New and need to lose about 100

Hi everyone,

My name is Shana and someone recommend I come here as I mentioned joining weight watchers! I am 27, 5'6 and 270lbs. I would like to get down to 170 (I liked the way I looked and felt at that weight). I'd like to make some friends and I feel sometimes it's helpless and I'll never lose that much weight. My husband is very helpful and supportive.. but just doesn't get it.

I need to learn to eat better and be active.. I have an almost 2 year old daughter and I don't want her to end up feeling how I do.

Anyone here ever drop 100lbs? How long did it take? It is saying I should be eating 1900 cals a day right now, that seems like a lot? I have so much to learn haha.. any tips would be wonderful!!!

Hope to get to know some of you :)


  • hungrybunni
    hungrybunni Posts: 66 Member
    welcome, welcome....I've got to lose the same as you plus some more lol. feel free to add me and I will happily cheer you on. I've only been on here a while but you wouldn't believe how motivational it is. Everyone is so lovely and friendly. I have found using the phone app as well has been a real plus point. Loving the camera bit for adding calories. I'd tried WW and put on weight!!! again...welcome. Tracey :)
  • treegirl2154
    treegirl2154 Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me--same goal! And no, its not high--you really will lose eating those calories. You can go a little under, but if you go too far under, your body will freak out and hold on to your fat even harder--totally non-technical way of putting it. But it puts you into starvation and you can't lose it. But I go below normally, by 1-200 calories on average. And then I try not to ever eat my workout calories. Good luck!
  • acaruso619
    acaruso619 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 275 so I'm right where you are!! I've lost 80lbs at one point (but gained it all back and then some) so it IS possible. Good luck on your journey and welcome to MFP!
  • miller0438
    miller0438 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Im trying to lose about 80lbs and was thinking about weight watchers as well but I believe this will be better money wise. Anyway welcome and add me as a friend if you want. Today is a new beginning for me, I feel my mind is finally ready to lose this weight
  • Alice_in_Wndrlnd
    Alice_in_Wndrlnd Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome to MFP :)

    I have a total of almost 150lbs to lose and have already lost 45lbs of that since March this year by using MFP.

    There are lots of people out there on here who have lost alot of weight and they are a great inspiration.

    Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    Don't be in a rush to lose the weight, that can be discouraging. Focus on getting healthier and the weight loss will take care of itself! Find an activity that you love doing and commit to it! Don't worry about what other people are doing that burns more calories, do what you enjoy that burns calories and you'll burn more of them. If you use MFP, it only works if you log your food. It doesn't tell you what to eat but it does allow you to see where you've exceeded your calories and what you may have eaten that was fulfilling but very high in calories. As you learn to manage your calories, you'll learn to eat healthier. Eating healthier isn't really as difficult as some people make it out to be, or is it as expensive as you keep hearing. Eating foods that are high in fiber helps manage your appetite so you're not always wanting to eat and they're usually much lower in calories so you do have room to eat more of the healthy stuff!

    Take your time, enjoy the ride and its not just weight loss, its a lifestyle!!!
  • TuffTiffy
    TuffTiffy Posts: 1
    Hi everyone!!! I'm also a mommy of 3, n YES its so possible to drop 100 lbs. And more! I've transformed myself into a professional figure competitor, and after weighing 200 lbs. At delivery of my 1st and 2nd babies, I understand frustration w weight gain and our bodies.....olease keep your head up....the wonderful world of myfitnesspal will truely be your pal all day! Log in all your food! Every bite! Every bite and every SIP matters! Also, drink as much water as possible! I'm here to and encourage! Much love...
    Blessed mommy of 3,
    IFPA professional figure athlete,
    I walk n train w Jesus!
    Tiffany Benson
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    Feel free to add me! I restarted on here 2 weeks ago, and have taken a healthy little 6 lb. chunk out of my 100 lb. goal!! I'm about 5'5-1/2", 24, and 233.6 lbs. Goal: 140 lbs!
  • I find the best motivation is finding what gets you going. What are you losing the weight for, who in your life has had a miraculous change in their life? And who will help motivate you with nutrition, and exercise, especially when you need that kick in the bottom to get you going?
    The best success story that happened in real life and not on some reality t.v. show is my bestfriend Erin. She lost a whole person. She went from 250 pounds to about 130. She is now only 13% body fat. If she can do it, (she constantly tells me, "Mama gotta eat"). I honestly anyone can, if they put in the effort.
    She motivates me every day to get off my *kitten* and do something. And because of her, I am now addicted to
    I too, have a lot of weight to lose. My only struggle is trying to eat enough calories to avoid going into starvation mode, and drinking enough water. I have a friend that is studying to be a pharmacist, and who is obsessed with becoming more healthy as I am trying to be. Now, if I could convince him to log on and be more active on these forums, that would be a bonus.
    Okay, as for me losing weight, and my reasons behind it is because I have a lot to prove to myself. It was bit of a reality check when I was at my bestfriend's house (the workout goddess aka Erin), and my son said I was too fat to tan. I admit I was pouty for an hour or two, but I sucked it up and realized one important thing, I had a choice to make. It could break me, or it can make me. Meaning, I can sit and wallow in my weight gain misery, or I could make it inspire me. I choose to let it inspire me. I am trying to be more active, and not stress the little things. I know I have a long way to go.
  • Oh, and feel free to add me!! Anyone can!! :laugh:
  • midge69
    midge69 Posts: 22
    Hi I just read your post.. I am new here been on this site about week. My doctor suggested it to me for calorie counting. and support good luck on you r new journey
  • lightinme
    lightinme Posts: 9 Member
    Add me if you like. I'm new too. I have about 70 pounds to lose. I'm 5' 2" with two children. My husband, like yours is very supportive...but he does not understand at all. He could eat a bus and not gain a pound!
  • bigandysrunning
    bigandysrunning Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Shana,
    I was in the same boat as you.
    I'm 35, and I started at 330 pounds. I have dropped 110 pounds total, and I attribute this website/ app to have played a HUGE part of that loss. It took me approx 7 months to lose the weight, but I coupled the counting calories (changing what I ate) along with exercise. (I started running, hence my screen name). I use the term "running" loosely, it was MUCH more walking than running at first. I slowly have eased my way into more and more running, and now it's my exercise of choice. I have learned a lot along the way, about food, about calories and nutrition, and more importantly about myself.

    Just based off of what worked for me, my advice would be: Be Driven, Be as accountable as possible, and most importantly, Be honest. The honestly sounds simple but can be the hardest part sometimes. If you ever need support or have any questions, don't hesitate to message me. I'm no doctor or dietician, but I am someone who had to go through the same type of struggles and "gets it".

    Also, in an effort to keep myself honest and accountable as I went through everything, I started a blog on the internet. Not saying you have to do something that drastic, but for me, it was a way to put myself out there and force myself to keep going, even though (or maybe especially because) I knew there were going to be times I wanted to quit or back off... check it out if you want to:

    Good luck, and you can do it!!!
    Just trust the process. These guys know what they are doing here, and if it can work for me, it can work for you too.
    Best of luck again, and keep in touch if you need to , we're all in this together.

  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Hello and welcome,

    There are plenty of people around who are in the same boat or have been, and they and others have a wealth of information to share with how to get there, both at the beginning and as you progress.

    It really is a great place, and like many things, it will work if you stick to it. How quickly you'll lose, now, that pretty much depends upon you and your body.