Losing weight while training for HM

Hi all! I'm training for a half marathon right now. I love running. It is my stress reliever! However, I am trying to lose weight at the same time. Is anyone else in this position or struggled with this in the past and successfully shed some weight while training? If so please share!


  • sskirsty
    sskirsty Posts: 5
    I started training for a half marathon earlier this year and one of my goals, in addition to improving my running, was to lose weight. Since January I've lost a total of 65 pounds and have shaved almost 4 minutes off my mile time. Do you currently keep track of the calories in vs. out? For me, that really helped get my weight loss going. Right now I'm running 4or 5 times a week (dependent on what my training schedule says) and try to get in some strength/cross training 3 or 4 times a week.

    Until I started keeping track of all my calories, I saw some results, but not the big results. Now I log everything I eat to make sure I stay out of starvation mode and in lose weight mode. Good luck on your HM and your weight loss journey! :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Depending on how much weight you have to lose you can train at a caloric deficit, at least in the earlier stages.

    As you start to rack up the longer runs you need those glycogen reserves, try to find your maintenance number (including your training expenditure) otherwise you may find yourself feeling burned out.
  • megdtuttle
    megdtuttle Posts: 25 Member
    I do log what I eat... I guess I'm just not sure at this point if I should be replenishing ALL the calories I'm losing during my runs, or what? And if so do I eat them before/after runs. This probably makes me sound so clueless, and I'll admit that I am completely clueless! I am very good about tracking everything I eat, so it's just the in/out equation that I'm most confused about. Thank you so much for your feedback.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    YES! 2 years ago I lost 60 pounds while training.

    I incorporated the running with a healthy diet AND strength training :)
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    You can do it as long as you don't rack up too much of a daily calorie deficit and are not afraid to eat up to or even slightly over your maintenance level once in a while if you start to feel run down.

    You can get away with a small deficit because many of the calories being burned are from fat and you do not need to replenish that unless you get below the essential fat level, <10-12% for women.

    What has worked for me is an average 250-500 calorie deficit daily. If I start feeling weak I eat more, sometimes several hundred over maintenence.

    Set your macros around 55% Carb, 30% fat, and 15% protein and eat whatever you want. If you want to change that switch some percentage points between fat and protein but leave the carbs high. You probably should not go less than 20% fat as you need that for general health.
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    I've run a couple of half marathons, never lost weight. BUT that was due to the fact that I thought since I ran 10 miles on top of other activities on a Saturday morning, I could go about eating as if the apocalypse was upon us. I was in Lala land back then ha! But on the upside, it got me into incredible cardiovascular shape! After taking a break from HM training, I went to a boxing training center and hired a boxing trainer (he had even trained Olympians) and even though I was overweight, he would seriously get frustrated and complain that he couldn't wear me out! I felt so proud of myself hehe. So, I'm pretty sure if I could have kept my eating in check, I would have lost a lot.

    But my brother works with a guy who lost a ton of weight through running. He now is trim and fit and runs 10 miles every single morning! A bit much IMO, but to each their own!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I just had a look at your ticker and it looks like you're closing in on your goal weight - congratulations.

    How far along are you in your training plan? (How long until the race?)

    It takes a little experimenting to find what works best for you. During the week (when my runs range fro 5 to 10km) I don't really do anything out of the ordinary, in fact I'm a morning person and I run (most days) in a fasted state and then will eat a pretty normal breakfast. On the weekends (especially Sunday which is my long run day) I'll usually fuel up before my run (toast, peanut butter, banana & yogurt 2 to 3 hrs before my run) as I'm expending far more calories than I would midweek. For runs over 90 minutes or so I'll also take some portable energy with me (I make my own gel). (A little OT, if you're planning on using gels & sports drinks for your race try them well in advance of race day. Not everyone tolerates gels well and you may find you prefer brand x over brand y)

    Here's a link to runnersworld.com they have some great information on fueling your runs.

  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I trained for a HM that was a couple months ago while eating at a 400 calorie a day deficit and I lost the last 10 lbs I wanted to lose during that 12 week training cycle. I also PR's in that race by almost 2:00.

    Yes, it can be done. Just eat back those exercise calories.
  • megdtuttle
    megdtuttle Posts: 25 Member
    Brian-- I am set to be running my HM by the 2nd week of August... my run isn't actually until the first week in Oct... but I wanted to be sure I would be totally ready.

    So what ya'll are saying is sticking with my weight loss calorie goal, plus eating back the calories I'm burning during runs is completely acceptable? I am very good about listening to my body so I think I'll plan on that and see what happens!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    So what ya'll are saying is sticking with my weight loss calorie goal, plus eating back the calories I'm burning during runs is completely acceptable? I am very good about listening to my body so I think I'll plan on that and see what happens!
    Right. It's a good feeling when you eat a 500 calorie deficit while eating 3500 calories for the day.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    So what ya'll are saying is sticking with my weight loss calorie goal, plus eating back the calories I'm burning during runs is completely acceptable? I am very good about listening to my body so I think I'll plan on that and see what happens!
    Right. It's a good feeling when you eat a 500 calorie deficit while eating 3500 calories for the day.

  • megdtuttle
    megdtuttle Posts: 25 Member
    thank you thank you thank you!