What is wrong with me?!?



  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    Why are you questioning your SELF image? Stop beating yourself down. Every man is different and likes different aspects of women. RISE up in confidence of who you are, your achievements for being healthier. If his insecurities are too much, then that his issue, not yours.

    ^^^this. Do NOT take his issues on as your own. If my partner wasn't happy with my happiness and health, he'd be history. I'm fortunate, mine would love me regardless, but having somone in my corner and working to meet his own fitness goals at the same time is priceless.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Is he overweight?
    THIS----he may feel insecure and think he's on the way out once better guys come sniffin' around.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Honey, he is a meanie. He tells you you are retarded? Dont get her ego up? I would smack my boyfriend right in his mouth if he talked to me that way.

    You deserve better! you are gorgeous and you should be proud of yourself, and more important to the thread your boyfriend should be proud of you too. Its hard for any of us to know whats going on because we dont know you two, but I suspect more is going on here then it seems. like other people said, he may be insecure. Like the ego comment though, it sounds like he wants you to feel badly about yourself, and thats pure BS.

    No doubt! I guess when I was younger I would have brushed that of but being with the man I have now and knowing how abusive those words are; I'd be gone quickly!
  • adet983
    adet983 Posts: 138
    does he have limp wrists
  • aridge08
    aridge08 Posts: 16
    Limp wrists??
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    You are making this life change for you and no one else. If he can't see that and only wants to put you down and try to sabotage your efforts to become a healthy person then he needs to go. I would walk home across town rather than have my boyfriend say something like that to me. He encourages me in my weight loss the entire way. He met me when I was only 30 lbs into my wieght loss and has seen me lose another 55 lbs. He should know what makes you happy is what he should support and get rid of his insecurities because that is all it is, he is projecting on your his fears.
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    this is a tough one.....i wasn't trusted ever .... especially when I started to lose weight. Ultimately it cost me my relationship. Hang in there, if nothing else know that this is a process, and not an event!