Am I really starving myself?



  • cinasana
    cinasana Posts: 40
    "She's not talking about eating 1050 calories net. She's talking about eating that period. She's starving herself"

    You are NOT "starving yourself" eating a daily caloric intake of 1050 calories as stated above. If you want to lose weight, you are not doing anything wrong.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    Depends if you're active or not. If you're losing weight by diet alone, no problem with 1200 cals. If you're moderately active, maybe you want to add some more. If you're very active, you're not fueling your body properly.

    Horses for courses, if you don't like exercise, or you are very overweight, low cal is fine.
  • ladystrange1
    ladystrange1 Posts: 10 Member
    In my opinion, you are doing things right to lose weight.

    This whole "you're starving yourself!!" thing is quite a bit of BS. Think about where that statement is coming's one person who reads it, believes it, spreads the same message, some more people believe it, suddenly there are hundreds of thousands of people all saying that there is this horrid "starvation mode" without having actually done any research on their own parts and generalizing this to be true for everyone and every body type. Do starving people in 3rd world countries suddenly start gaining weight because they aren't eating a daily calorie intake of 1200 calories? lol...Not trying to be a smart *kitten*. These are just the thoughts I have when I read some of these forums. I feel the whole "you aren't eating enough!" is easier to accept and try to rationalize in a society where we all love to OVER consume.

    Finding the actual answer as to whether you are doing the right thing for YOUR body or not, is quite scientific. It takes finding out your BMR, your activity levels, and what your target macro nutrient percentages are (i.e. how much protein/fat/carbs should you be eating on a day when you workout? When you don't workout?).

    But without getting too basic principle is true no matter where you turn....If you want to lose weight, you eat at a calorie deficit. Just as you are doing....Good job

    Once you reach your goal weight, slowly increase your calories so that you maintain your weight you are pleased with.


    I think that a restrictive diet can teach you how to eat all over again, and make every calorie count. I have quit eating anything that comes in a package and have never felt better in my life. I have more energy than ever, and it is my fat that is fueling me. My skin is clear and hair is growing again.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I was on the other board and you said you try to eat:
    a 50cal slice of toast, a salad for lunch, and a potato jacket for tea, every day.

    That is extremely low and has 0 protein or fat, which your body needs.

    If you needed to lose weight for a wedding in a month or so, sure. I'd still up protein and fat though.
    However, you just said you have 50lbs to lose. To lose 50lbs, you need a more sustainable weight loss plan in my opinion.

    I'd be interested in seeing your diary to see your actual numbers, because based on what you said in the other thread, you're lucky if that's 500 calories a day.
  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    The thing is nobody knows your body like you do so if you're feeling good at 1200 calories then I think you're fine doing that until you reach your goal weight. I am at 1200 calories and I feel amazing, better then I have in a long time and losing 1-2lbs a week which is perfectly healthy. The bottom line is listen to what your body is telling you!!! Feel free to add me for support as I believe everybodys weight loss should be custom fit to them and nobody else. I think you are doing great!!!!

    BTW I'm also 5'2" my starting weight was 220lbs right after I had my baby 2-28-12 and my current weight is 167 so eating 1200 calories must be doing something right :wink:
  • 12morepounds
    Do you feel like you're starving yourself? I think if you're limiting your calories, but still not eating right, you could possibly be malnourished, but it sounds like you're fine.

    I've lost and gained weight with two pregnancies, and the ONLY thing that works for me is to count calories and "diet" until the weight comes off. The "diet" helps train me for healthy eating, and between pregnancies I manage to eat healthy and keep my weight down.

    For each delivery, I weighed over 200 pounds. I stayed 200 pounds for my first few months of breastfeeding and laying around the house with a baby. I'm currently 140, hoping to get back down to 130. My wedding weight was 125, but that seems so unrealistic theses days!

    I've found that I can completely stop counting calories once I get to my goal, but that I have to be reasonable about what I eat, no ice cream, bedtime snacks, no sodas, no eating like a growing teenager. Once I hit my goal weight I try to weigh myself once a week so that I know if I need to cut back.

    I work out pretty regularly and I do not take in more calories for calories burned unless i do something really hard like run 10 miles. I do this because I find myself eating something like cookie dough and then telling myself, "Oh, I'll run it off later"

    Good luck with your last leg of weight loss and congratulations on your baby.
  • monica4354
    monica4354 Posts: 22
    MFP gave me 1200 calories. I'm 5'1" and weigh around 125 lbs. I was not losing weight. I was tired, moody, and miserable and didn't have energy for hard workouts.

    I bumped up to 1600 with 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. After a week of adjustment, I'm losing weight again. I have energy and I feel better than I have in a long time.

    When I was on 1200 calories I didn't find it hard to stick to. I have had to really work at eating all my calories and getting all my protein. I am so glad I started listening to what my body was trying to tell me.

    ETA: I can easily go on a super restrictive diet. I won't feel hungry after a few days. Will I lose weight? Nope. I'll lose whatever water weight I may have and then I will slowly gain. My body will go in to the "starvation mode" that many in this thread claim does not exist. I will not get the nutrients that my body needs and I will feel like crap. Your milage may vary. Disordered eating and super restrictive dieting can do permanent damage to your body.
  • AmyB_1992
    AmyB_1992 Posts: 32
    I was on the other board and you said you try to eat:
    a 50cal slice of toast, a salad for lunch, and a potato jacket for tea, every day.

    That is extremely low and has 0 protein or fat, which your body needs.

    If you needed to lose weight for a wedding in a month or so, sure. I'd still up protein and fat though.
    However, you just said you have 50lbs to lose. To lose 50lbs, you need a more sustainable weight loss plan in my opinion.

    I'd be interested in seeing your diary to see your actual numbers, because based on what you said in the other thread, you're lucky if that's 500 calories a day.

    I try to eat up to 250 cal per meal or under I don't think that's too bad. With the whole toast/ salad / jacket potato, I have jam on my toast, mozerella cheese and mayonnaise with my salad and cheese on my jacket potato with a bit of side salad, that can't be too bad either can it?
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Why do you eat back your exercise calories? Isn't the point to lose them?

    Cause it is the best way to do things. Do some research here at MFP .. and you will find that you do not want to cheat your body. You need fuel for your body to work properly when you are exercising. If you don't fuel it properly .. then good things cannot happen. I know .. lots of people have problems with this one, but once you look into it, you will find that it makes very good sense.

    Good luck.
    - Kevin -
  • jsarma
    jsarma Posts: 1
    Run 10 k Monday
    60 mins circuits Tuesday
    Swim 2 k weds
    Rest day thurs
    Run 10 k friday
    45 min spinning plus gym work sat
    Slow 5 k run on sun
    Eat protein and fruit/veg
    Don't count calories, count exercise

    Fit is the new thin
  • fashionosack
    Weight loss is a systematic project, with a purpose and there are plans for a gradual, not be so anxious. A sensible weight loss diet recommendations are the following:
    1, the daily energy intake should be less than the energy consumption caused by the negative balance. Dietary protein, fat and carbohydrate ratio close to normal diet, but the number is slightly reduced. Do not pay attention to diet excessively, to prevent inadequate intake of nutrients.
    2, Do not lose weight too fast, not exceeding 2 kg per month.
    3, diet food they must be able to accept, it would be difficult long-term adherence.
    4, cooking methods must be reasonable. More choice of salad, avoid fried.
    5, on the basis of the diet, supplemented by regular exercise.