Am I to simple for the MFP system?

I may be being dumb but there are lots of people wanting to make weight loss more complicated that in seems to be.

I came into this and figured out how many calories I'm eating a day and maintaining a steady weight, by logging for a few days.

I saw how low MFP said I could go on Calories and I laughed that I wouldn't eat that little.

So now I use MFP to log what I am eating and ensure it is 500 calories or more per day under what I used to eat to maintain a steady weight, added in some regular exercise and water and the weight comes off.

(I know this will get me flamed but...) Why do so many people treat the generic-ness of the MFP calorie count as gospel and force themselves to fit that mold?

MFP really helps track but, Calories In needs to be less than calories out, healthy food is better than junk food, more regular exercise is better than couch time..........

Or am I really just being too simple?


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I think it is that simple but people get thrown off by all the 'info' they read here... Starvation mode, 'sweet spot' for weight loss, water intake, sodium, protein, 'eating back', etc., etc.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    am I really just being too simple?

  • earthwitch
    No, I treat MFP in pretty much exactly the same way.
  • lauraeastwood1978
    lauraeastwood1978 Posts: 1 Member
    me too i use it s a guide to make me think about what i am doing.
  • RainaWalks
    RainaWalks Posts: 72
    MFP is my weight loss journal and helps me with counting calories...something i've never been able to do using a book....too much effort required...

    all i do is try to eat less and exercise oh and wait...the waiting is the hardest part for takes time for the pounds to come off....

    you're not to simple....not in my eyes anyway...

    but then i'm busy waiting....i'm looking ahead to the fall...and being 40 pounds lighter...
  • bbbsmama
    bbbsmama Posts: 96
    This is my favorite post ever. Lol!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Nah. I'm on the exact same boat as you. MFP isn't about being strict. It's about giving you information you can use to successfully lose weight and get healthy. It's not a diet system.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Fantastically simple.

    Maybe your post will help clear things up for some people who've found the site confusing.
  • jagwab
    jagwab Posts: 93
    Nope, not simple at all.
    Sometimes I feel like you need a science degree to figure out what people are talking about.

    I am a believer of eating clean un-processed foods.
    if I go over my calories on a given day I am not worried as long as I didn't put junk in my body.

    Maybe people make it complicated so they have an excuse?
    I mean if you haven't done the correct math to subtract your TDEE from your BMR and mulitply it by your BMI and divide by your body fat percentage then it's not your fault.

    I use MFP as a journal and to connect with other people.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    No, you're not too simple for it. You looked at the numbers it gave you, and took on experimentation with numbers that you thought would work better for you, and it worked.

    You'll probably find that you have to do that again from time to time for things to keep working. Experiment, be open minded about trying new things, and learn more about your body. Those are the keys to losing weight effectively and maintaining control over your weight for life.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714

    I only use MFP for the journal and the socialization. I use my TDEE.

    I sometimes snicker at people who believe MFP as gospel. Well, did they all forget that MFP was really just written by some guy (no offense to Mike...but he is not a nutritionist, doctor or elite trainer that I know of)?

    I always say - do your own research. Read and discover and learn. Each person is different so what works for you may not work for someone else.

    Good luck!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    A lot of people on MFP try to convince others that "their way works" - essentially, a forum infomercial.

    It is that simple, but I think people find that hard to believe. There HAS to be a "Secret".

    Even for myself personally, I was doubting if this SIMPLE "calories in - calories out" method would work. But then I asked myself "why would it not work?". I have been losing at a healthy rate but keeping track of calories, and decreasing the amount of calories i consume, and I have incorporated tons of fruits and veggies into my diet.

    I will NEVER be one of the ones who only eat organic, or never eat a muffin for the rest of my life - why? because its unrealistic...and I want to enjoy life WITHOUT restricting myself of anything.

    You may be simple, but you are also correct...IN MY EYES (for all those who want to start *kitten*).
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    Many people don't know how many calories to consume to maintain. MFP gives many of them a starting point on learning about counting calories and proper nutrition. Over time, most people adjust to the same system you're using but in the beginning, it's a lot harder to know maintenance calories if you've never been on maintenance anywhere close to your goal weight.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Simple works for me.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I may be being dumb but there are lots of people wanting to make weight loss more complicated that in seems to be.

    I came into this and figured out how many calories I'm eating a day and maintaining a steady weight, by logging for a few days.

    I saw how low MFP said I could go on Calories and I laughed that I wouldn't eat that little.

    So now I use MFP to log what I am eating and ensure it is 500 calories or more per day under what I used to eat to maintain a steady weight, added in some regular exercise and water and the weight comes off.

    (I know this will get me flamed but...) Why do so many people treat the generic-ness of the MFP calorie count as gospel and force themselves to fit that mold?

    MFP really helps track but, Calories In needs to be less than calories out, healthy food is better than junk food, more regular exercise is better than couch time..........

    Or am I really just being too simple?

    Excellent way of doing it.

    But most people by merely logging make better choices, if they really remember everything, so they really don't know what they used to eat originally, to take the deficit from.

    So good for you doing it that way. As long as your daily routine now matches that level of eating then, you've got the right system figured out.

    Now, to keep lowering your goal down the road, since you will eat less when you weigh less, you might do this simple thing.

    What you found as your avg daily eating level that maintained weight (TDEE) / the weight then = multiplier.

    So if you say ate 2000 / weight 160 = 12.5 multiplier.

    Now when you weigh 150 x 12.5 = 1875 TDEE

    Then you take your deficit off that new figure. Probably could do it every 5 lbs lost of course, but now you'll keep the same deficit.

    Of course, if workout routine increases massively, that little method doesn't work, but should still get you close.

    So was it curiosity that made you log previous eating level before you made changes, or suggestion?
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Honestly its all up to that person, some make it really simple to follow allowing them to lose the max weight they want to lose while others do it a more "complicated" way to track every little thing so they can be very accurate and precise.
  • pawneed5
    pawneed5 Posts: 37
    I like the simple way when it comes to "dieting". I've tried complicated and it doesn't work for me. Like a lot of people on here, I use MFP as a food journal and way to conect with people who are trying to lose weight as well. Simple is good :)
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    K.I.S.S.=> Keep It Simple Stupid. That's how I treated this and it worked. Some people like to get a bit more in-depth with their process and that's fine. Just not how I wanted to do it.
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 173 Member
    I know what you mean - I thought I knew quite a lot about weight loss, having had various dieting attempts over the past 3 decades (my main problem has always been putting the theory into practice!) - but since joining this site, I have been totally bamboozled at times by some of the stuff I've been reading! :noway: I agree that some people seem to make it more complicated than it needs to be.

    But I still really like the site, as I have found some very supportive friends on here!

    Anyway, stick with what you're doing - you sound like you have the right idea to me :smile:
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    To be honest, when I first started MFP, I was trying to eat no more than what they suggested. I now am using it as a tool to keep track of what I eat and count all the calories, as that is what I really need to be doing. I am not super sensitive about the recommended calorie intake any more, but try to stay low (and weighing what it really means to eat that pint of ice cream).