Low Carb Microwave Muffin

lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
edited September 2024 in Recipes
I eat this super easy and versatile muffin almost everyday for breakfast, it would be rude not to share it's goodness.

I use a large mug- probably a 16 ounce one
melt a pat of butter in it (20 seconds or so), then swirl the butter around (not necessary but makes it easier to clean up)
sometimes I'll soften a tablespoon of cream cheese in the micro now too, depending on how I feel
then add-
1//2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 cup almond meal (if I want lower cal/ more fiber I'll substitute wheat bran)
2 tablespoons flax meal
one raw egg

here's the fun part:
1 packet splenda or sugar free flavored syrup or jam, extracts, diced fruit, pumpkin, cocoa powder, cinnamon/spices- or, if I'm feeling savory a chopped up sausage or ham, shredded cheddar or some parmesan cheese, garlic powder... you get the idea

mix it all well with a fork. Microwave it for a minute (if it's still wet, 45 more seconds, depending on how powerful your microwave is)
run the fork around the outside of the muffin and flip it over
microwave it upside-down for 30 seconds to dry out the condensation
Pop it out, try to wait 'til it cools to scarf it down

So many ways to eat this, can be cut in half and used to make a sandwich, or make some cream cheese frosting for on top. One word of warning, if your system isn't used to a lot of fiber drink a lot of water with this one. The dry ingredients can be brought to work in a plastic baggie, this would make an excellent work snack.

With only 1/2 tablespoon of butter, the almond meal, flax, baking powder, 1 packet of splenda and an egg the stats are-
Calories- 267 Carbs- 8 Fat- 23 Protein- 12 Fiber- 6 Sugar- 1 Net Carbs- 2

I'd love to see what others come up with for this recipe, I don't think I've had it the same way twice.


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