanks everyone!

    Good luck! I understand all too well how teens want instant gratification for everything!
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    FYI, most girls have stopped growing by one year after they get their first period. I like the above suggestions for fun activities. You must keep things positive. Calling the girls lazy is not a good idea, if someone was suggesting that.
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member

    They both claim that this is the only way that they are willing to consider weight loss since they view it as a lose weight fast tactic. The 15yo hasn't been home yet this week since we have had this conversation but the 17yo has been and she hasn't changed her eating ways at all this week. Two cheeseburgers and a handful of waffle fries for dinner followed by a bowl of ice cream for dessert. Yes I know that it is up to us as her parents to provide healthier food options and I did. I made grilled BBQ chicken breasts as well with veggies but she picked the burgers and fries that her dad was having (who doesn't have a weight problem and is extremely active).

    I know this is going to sound bad, but if they are not willing to try anything else then they are not ready..and I would not feel bad about not buying them the shakes...when and if they get tired of being overweight they will take some real the meantime if you must, buy them some protein powder and fruits and let them do a version of shake diet...see how they do..
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    FYI, most girls have stopped growing by one year after they get their first period. I like the above suggestions for fun activities. You must keep things positive. Calling the girls lazy is not a good idea, if someone was suggesting that.

    I started my cycle at age 12. I was definitely not done growing by 13. And many girls these days start their cycles at 10 or 11 years old, and are definitely not done growing by 11 or 12.

    A simple google search for "nutritional needs of teenagers" will show that generally, it is believed that teens have different needs from adults. Of course, some of that is because teens are expected to be more active, which oftentimes they no longer are, but they still are not in their adult bodies yet.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Some people will just have to experience the harsh reality of what happens when you neglect your body and health for most of your adult life before they realize change in lifestyle is absolutely necessary. Not to sound negative but it seems those girls fall in that category. I just hope for their sake they learn sooner than later.

    I agree with what everyone has said: they need to learn about nutrition and take responsibility of their health by implementing self-monitoring strategies before they start buying nutritional supplements since they will not benefit from them if they continue living the way they do now.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    They're telling you that they want you to buy these shakes, to lose weight, but it has to be on their terms? If that was my daughter/step daughter I'd be in hysterics. They're obviously not really interested in losing weight and reducing their food portions. I honestly believe that they will drink the shakes and eat the same food as they are now. Unless they can prove to you that they can control their eating, I wouldn't waste the money. You'll end up so frustrated. I truly wish you the best of luck.
  • However I hear a lot of excuses from them. I would not pay for any of it. If they want to do it, they have to pay for it. Their commitment will have a whole other aspect if it comes from their own pocket.

  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    FYI, most girls have stopped growing by one year after they get their first period. I like the above suggestions for fun activities. You must keep things positive. Calling the girls lazy is not a good idea, if someone was suggesting that.

    What? If that were true, every girl would be the same height at 12-13 years old. Children grow until 21, their bones until 25. My 16 year old daughter is 5'9" and still growing.
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    FYI, most girls have stopped growing by one year after they get their first period. I like the above suggestions for fun activities. You must keep things positive. Calling the girls lazy is not a good idea, if someone was suggesting that.

    What? If that were true, every girl would be the same height at 12-13 years old. Children grow until 21, their bones until 25. My 16 year old daughter is 5'9" and still growing.
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    I don't think I did the quote thing right, sorry. My info came from a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. My daughter had to have a surgery that couldn't be done until she was done growing. We waited until a year after her first period, and it was confirmed with xrays that she was was done growing. Not all 13 year olds are the same height, so I'm not sure what you mean. 21 for girls? No way.
  • dizy31
    dizy31 Posts: 9
    Well I think the social network has forced a majority of our teens into over eating, for comfort. Teens need direction from parents and since we (parents) pay for all the care of our children its up to us to take charge of every aspect to help them learn. I shop for the food not my kids, I pay for the clothes so I shop etc...

    At first I thought well, I am starting a healthier life so I have to shop 3 ways. 1 my kids, 2 my husband and 3 me. So expensive and so hard to make meals. Then I thought, I want my kids to be healthier too and learn how to eat so why should I keep buying them mac & cheese, juice, hot dogs etc...?

    I shop healthy for the whole house and if your hungry you'll eat (.) Now I plate everyone's plates and we all eat balanced and healthy.
    Its important to remember that our children eat what we have available, are active when we are and successful as we are. Set the example, its our job. Of course kids are not going to have any concept of calorie, fat or sugar intake unless we teach them. The body by VI is a great way to start a concept and awareness but remember we all lose and adjust differently. Patients is important. Body by VI is the only way my mom could stick to anything, the shakes were fun, quick and easy and you still have your 1400 calories to work with in the day time. She hasn't lost weight in 30 years, it works! Good luck.
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    I think handling it like a family, not like a weight loss plan, would be the best way.

    * eat the same food for dinner (their Dad should understand and go along with that)
    * family walks, renting bikes, playing something on Wii active
    * don't keep the junk in the house ... swap out ice cream for greek yogurt, or veggie burgers instead of regular burgers

    There's nothing wrong with them understanding calories, they're teenagers, but I think if you all do it together it becomes a lifestyle rather than a diet and that's the way we all succeed in fitness.
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    Let me start off by saying i KNOW where your draughts are. I HAVE BEEN THERE.

    Now let me say this- stick to your guns and do NOT buy the shakes. If they REALLY want to lose weight they need to do it the RIGHT way. They are young and will fight it but they need to learn that there is no quick fix for this.

    If you cave and get the shakes , they will never learn how to be healthy. They won’t learn portion control, healthy options, cooking and to be active. And even IF the shakes do work, once they stop them- they have NO CLUE how to eat healthy and will just gain the weight back.

    I KNOW it sucks for them and they want a "quick fix" (don’t we all!!) But they really need to learn how to lose weight the right way and how to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I don't think I did the quote thing right, sorry. My info came from a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. My daughter had to have a surgery that couldn't be done until she was done growing. We waited until a year after her first period, and it was confirmed with xrays that she was was done growing. Not all 13 year olds are the same height, so I'm not sure what you mean. 21 for girls? No way.

    yes way. I think maybe your daughter has medical issues and that's why they could proceed. The average girl continues growing until 21. Bones do not stop growing and fusing until 25. I think perhaps your situation is different than the norm.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    You are right.....they need to learn about nutrition, calories, etc. The shakes will do nothing but placate them for a small period of time and they will go back to their old eating habits.

    My only other suggestion is this: Talk to their dad and tell him that the food you fix just for him is going to have to go away. You are not setting a great example that he gets to eat what he wants, but anyone with a weight problem has to eat "diet" food. Instead, prepare meals the whole family can have together (and include re-vamped favories once in a while....homemade pizza, lean burgers with wheat buns and sweet potato fries, etc).

    I agree with this one. I don't think you should buy them the diet shakes. If they realllly need a diet shake get something cheaper like slimfast or something but really that would just be you giving into what they want. and you are the parent not them. Have them bring their own sack lunches to school too.
  • angiejo666
    angiejo666 Posts: 11
    Let me start this by saying that I am a Step-Mother as well, although my babies are ony 9 and 12. I applaud your dedication to their health and well-being and the love behind what you are trying to accomplish in getting the girls to be motivated and healthy as opposed to reaching for the quick fix.

    My step-children are in great shape due to the fact that their mother has them on a swim team so they are working out (hard) for about one and a half hours every day. That said, while at their mother's house they eat like ****. She is so busy carting them around to meets and practice (two children with two different schedules) that she relies heavily on fast food. They are the only people I know who can tell you right where something is in a 7-11 without being in the store...they are just that intimately familiar with it! When I see that she has loaded them up with chips and cookies and all sorts of processed "fruit" snacks for school lunches...I could cry. Instead I do everything I can to try to combat or at least even out what types of food they are getting. Every snack for school that comes from our side is comprised of a raw veggie and one or two fruit options. Every meal I serve ALWAYS has at least one veggie side, if not more...and with summer in full swing I am serving a lot of fruit with dinner just to make sure they are getting it in.

    I am on MFP to lose 15 more pounds (lost 5 already) and to share with my family that healthy is the way to go. Portion control and getting out there and moving are things that we have to do for life, not just for now. Their mother participates in one triathlon per year so from October to June she gains weight (more each year) and then she works her *kitten* off to prepare for her event in September. That is a very unhealthy example and 9 times out of 10 children will NEVER listen to what we have to say but they do pay attention to what we do!

    Since you have limited access to them and cannot see what they eat while with their mother the only thing you can do is live your life the best way you can and they'll figure it out in their own time. You need to be careful about how you delliver information because their self esteem is so very fragile at this stage in their lives. I agree with what many others have said with getting your hubby in track and you all eating the same thing for meals. Make sure you have eliminated all the empty calories - the junk food from your home because the harder it is to get to the less likely that they will go out of their way to get it.

    Again...from one step to another...I think you are awesome since a lot of steps don't seem to put as much thought and energy into children that are not biologically connected to them - or maybe I just know of some pretty crappy people. :frown:

    Good luck!
  • drcain
    drcain Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks Angie. Luckily they live with us full time and I have been their primary mother figure for the past 13 years and therefore I do have a pretty good idea as to what she eats on a daily basis. Even tonight she wanted me to drop her off at Target so that she could look at sandals. Well they didn't have want she wanted in the sandals so while she was there already she decided to pick up a half gallon of ice cream and blueberry muffins since she was "having a craving". UGH!!!

    I just get so frustrated because I feel like I can't mention it too much or nag her about it because that will just backfire on me and possibly cause an eating disorder, etc. So I just stay quiet hoping to lead by example but it is so hard to bite my tongue.

    But I really appreciate all of the advice that everyone has offered and I will definitely work on incorporating some exercise opportunities for the whole family as well as working with my husband to change our family meals to healthier alternatives.
  • Read my blog on here about the body by vi shakes. I have an ex-best friend who is selling them. They lie so much it isn't even funny. She posted fake photos of her being overweight for her before and after photos. That girl was NEVER overweight. She has always been as skinny as a rail. I would not just a product that has their people lie for them!