Weight Loss = Bad Attitude????



  • cdub78
    cdub78 Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, thanks for the responses. I think you are all correct! I know she has some "mommy" issues with never being good enough. As well as the comment from LindaCWY she has told me about people telling her she is obsessed and lost too much weight etc. I have NEVER told her that. I have been nothing but positive with her. She's just really really sensitive right now. For instance, 2 weeks ago we had a HUGE blowup fight and I was seriously considering not talking to her anymore! She quit smoking cigarettes (major achievement I know, I quit almost 2 years ago cold turkey) However, she switched to one of those E-Cigarettes. So we are talking and she says "Aren't you so proud of me for quitting smoking?" Mind you I have told her every time I see her the past 6 weeks that I am proud of her. So I replied with "Yes I am proud of you but I will be 100% proud of you when you quit all together and stop the e-cigarette and break the habit completely" Now mind you this is at a party with about 50 people...she starts screaming at me that I am not supportive and am a bad friend and stormed out of the party!! Party went on just fine without her and I waited a week before asking her if she was done being psycho!!!

    P.S She was being a rude person before she quit the cigarettes so it's not a recent thing
  • blueday617
    blueday617 Posts: 50 Member
    I have a theory about this site, it doesn't include everyone since there are some super cool awesome people. But I think at lot of people suffer from this, they used to be fat and now they feel good about themselves and are getting noticed and stuff.

    For example look at all the fights, debates and sometimes blabber on about who knows what just to see themselves "talk"

    Also, who the heck needs a rate the person above you post that lasts forever....Just saying, I have no problem with that post in ways, compliments make you feel good and sure some people are just curious about their new look.... But if that is what you have to do to feel good about yourself then that is lame...

    Ideally we should become supporters and advocates for a healthy life. We should be able to relate to and not shun people who were just like us. :)

    I agree 100% with this!!!
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    Perhaps she really is just a rude person in general and now she just feel more free to show her true colors now that she's thinner?

    Or maybe she thought if she lost the weight she would be happy and now realizes that is not the case?

    I hope you are able to work things out, it seems like you truly care about her. But at the same time, you really don't need toxic people in your life. A friend of mine had a counselor tell her that there are times that we have to cut people from our lives and sometimes it's a true tragedy, but needs to be done. (Not a exact quote!).
  • Eisskween
    Eisskween Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry to sound harsh here, but there is no legitimate excuse for treating others badly. Your friend obviously forgot what it feels like to be mocked and taunted due to weight issues. She's turned into a self-righteous bully. This is the same as the smoker who quits and then badgers others who have a hard time doing so, or the alcoholic who stopped drinking and makes fun of others not being able to achieve sobriety.

    She needs to be advised that her behavior is unacceptable. Maybe she also needs to be reminded how awful she felt when people bullied her. Shame on her. No matter how much weight you lose, or how pretty you are, sometimes ugly cuts straight through to the bone.

    Good luck to you. If it were me, I'd give her an earful and walk, telling her to call me when the tin man returned her heart.