paleo success



  • weathergirl320
    Thank you all so much!!!! To answer some questions, yes I did stick with paleo the whole 6 months. It's actually more like 7 months at this point. Since I hit my goal weight I stopped working out but continue to eat paleo most of the time. I get my calcium from green leafy veggies and fruits. Mother nature gave us all we need without processing. So dairy is one of those things that has the calcium we need, but we don't need dairy to get our calcium. A typical meal is a meat source, a veggies source usually sauteed in butter or coconut oil or lard, and a huge salad loaded with whatever I want. :) thanks for all the support!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    So I don't care if its controversial I'm excited. After 6 months of eating "paleo" I am not only at my goal weight and maintaining, but I just got my bloodwork results back. Everything is excellent. People said I would have high cholesterol from all the meat, its perfect. My triglycerides are perfect and my glucose is perfect. People said I don't get enough calcium because I dont eat dairy. Well my calcium is perfect. All my numbers are great. I have cured my pcos, celiac disease, low vitamin d and my thyroid levels arw all normal. Not to mention I look Damn good!

    Did you track your calories at all?
  • goldfoots
    goldfoots Posts: 2
    Hi there is the Paleo Diet like the Adkin's diet?
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    You look great! Congrats on meeting your goal!

    I'm inching my way towards goal, down 34 lbs with 19 left to go and been Primal for 6 months now. You'll have to tell me more about your thyroid issues and your situation with meds as I'm going through the same thing, trying to ditch them.

    My cholesterol was amazing the last time I checked, up almost 20 pts for HDL and down over 30 for LDL.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    Love the Paleo way of eating! It works great for me and I feel my best while on it! Would love to be friended by people who follow this or other low Carb eating plans!
  • karagetsfit
    karagetsfit Posts: 191
    I hate the misconception that you have to have dairy in order to get calcium. Humans are the only mammals to consume milk past infancy!
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Great job! I eat primally as I do have a little dairy (though I'm cutting it out now) and feel fantastic! This is the simplest way to eat and I'm surprised more people don't do it!

    And someone asked it it was like Atkins: No. Atkins doesn't care what your food sources are and in recent years has been very big on low carb substitutes for normal food (low carb bread, low carb candy, etc), which are full of SO many chemicals and really don't do your body any good. Primal/Paleo is basic: if it doesn't grow in nature (or moo, oink or squawk), you shouldn't eat it. Theres more to it than that of course, but thats a basic idea. No grains, no sugars (except from fruit)
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I love my meat wouldnt give it up for the world, cus if I did a vegan diet I would gain for sure, carbs are my true enemy. :) BUt thats awesome and congrats on your success.
  • karagetsfit
    karagetsfit Posts: 191
    I love my meat wouldnt give it up for the world, cus if I did a vegan diet I would gain for sure, carbs are my true enemy. :) BUt thats awesome and congrats on your success.

    Paleo isn't a vegetarian or vegan diet. It's meat and lots of it!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    you do look damn good! congrats lady!
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