Confused on how much I should be eating!

Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
So, I'm set at 1200 calories per day (according to MFP). I tend to eat between 1200-1300 calories though. I lift weights (although I can't lift very heavy weights yet) with my husband at least 3 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week (our cardio has included running 110 yd sprints, running stadium stairs, elliptical training-interval style, and running on the treadmill). Starting 30 day shred on top of all that today. I'm 191 lbs and 5'1", and my ultimate goal is to be down to 125 by Christmas.

I have started out really well: lost 10 lbs in three weeks recently. I'm wondering if I am eating enough to really get my metabolism going enough to lose this fat as quickly as possible. I'm hoping to at least lose 10 lbs every three weeks. I know plateaus will happen, its just a general goal. Any advice for this non-expert?


  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    Bump I could really use some advice. I eat between 1200-1300 cals a day, BMR around 1500 and I tend to burn between 600-1000 cals from exercise daily. What should I be eating to have maximum weight loss results??
  • dimples41479
    I'm no expert, but eat a MINIMUM 1200 a day and you should be good (no less though, especially with working out, and make sure you get enough protein everyday. Good luck!
  • afl0405
    afl0405 Posts: 36 Member
    bump - I could use the advice too
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I would just make sure you are eating 5-7 meals a day and making sure they are 2-3 hours apart. If I do that it keeps my metabolism going. Since you burn a bunch of calories doing cardio and other exercising you probably could try to eat a net of 1200 calories. I am not a dietician or nutritionist so I can't say what will work best for you since everyone is different but as long as your energy is staying up and you are losing weight healthfully you will hopefully see results.
  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank goodness I'm not the only one!

    My husband has been working with me to try and get enough protein (He knows a lot more about fitness than I do). I've been doing better on the protein, but still find it difficult to get over 100 g a day. Any advice on that? I've been taking an EAS protein shake after my workouts plus a lot more shrimp (more protein less calories).
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    You should eat a NET minimum of 1200. Meaning if you burn 600 a day through exercise, you should be eating at least 1800 a day, and so on and so forth.
  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    OH! I didn't realize that I should be eating NET 1200 calories! Thank you! That is really good information to have. I'm definitely not NET ting enough calories.
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    OH! I didn't realize that I should be eating NET 1200 calories! Thank you! That is really good information to have. I'm definitely not NET ting enough calories.

    I don't always net that amount either because I just don't want to eat that much food but if you feel like your energy is getting too low then you should be able to eat back some if not all of your exercise calories and still lose weight. MFP sets your goal already at your predetermined deficit so as you exercise the amount of calories you can consume and still be at a deficit increases so that you can fuel your body and rebuild your muscle.
  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    I usually feel fine when I eat around 1300 ish calories (depending on how intense the workout was that day). So thank you! Its really good to know that I should be eating back some of my exercise calories & that MFP sets my deficit at my BEFORE workout calories. (Does that make sense? Lol).

    Thanks for your help everyone!