Men and Women are so different



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Last Friday, before I left work, a gal here asked what I was doing over the weekend. Told her I was going to see Magic Mike with my daughter and wife. She kind of cocked her head to the side and looked at me funny. "Really?"
    Me: "Yep."
    Her: "Why would a guy go see Magic Mike?"
    Me: "My daughter is coming home for the weekend. If I want to spend time with her, I either go to see Magic Mike with her and my wife or I go shopping with them."

    Anyways, went to see Magic Mike on Saturday.

    Sunday morning, as wife and I are running errands, I mention my conversation with my co-worker to my wife.

    Her Comment: "We weren't shopping on Saturday."
    Me: "You bought 4 pairs of shoes."
    Wife: "We got those as a favor to Ann. With Holland's discount, we were able to save Ann some money." (Ann has her own store)
    Me: "You came home with 2 Coach Bags and a black cocktail dress."
    Wife: " Those were gifts from Ann for picking the shoes up for her."
    Me: "Didn't I hear you say that you two ordered three more Coach Bags?"
    Wife: No Reply. Just a look that perhaps I should let it drop.
    Me: "Didn't you go to Winco, too?"
    Wife: (Disturbed, what's your point look.) "Just picking up snacks from the Bulk section for the Movies."
    Me: "I guess I misunderstood. But..... I'd rather have seen the movie anyways; instead of driving around with you guys for 4 1/2 hours NOT shopping."

    Ahh, woman logic, got to love it ;)
  • nostalgicfortune
    Perfect! I love this is so true! And I think it could be summed up as...women go shopping just because, men go shopping if the absolutely have to, they get exactly what they came for and leave...

    Hmmm, well, so far several of us women disagree with you on that! I think it is a stereotype that doesn't work for a lot of women.

    I will tell you this is the first I have ever heard of a woman NOT liking to just go to the mall ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!!

    I hate malls as a general rule... hate hate hate...
  • jerilph
    jerilph Posts: 19 Member
    My husbands laughs when I come home and automatically asked how much I saved him, and I shop more like a guy than a woman, depending on how I am feeling when I have to go out to buy something I need. I don't shop to much on the internet though.
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    Haha, this made me laugh because I know where you're coming from. I have a ton of friends who shop like that (in reference to how a girl shops) so i'm not going to argue with you. However I will provide a counterpoint:

    Personally, I choose to get whatever I need as fast as possible and sprint out, especially if it's a store filled with frilly clothes that actually has a tendecy to make me feel uncomfortable and out of place. My brother, on the other hand, could probably spend hours trying to buy the right sunglasses.

    I think it really depends on the person, but I will admit that it's usually girls who have to shop meticulously and guys who would rather just grab what they need and get out.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I very rarely go clothes shopping for the heck of it. I did a few weeks ago and got two cute dresses (for an example, see my profile picture). For the most part, I know what I'm looking for and due to my shrinking size, I have to try it on. I am usually the one (when shopping with my sister and mom) that is waiting for everyone else. If I could get away with buying everything online and wearing it and it fit properly without having to send it back, I would.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    A side note to all this.

    How come every time we vacation, no matter what city, my wife or daughters are able to sniff out the nearest outlet mall? It seems that on every family vacation at least one day turns into a visit to the town's outlet mall. And I become a glorified pack mule.

    I just walk along behind them, gathering up and consolidating all the "great deals" into bigger bags.

    I think there should be a strip club or cigar bar at every Outlet Mall for Daddies.