
Hi out there! I am Bablve3000 and I started my journey for success today. I have been navigating the site all day and checking things out and so far, I like what I see. I, like most people, have been on the dreaded diet journey for some time now. I have never taken advantage of the online tools so I hope it proves to be encouraging. I am not a stranger of trying to lose weight and my ultimate goal is to lose 100lbs!!! I really hope that I come close to my goal or at least succeed with making the steps to get healthy again. I look forward to making friends here and meeting others.

Please stop by anytime with tips and suggestions! Here's to a healthier me....and us! :drinker:


  • gwainwright
    gwainwright Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome to the sight and good luck with your journey. This site has worked wonders for me - 7Lbs in just under a month - loving it!!

    Good luck :smile:
  • Krissy903
    Hey Welcome!
  • Trav
    Trav Posts: 2,022
    I am still new....but love the sight already