I'm a horrible person!



  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    Think what you like. You ever act on it, you should prepare yourself.

    I'm 5'10", working my *kitten* off and have about 5 more lbs to go to my goal weight and rock 3 to 5 inch heels on the regular. And I look pretty damn good in them too. Why should a tall woman be made to feel bad about their height? Middle school for most of us tall chicks was awkward enough.

    Jealously, and disliking someone because of it is pretty immature.
  • go4itjoanna
    go4itjoanna Posts: 69 Member
    I am tall, 6'1" in fact. I do wear heels from time to time (but I am far from 100 pounds). I have never worried about short women wanting to tip me over.... That just changed.

  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    To all the people who think that I hate her. You are wrong! I would never hate someone because of the way they look.
    Yes, I am jealous of her height. I wish I were tall.
    Do I think its ridiculous to go to the store at 10am wearing ridiculously high heels? Absolutely!
    And if the woman had fallen over on her own I would have been the first person to rush to her to help her up and make sure she is ok.

    To the people who say I suck for having a random bad thought. I think you are all kidding yourselves because every single person has had these thoughts. At least I own up to mine.

    For the guy who imagines short women with coasters on their heads--That is hilarious! I love it.
  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    My main problem with your statement was that you wanted to push her over AND you called her a praying mantis. That is simply mean. Throw up a profile photo and let us make up a nickname for you? That ok? Would not make you feel bad at all?

    Also, if a lady gets dressed for work and that outfit includes heels and she decides to drop by the grocery, who gives a damn? Why does it matter to you that she is wearing heels at the store at 10am?
  • kraj8995
    kraj8995 Posts: 28
    I am too horrible person and am fear to go at night.
  • Desika87
    Desika87 Posts: 111
    Today I was at the store and this woman who was tall and thin to begin with had on 8 inch heels. With her heels on she looked like she was 6'8 and she only weighed about 100 pounds. I really felt like pushing her boney butt over and laughing because my center of gravity is lower. Part of me knows it was jealousy because she is tall and thin (which I will never be. I'm only 5'1) and a part of me knew it was because it would be hilarious to tip over a woman who looked like a praying mantis.

    I know I am horrible and going straight to hell. Anyone else have moments where you think you suck as a person?

    Dear, you would be a horrible person if you didn't care about these thoughts and if you really would have pushed that woman :-) don't be so harsh with yourself, I bet you are a lovely and likeable person! :-)
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    LOL ...thats just funny....
    You shouldnt feel horrible or think something so bad of u , come on hell ? really ? the most u deserve its that when u use hight shoes someone exually push u over , lool

    But for the question if i feel horrible ? I do alot . U see i have POCD, which means i have pop thoughts that are unwanted, for example i can think the most horrible things to the persons i love or just someone passing by in the street . The great problem with this is that they are uncompatible with my conscience and the true suffering comes after this thought ...the dwealling about the thought....

    Sounds complex ? Dont think about it, next time just push the person over LOL ....kidding .... Ur not horrible it was just a thought, :flowerforyou:
  • Samwitch31
    Gurl, haters gonna hate....