Breakfast The age old dielemma!



  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I eat two eggs daily because I am vegetarian, and unlimited egg whites. Two eggs a day is fine!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    On Sundays, I take a big a** Halloween candy bowl and crack an 18 pack of eggs into it. I throw it in a pan with some ground turkey and scramble it up, divide it into 5x little ziplock containers, and throw them in the fridge. That way, I can have delicious eggs every morning with just a minute in the microwave and no major cleanup.

    Eat them everyday!
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    On Sundays, I take a big a** Halloween candy bowl and crack an 18 pack of eggs into it. I throw it in a pan with some ground turkey and scramble it up, divide it into 5x little ziplock containers, and throw them in the fridge. That way, I can have delicious eggs every morning with just a minute in the microwave and no major cleanup.

    Eat them everyday!

    yummmmy! I make and freeze Quiche like that
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    I attended a class by a nutrionist with 20+ years experience. She recommended eating eggs several times a week and she said to eat the ENTIRE egg, the yolk is where most of the nutrition is. She did say that the best eggs were those that were organic and from your local small farmer or to get Egglands. Since I do not have a local farmer, I buy Egglands. They have regular and organic.

    She also said to get the extra large egg.

    This being said I usually have a protein shake for breakfast. In the winter I love a bowl of oatmeal, I love Wegman's Cinnamon High Fiber Oatmeal. It is delish and it gives me the extra fiber I need without.
  • boernera
    boernera Posts: 13 Member
    On Sundays, I take a big a** Halloween candy bowl and crack an 18 pack of eggs into it. I throw it in a pan with some ground turkey and scramble it up, divide it into 5x little ziplock containers, and throw them in the fridge. That way, I can have delicious eggs every morning with just a minute in the microwave and no major cleanup.

    Eat them everyday!

    Awesome idea!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    yogurt, granola and fruit :)
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I attended a class by a nutrionist with 20+ years experience. She recommended eating eggs several times a week and she said to eat the ENTIRE egg, the yolk is where most of the nutrition is. She did say that the best eggs were those that were organic and from your local small farmer or to get Egglands. Since I do not have a local farmer, I buy Egglands. They have regular and organic.

    She also said to get the extra large egg.

    This being said I usually have a protein shake for breakfast. In the winter I love a bowl of oatmeal, I love Wegman's Cinnamon High Fiber Oatmeal. It is delish and it gives me the extra fiber I need without.

    Thank you :) I always eat the whole egg too!
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    You don't HAVE to have breakfast food you know :) You can make a sandwich...or even do a dinner for breakfast. Many times I have not wanted oatmeal or eggs etc, and instead had leftover chicken and roasted veggies.
  • Rozieq84
    Rozieq84 Posts: 38
    Try some greek yogurt (Fage is the creamiest and best), add some fresh berries. Or have a whole piece of fruit, some cheese, and a few crackers/some dried cereal for breakfast. It's more filling than it sounds, plus all of these can be eaten on the go or at your desk at work (if that's an issue for you).

    But defnitely don't elminate eggs from your diet either, if it's what your body craves, chances are there's a vitamin or nutrient in there that you need.

    Best of luck :)
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Thank you everyone! :)

    As the eggs are doing no damage I wil be carrying on eating them :) yay!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Eggs are good. They are nature's protein bars.

    If you want a variety, though, try "overnight oatmeal" aka. "refrigerator oatmeal". Mix equal parts old fashioned oats and yogurt, add flavorings to your liking (1tbsp peanut butter, 1tsp cinnamon, and 1tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder are my favorite combo, but you can really get creative). Stir it up, and refrigerate overnight. You can eat it cold like I do, or heat it up if you want.
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Eggs are good. They are nature's protein bars.

    If you want a variety, though, try "overnight oatmeal" aka. "refrigerator oatmeal". Mix equal parts old fashioned oats and yogurt, add flavorings to your liking (1tbsp peanut butter, 1tsp cinnamon, and 1tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder are my favorite combo, but you can really get creative). Stir it up, and refrigerate overnight. You can eat it cold like I do, or heat it up if you want.

    I must be honest I do not like oatmeal, i havent tried teh overnight oats yet though!
  • I love eggs! I really do! I could eat them everyday, i eat them boiled, fried (nonstickpan), scrambeled, in quiche, any which way! I LOVE THEM!

    I am also aware that surely this is not healthy to eat eggs every day!
    What can I switch my breakfast up with????

    I do not like oatmeal at all! and cereal doesnt not keep me full for long, I dont do shakes etc, I food too much, LOL Yeah I know I am full of rubbish!

    I would love to have english muffins with stuff on but I try stay away from wheat because of my Psoriasis......

    Any ideas...

    I've seen several articles lately that defend eggs, and say that eggs are healthy and it's fine to eat them every day. The yolk has calories, so just work them into your daily calorie plan. If you love them that much, don't give them up.
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I love eggs! I really do! I could eat them everyday, i eat them boiled, fried (nonstickpan), scrambeled, in quiche, any which way! I LOVE THEM!

    I am also aware that surely this is not healthy to eat eggs every day!
    What can I switch my breakfast up with????

    I do not like oatmeal at all! and cereal doesnt not keep me full for long, I dont do shakes etc, I food too much, LOL Yeah I know I am full of rubbish!

    I would love to have english muffins with stuff on but I try stay away from wheat because of my Psoriasis......

    Any ideas...

    I've seen several articles lately that defend eggs, and say that eggs are healthy and it's fine to eat them every day. The yolk has calories, so just work them into your daily calorie plan. If you love them that much, don't give them up.

    Agreed! Eggs and I are just menat for each other! hehehehehe!
  • berkshired
    berkshired Posts: 4 Member
    I agree that eggs are great for breakfast! But for those of you who said they would rather eat lunch, why not just eat lunch foods for breakfast?
    Food is food, we put labels on it like "breakfast food" but why not eat somthing healthy you would normally eat for lunch, for breakfast?
  • It used to be feared that eggs were high in cholesterol & that's why you shouldn't eat them too often. But research is now showing that eggs are much lower than what we originally thought. And they are finding that people who eat eggs often are less likely to have heart disease!! So eat those eggs up!! lol. I'm a every morning egg eater too. I do 1 whole egg with 3 tbs egg whites! Makes them fluffier!! ENJOY!

    I work for a cardiologist who eats eggs everyday too!! :happy:
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I agree that eggs are great for breakfast! But for those of you who said they would rather eat lunch, why not just eat lunch foods for breakfast?
    Food is food, we put labels on it like "breakfast food" but why not eat somthing healthy you would normally eat for lunch, for breakfast?

    This is so true! Why is a weed with a pretty flower just a scrap weed?! Just because it got labeled like that!! i working ons ome new interesting luunch ideas too! Been having Cous cous slad for two weekd now! hahahahaa
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    It used to be feared that eggs were high in cholesterol & that's why you shouldn't eat them too often. But research is now showing that eggs are much lower than what we originally thought. And they are finding that people who eat eggs often are less likely to have heart disease!! So eat those eggs up!! lol. I'm a every morning egg eater too. I do 1 whole egg with 3 tbs egg whites! Makes them fluffier!! ENJOY!

    I work for a cardiologist who eats eggs everyday too!! :happy:

    You see now that just makes me feel so much better about that! Thanks Hun! :flowerforyou:
  • MarkHawks
    MarkHawks Posts: 3 Member
    My Doctors (holistic MD, Chiro, Nutrition Dr.) have all told me that if I get free range eggs a dozen a week is no problem. Cholesterol is needed by the body to build new cells. They also said that "standard" eggs are not as good. Apparently if the chickens are fed things not intended (designed) for them the fat ratio's are off in the eggs. When I started bike riding in the mornings ( I am up to about 10 - 12 miles a day in 45 - 55 minutes!) they told me to get more protein and up to 4 eggs for breakfast was good as long as I had that level of exercise. I have upped my protein and good fats (coconut oil, olive oil, grass fed beef etc.) each to over 150 a day. Be sure to double check the foods in the MFP database, more than half of them are wrong or incomplete! Once I started eating for my exercise level I started adding muscle and loosing fat.
  • SmoothScientist
    SmoothScientist Posts: 4 Member
    I try to switch up breakfast with eggs one day, yogurt and fruit another day, grain berry pancake mix (less calories and carbs), and treat myself to half english muffin or bagel one morning. The variety helps me.