Compromise in a Relationship



  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    If you wear earplugs, then how will you hear your alarm in the morning.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    If you wear earplugs, then how will you hear your alarm in the morning.

    phone under my pillow set to EARTHQUAKE vibration :laugh:
  • MoveTheMountain
    Get earplugs. A. More comfortable than a headset! B. Getting your spouse back in the same bed is more important than 'winning.' Consider it karma in the bank of life.

    Well, I am not trying to "win" I just find ear plugs uncomfortable but yea I guess they would be more so than headphones. :ohwell:

    You should definitely be trying to win. It's retarded to sleep with the TV on - bug's the living crap out of me. Or, let him sleep on the couch.

    Well, now that I've cleared *that* up...

    This isn't really an appropriate example of when or how to compromise - you need sleep for health, and so does he. You can't (or certainly shouldn't) compromise on things that could impact your health.

    I'm not sure it's a compromise to sleep in separate bedrooms, but lots of couples do it, and it actually helps their relationship. You might want to think about it. (Or dump his butt for someone with normal sleep habits...) :bigsmile:
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    Some things I could compromise on;

    I have definitive list of things I can't compromise on : sex , bacon , sleep, beer and exercising.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    The solution is..... WATCH PORN TOGETHER IN BED

    and then reenact the good scenes.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    The relationship is more important than the battles won. Take yourself out and look at it as what side is easier and asking less? Or who is going to be more likely to bend? My hubs and I both are stubborn. I compromise a lot with things, but he has to with important things also. Sometimes I feel like I do more, until I stop and think about his side.

    I am totally a tv person. I need the light and noise, but low low volume and a dark show. I got hubs into it now. He needs it to sleep often times now.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    compromise - the art of making sure both parties mostly win but only slightly lose.
  • kllyeve
    kllyeve Posts: 18 Member
    There are headphones specifically designed to be worn to sleep in. They are ear buds called Bed Buds. Some models are sewn into a headband and some are just a soft ear bud. I was going to get a pair so that i could listen to my relaxation "tapes" ( I have an Ipod :P) in bed to go to sleep. They looked fairly comfortable.

    Maybe he could watch something on his ipod so that the light was less for you, he could wear the ear buds and then both would get a decent nights sleep.

    Its not so much a compromise but a creative solution.
  • b_fit4life
    b_fit4life Posts: 120 Member
    my SO and I actually sleep in separate beds most nights. I need to go to bed a bit earlier than him and he likes to stay up late watching TV. I could actually sleep through that but once he falls asleep he is a VERY light sleeper and wakes up with my every move or sound. Every time I would wake him up, he would wake me up. Neither of us ever got a good night's sleep! I REALLY resisted sleeping in a separate bed at first but now I love it! I get to sleep when I want and can stay asleep the whole night and he can go to sleep later when he is tired and he doesn't wake up as often if at all. We still do sleep together most weekends because we don't have anything to get up for.

    Our relationship has improved because I was willing to give his suggestion a try. When we both sleep better, we're both more pleasant to be around :-) Good Luck!
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    The solution is..... WATCH PORN TOGETHER IN BED

    :laugh: Not much sleeping going on for either of us in that case!! :wink:

    Yeah but then by that point you're so exhausted that you pass out anyways!! :wink: :laugh:
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    Needing the tv on to sleep is a conditioned response and can be changed with a little work. Most doctors and sleep experts I've heard have said that sleeping with the tv on is not very healthy. If he could condition himself to sleep without it, he'd probably sleep better. Of course, for that habit to change, he'll have to want to change it. Otherwise, I think separate rooms work best.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    The solution is..... WATCH PORN TOGETHER IN BED

    :laugh: Not much sleeping going on for either of us in that case!! :wink:

    Yeah but then by that point you're so exhausted that you pass out anyways!! :wink: :laugh:

    haha...wear him out!!!! then he wont need the tv. men can seriously conk out after! even if they do not do much work.