Does this ever happen to you?



  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    No I am a complete attention wh*re and I love to hear it. Keeps me motivated. Plus I was fat before for years and years so I will never get tired of the "OMG you have lost loads of weight"

  • imkegoal
    imkegoal Posts: 156 Member
    Someone said that to me today; complimented me on my weight and then said: 'not that you didn't look great before!'.

    I feel more conscious that people compliment me on my weight loss, and I don't know what to reply. I just say thanks and then inform them of how much I have lost.

    My husband scored Brownie point the other day. I was telling him how glad I was I had lost all that weight (34 pounds since Jan and another 12 in the year before) and he said: "I am very proud of you. You seem so much happier within yourself."
    Brilliant answer, as I would have felt insulted if he told me I looked so much beter indeed! ;)

    They just can't win, can they.....
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    It absolutely does not bother me. I know what you're saying, but those are just the words that are appropriate in our language and there isn't much left to express that sentiment. Unless there is some hidden agenda, they mean well. I feel it's a genuine compliment when someone says "wow, you look terrific!" Yes, in my own sarcastic "in my head voice" I may think, "so you're saying I looked like **** before?" but I know my friends are legitimately and genuinely happy for me. My #1 problem is I can't accept a compliment and just say "thank you." I ALWAYS say "well, I've still got a long ways to go" as if negating what I've done. I know that's just my own thing to work on...

    edited to add, I can not believe MFP asterisked out my use of the word "s-h-*- t", above. Really? Are we not all adults here? LOL
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I'm happy when they notice, but perhaps this turns on the pressure to maintain it.
    It's different when you feel the scrutiny, I know.
    Own it, and own the role model that you have become, and revel in it.
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    I LOVE hearing it!!!!! Really cant get enough of the compliments although most of the time i dont know what to say other than thank you lol
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I like to hear it, and can feel the rush of accomplishment when I can tell it is sincere. But, its one of those things that can also definitely be a backhanded compliment.

    LIke when people(really only women) compliment me on my makeup, rather than me.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I love the compliments, but its also kinda like, wow I was that big before that you are noticing my weight loss. But I figure compliments are way better then someone making a comment about me being over weight! Just don't let it get you down! I am sure when someone tells you how good you are looking, they don't mean oh you were super big before, they just mean, holy crap your looking good! I hate people who say they want to lose weight but don't do anything about it, but then make comments that make you feel ****ty! My mom is so 'proud' of me losing weight and keeps asking for my advice and for me to train her but then eats out daily and sits on her *kitten*. Then we go shopping and she makes comments like "oh I remember when you used to be able to wear something like this." THAT PISSES ME OFF WAY MORE THEN COMPLIMENTS! lol at least I am TRYING, what are you doing for yourself mom! haha Keep up the good work, and remember people are noticing for a good reason!
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    I *completely* understand where you are coming from. When I first started on my journey, I couldn't wait for someone, anyone to notice a difference. It took so long (40 lbs) for ANYone to say even one word - then all of a sudden the flood gates opened and they won't stop. It felt great to be recognized for all that hard work, but soon the little voice in the back of my head could only hear "You look fantastic (because you were hideous before)." I think it's just "fat person" esteem issues. :) I try to take it in stride and accept the compliment without the perceived attached (ie:non-existent) negativity.

    I haven't felt this way about compliments to how I am progressing to my weight loss. I take it as it is and I don't read into it. While many individuals out there have body image issues and how they react to a compliment is up to them. They can take it as it is, accept it, and use it as motivation to continue or they can feed an unintended negative emotion and let it tear them down.

    My advise, take it as it is. Don't fall prey to additional false messages. It's not fair to you, nor the person who gave you the compliment.

    Oh and btw, everyone here is looking gggggggggggggggggggggoooooooooooooooood (my best Peanut impression, LOL)
  • melann1974
    melann1974 Posts: 84
    I don't think anyone means "hey, you were really fat and ugly before"... I think they are just noticing that you have put forth an effort and are losing weight. My neighbor has lost a lot of weight and when I see her, I tell her she looks great, not because I thought she was ugly before, but because she has really put forth an effort and I see an amazing transformation. Would you feel better if people didn't notice or comment on your weightloss?

    My husband doesn't seem to notice if I gain/lose weight and some times it seems like "why should I bother?". I have worked hard to lose 26lbs and although I feel better about myself, when my husband doesn't notice that I have lost a lot of weight, it seems like it doesn't matter.

    For me, I do like when people notice and comment on when I lose weight.
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I was really proud of myself a few days ago when even my dad said "I can really tell that you've lost weight". He is usually totally oblivious to these kind of things. It doesn't mean they are saying "you used to be so fat", it means they are saying "you are doing so well, keep it up!" I know it can be hard to see it that way when people aren't quite so polite or encouraging in their wording, but I'd like to think that that is what they generally mean.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I don't think anyone means "hey, you were really fat and ugly before"... I think they are just noticing that you have put forth an effort and are losing weight. My neighbor has lost a lot of weight and when I see her, I tell her she looks great, not because I thought she was ugly before, but because she has really put forth an effort and I see an amazing transformation. Would you feel better if people didn't notice or comment on your weightloss?

    This. Think about it the other way around. What if you had a friend that was obese and then finally turned their life around and started losing the weight? You would be proud of them and say, "wow, you look great" because you're happy for them and their HARD work.

    It's not easy to lose weight so I think when people do it, others are just in awe of the accomplishment and want to tell you so.

    Isn't this what we are here for? I think most of us put in our "reasons to lose weight" some variation on "to look good naked." I know heath is a big reason too, but don't you want people to not just say but to actually think that "you look great?"
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I had lost over 100 pounds and this one lady I know said that I really looked the same and that she never saw me as very overweight. Huh?

    I also had 2 occasions of people completely flabbergasted because they literally didn't recognize me.

    What felt the best though was noticing a woman out the corner of my eye while I was shopping, I eventually looked up and it took a moment to realize it was my own reflection in the stores many mirrors.
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Sometimes it annoys me. I have one coworker in particular who often asks me if I'm losing weight. I usually say no. I think maybe it's the clothing I might be wearing that day because I really haven't put true effort into losing weight until recently. It's nice when people do notice, but I do the same thing as you thought-wise.

    If the co-worker is a guy, this could be his way of showing he likes you and is a way of flirting with you. I hope its not a condescending jerkoff though.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Maybe you need a paradigm shift. You are taking compliments and turning them into negative scrutiny. Perhaps they are well meaning or truly just off handed comments but try to use them as positive encouragement.
    Even for the most cruel and ill meaning ones who at one point did think of you so negatively now they are probably second guessing themselves on their judgment as you have made positive action toward change.

    I say great for you! Be gentle with yourself and try to refocus your internal response. You are doing great, a noticeable physical difference is wonderful thing.

    And I too feel sometimes as if silently they are pointing out the physical flaws I still have. As in "Wow, you have really lost weight. Are you going to work on muscle tone too?" Mostly because once they say it out loud they feel the need to continue analyzing my figure silently making me even more self conscious of the progress I still need to take.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I had lost over 100 pounds and this one lady I know said that I really looked the same and that she never saw me as very overweight. Huh?

    I also had 2 occasions of people completely flabbergasted because they literally didn't recognize me.

    What felt the best though was noticing a woman out the corner of my eye while I was shopping, I eventually looked up and it took a moment to realize it was my own reflection in the stores many mirrors.

    ^^ That is awesome! Congratulations!
  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for all the great comments! I am gonna take a moment to ay amature therapist on myself. My dad has always been obsessed with my weight. He goes overboard with compliments when its down and subtly (and not so) brings up the subject when my weight is up. He has done it since I was in middle school and that has made me feel judged and contributed to a low self esteem. He always meant well, but it always felt bad to me. I finally asked him to quit bringing it up good or bad. So far so good.

    Also...with all the great comments, all of you should join my posse!!! Feel free to add me if you want the same awesome support you are giving me here!
  • JamesterCK
    JamesterCK Posts: 109 Member
    Mostly I like when people notice I'm losing weight; it helps me know my hard work is paying off. The best advice I can give is to not dwell too much on what you think people really mean when they say those things, and just take the comments at face value
  • LoserKat2012
    I have let several people know I have changed my lifestyle and I want to be a better and fit person. I am ok with people saying it looks like you are losing some weight but when they start over doing the comments I get a little disturbed!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I really can't relate. I know I'm fat and I know that everyone else sees my fat. It's just a fact. When I hit my goal weight, I wouldn't even blink if someone said to me, "wow! you were a fat fvck but now you look great!" because it's the truth. To me it's black and white and there's no way around it until the fat is gone.

    same here, but anyone who's close to me knows my situation and knows WHY I'm fat. Not to mention having 2 kids in a year and a half doesn't help... but the kids aren't the reason. It's the hypothyroid issue I have going undiagnosed for over 4 years, and the fact my family went through a house fire and that alone caused and still causes a lot of stress. I've gained 40 lbs just from after the fire.